Bachelor in Economics and Business Administration

This Bachelor’s degree covers a broad range of economics topics and gives you an excellent basis for working in companies, research institutes, public administration, associations and international organizations.

Standard Period of Study
6 semesters
Finance & Accounting, Management
Bachelor of Science

Business administration and Economics are combined in a single degree program, enabling students to develop comprehensive skills in both areas.

Close cooperation with international organizations on site in Frankfurt offers exclusive options for transitioning into the business world.

Program Description

We teach you knowledge that is both theoretical and relevant to professional practice. This empowers you to recognize economic challenges independently and to develop solutions to problems or alternative courses of action on a sound scientific basis.

The curriculum is ambitious and coordinated. The core objective is to impart general methodological skills, i.e. the ability to apply methodical and theoretical principles and to translate scientific findings into responsible action. To achieve this, we offer you a first-class academic environment.

In addition, we support you from your very first day through to planning your career. Learning in small groups and the consideration of ethical aspects when assessing economic contexts contribute to both your personal development and responsible action.

The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Economics & Business Administration is a full-time degree program with a standard period of study of six semesters, in the course of which you must earn 180 ECTS credit points (CP).

Orientation phase
The first year serves as orientation and offers students an initial insight into business administration and political economy as well as the program’s methodological principles. You should have completed the orientation phase, consisting of nine modules, within one year, but at the latest after three semesters.

Qualification phase
The actual program leading to the Bachelor’s examination begins with the qualification phase. The aim of the second year is to examine the core subject areas of business administration and political economy in greater depth. It consists of six foundation modules in the shape of lectures, tutorials and mentoring, an introductory seminar on scientific practice and two compulsory modules in your chosen specialization.

In the third year, you can explore your chosen specialization in greater depth through compulsory elective modules. The economics and business seminar prepares you for writing your Bachelor’s thesis, for which nine weeks are planned.

The standard period of study with all examinations (including the Bachelor’s thesis) is six semesters, but no more than nine semesters. After you have passed the Bachelor’s examination, the Faculty of Economics and Business will confer the academic degree “Bachelor of Science in Economics & Business Administration”.

The aim of the specializations is to develop an individual academic profile. You can pursue your personal interests and preferences and choose from the following specializations:

  • Economics with political economy and econometric modules
  • Finance & Accounting with modules from finance, accounting and auditing
  • Management with modules from organizational planning, human resources, marketing, operations management and business informatics

A core part of your degree program is a semester abroad, which the faculty strongly recommends. To help you, we offer a wide range of attractive opportunities. You can, for example, study at one of the faculty’s 140 renowned partner universities as part of an exchange semester. Studying abroad for a longer period is also possible and leads to an excellent qualification through multiple degrees. For example, you can apply for the new European Triple Bachelor in Economics & Business (EUTribe) in cooperation with the Solvay Brussels School of Economics & Management and the Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali in Rome or for the double Bachelor’s program with the Université Paris Dauphine-PSL. The team at the faculty’s International Office is happy to advise you.

The Bachelor of Science in Economics & Business Administration is aimed at highly motivated new students who are interested in economic issues and contexts and have a sound knowledge of English and mathematics.

Admission to this degree program is restricted (numerus clausus = NC). 20% of places are allocated on the basis of the waiting period and 80% on the basis of the average grade of the university entrance qualification. The waiting period is the time between completing your university entrance qualification (e.g. German Abitur) and applying for admission (semesters elsewhere do not count).

Admission to the Bachelor’s degree program is possible in both the winter and the summer semester:

  • The application phase for the 2025/26 winter semester begins on June 1, 2025, and ends on July 15, 2025.
  • The application phase for the 2026 summer semester begins on December 1, 2025, and ends on January 15, 2026.

You can find here all the lecture periods as well as important dates and deadlines for the current and upcoming semesters.

Important: You must first register on the portal before you can apply for the first semester. Without the respective Applicant ID (BID) and Applicant Authentication Number (BAN), you cannot apply!

All important information regarding the application procedure and an explanatory video are available on the university’s central applications website.

The Faculty of Economics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt appears regularly in important national and international rankings.

Should you have any questions about the degree program and would like some personal advice, please contact Student Counseling.

Program Description
A great place to study

Frankfurt is a major financial hub and the headquarters of important institutions such as the ECB, but many employers in other sectors are also located here.

That is why we work closely with strong partners from the private sector and public institutions. In lectures and seminars, experts from professional practice share their insider knowledge.

Get to know our Westend Campus and its prime Frankfurt location

Our Westend Campus near the city center features generous green spaces, modern buildings that meet the latest technical standards, and excellent transport links. Watch the video for a first glimpse of the feel-good factor at Goethe University Frankfurt!


There are big celebrations once a year for all our graduates!

The Bachelor Graduation Ceremony is the cherry on the cake that marks the successful completion of your degree program. We look back on your time as a student and remember this very special time in your life. Click here to watch a video of the celebrations.

Student Counseling
Should you have any questions about the degree program, please contact Student Counseling.
Get to know the professors teaching on the degree program.
Apply now
Apply from June 01 and by July 15 2025 to start studying in the 2025 winter semester. We look forward to receiving your application!