
The International Office of the Faculty is the main contact point for international exchanges. In particular, the team of the International Office supports students who are interested in spending a semester abroad as well as students from the partner universities who study as guest students at the Faculty.

Please see contact persons and open office hours below.

  • Bianka Jäckel
    Tue 9 - 11 a.m., RuW 1.213
  • Dr. Lars O. Pilz
    Wed 9 - 11 a.m., RuW 1.214

  • Melanie Voigtländer
    Wed 10am-12pm Uhr, RuW 1.242
    You are also welcome to make an appointment by e-mail.



Furthermore, you can also contact the following persons (by appointment):

  • Kurt Hoffmann

    Wed 9 a.m. - 1 p.m., Thu 9 a.m. - 1 p.m, RuW 1.247
    Office or digital appointments on request

  • Lwam Haile Derso

    Tue 10 a.m. - 2 p.m., Thu 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. RuW 1.247
    Office or digital appointments on request

You are also welcome to make an appointment by e-mail. We are looking forward to talking to you. Please inform yourself in advance through our internet pages.

You can find the current contact options below.

Director International Office
RuW 1.213
+49 69 798-34607
+49 69 798-35000
Deputy Dean for Study Matters
RuW 1.214
+49 69 798-34608
+49 69 798-35000
Administration International Office
RuW 1.247
+49 69 798-34834
Melanie Voigtländer
Master Exchange
RuW 1.242
+49 69 798-34624