Non-Standard Errors
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Benjamin Clapham, Albert J. Menkveld, Anna Dreber, Felix Holzmeister, Juergen Huber, Magnus Johannesson, Michael Kirchler, Michael Razen, Utz Weitzel, Jens Lausen
A consumer perspective on Corporate Digital Responsibility: an empirical evaluation of consumer preferences
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Kim Carl, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Jan Zibuschka, Oliver Hinz
The Art of Slowness: Slow Motion Enhances Consumer Evaluations by Increasing Processing Fluency
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Anika Stuppy, Jan Landwehr, A. Peter McGraw
The emergence of an entrepreneurial ecosystem: the interplay between early entrepreneurial activity and public policy in the Korean online gaming industry
Erschienen in: Industry and Innovation
Cornelia Storz, Steven Casper, Marcela Miozzo
What Moves Markets?
Erscheint in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Maik Schmeling, Mark Kerßenfischer
State of the Art: Q Methodology
Erschienen in: Information Systems and e-Business Management
Roland Holten, Vanessa Kohn-Refaat, Muriel-Larissa Frank
The Carrot and the Stick: Bank Bailouts and the Disciplining Role of Board Appointments
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Loriana Pelizzon, Christian Mücke, Vincenzo Pezone, Anjan Thakor
Sustainable Finance: A Journey Toward ESG and Climate Risk
Erschienen in: International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics
Loriana Pelizzon, Monica Billio, Michele Costola, Iva Hristova, Carmelo Latino
Accessing the Untapped Brand Leverage Potential: A Strategic Framework from a Capital Market View
Erschienen in: Management Science
Marc Fischer, Simone Wies
EXPRESS: How Insurance Prices Affect Consumers’ Purchase Decisions: Insurance Price as a Risk Signal
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Jochen Reiner, Julia Wamsler, Torsten Bornemann, Martin Natter
The Relative Effectiveness of Conditioning One or Two Attributes to a Brand
Erschienen in: Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied
Jan Landwehr, Lisa Eckmann, Fabia Högden, Christian Unkelbach
Anthropomorphic Sad Expressions Reduce Waste of “Single” Imperfect Food
Erschienen in: Psychology & Marketing
Jan Landwehr, Lisa Eckmann, Daniel Wentzel, Svenja Gerecht
A long-term analysis of research unbundling: implications for research provision and market quality
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Benjamin Clapham, Peter Gomber, Micha Bender, Tino Cestonaro
Spillover effects of private equity investment on industry competitors
Erscheint in: European Financial Management
Huynh Sang Truong, Uwe Walz
Wie können Corporate-Digital-Responsibility-Aktivitäten gemessen werden? Ein Ansatz mit Hilfe eines automatisierten Tools
Erschienen in: Transfer. Werbeforschung und Praxis
Kim Carl, Thomas Arnold, Nataliia Medzhybovska, Iryna Gurevych, Oliver Hinz
What We Already Know About Corporate Digital Responsibility in IS Research: A Review and Conceptualization of Potential CDR Activities
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Kim Carl, Oliver Hinz
Sustainable Finance versus Environmental Policy: Does Greenwashing justify a Taxonomy for Sustainable Investments?
Erscheint in: Journal of Financial Economics
Roman Inderst, Marcus Opp
Price Promotions as a Threat to Brands
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Roman Inderst, Martin Obradovits
Out‐of‐sample predictability of firm‐specific stock price crashes: A machine learning approach
Erscheint in: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Devrimi Kaya, Doron Reichmann, Milan Reichmann
The TikTok Equation: How Congruence Drives Influencer Marketing Success — A Mixed-Methods Study
Erschienen in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
Rebecca Heigl, Patrick Weber, Oliver Hinz
How training quality, trainer competence, and satisfaction with training affect vocational identification of apprentices in vocational education programs.
Erschienen in: Frontiers in Psychology
Eveline Wuttke, Karin Heinrichs, Kristina Kögler, Andreas Just
Strategic Ignorance and Procedural Fairness Preferences
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Ferdinand von Siemens
Understanding Markets with Socially Responsible Consumers
Erschienen in: Quarterly Journal of Economics
Marc Kaufmann, Peter Andre, Botond Kőszegi
Shallow Meritocracy
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Peter Andre
Misperceived Social Norms and Willingness to Act Against Climate Change
Erscheint in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva, Felix Chopra, Armin Falk
Using machine learning to predict patent lawsuits
Erschienen in: International Review of Law and Economics
Steffen Juranek
Does Central Bank Tone Move Asset Prices?
Erscheint in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Maik Schmeling, Christian Wagner
The Economics of 'Buy Now, Pay Later': A Merchant'S Perspective
Erscheint in: Journal of Financial Economics
Tobias Berg, Valentin Burg, Jan Keil, Manju Puri
Opportunities for self-preferencing in international online marketplaces
Erschienen in: International Marketing Review
Lukas Jürgensmeier, Jan Bischoff, Bernd Skiera
Sticky Prices or Sticky Wages? An Equivalence Result
Erscheint in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Mathias Trabandt, Florin O. Bilbiie
Bundling and Line Extensions in Distribution Channels
Erscheint in: Management Science
Roman Inderst, Fabian Griem, Greg Shaffer
New Laws and Regulation
Erscheint in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Jella Pfeiffer, Jens F. Lachenmaier, Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst
More Than a Bot? The Impact of Disclosing Human Involvement on Customer Interactions with Hybrid Service Agents
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Ulrich Gnewuch, Stefan Morana, Oliver Hinz, Ralf Kellner, Alexander Maedche
The faster, the better? The impact of short delivery times on product returns in online retailing
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Simon Masuch, Jan Landwehr, Christoph M. Flath, Frédéric Thiesse
Generative AI for scalable feedback to multimodal exercises
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Lukas Jürgensmeier, Bernd Skiera
Embracing entrepreneurship in the creator economy: The rise of creatrepreneurs
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Alexander Edeling, Simone Wies
Mutual Fund Shareholder Letters: Flows, Performance, and Managerial Behavior
Erscheint in: Management Science
Alexander Hillert, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi, Stefan Ruenzi
The Internet of Value: Unleashing the Blockchain’s Potential with Tokenization
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Björn Hanneke, Oliver Hinz, Jella Pfeiffer, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Smart Green Nudging: Reducing Product Returns Through Digital Footprints and Causal Machine Learning
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Moritz von Zahn, Kevin Bauer, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Johanna Jagow, Maximilian Speicher, Oliver Hinz
Applications of Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Finance—a systematic review of Finance, Information Systems, and Computer Science literature
Erschienen in: Management Review Quarterly
Patrick Weber, Kim Carl, Oliver Hinz
The demand for central clearing: To clear or not to clear, that is the question!
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Stability
Loriana Pelizzon, Mario Bellia, Giulio Girardi, Roberto Panzica, Tuomas Peltonen
Sectoral Asset Concentrations and Insurance Solvency Regulation
Erschienen in: Journal of Insurance Regulation
Helmut Gründl, Fabian Regele
Teaching marketing analytics: a pricing case study for quantitative and substantive marketing skills
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Analytics
Bernd Skiera, Lukas Jürgensmeier
This Is Why We Pay – Motivational Factors for Supporting Subscription-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Roland Holten, Hendrik Jöntgen, Nicholas Valentin Lingnau, Oliver Hinz
Corporate culture and M&A deals: Using text from crowdsourced employer reviews to measure cultural differences
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Tobias Hertel, Devrimi Kaya, Doron Reichmann
Digital Democracy: A Wake-Up Call
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Christof Weinhardt, Jonas Fegert, Oliver Hinz, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
Predictive ability tests with possibly overlapping models
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Daniel Gutknecht, Valentina Corradi, Jack Fosten
Overwhelming targeting options: Selecting audience segments for online advertising
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Iman Ahmadi, Nadia Abou Nabout, Bernd Skiera, Elham Maleki, Johannes Fladenhofer
Market Liquidity and Competition Among Designated Market Makers
Erschienen in: Management Science
Loriana Pelizzon, Mario Bellia, Marti G. Subrahmanyam, Darya Yuferova
Collateral eligibility of corporate debt in the Eurosystem
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Loriana Pelizzon, Max Riedel, Zorka Simon, Marti G. Subrahmanyam
Testing Quantile Forecast Optimality
Erschienen in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Daniel Gutknecht, Marc-Oliver Pohle, Jack Fosten
International migration and illegal costs: Evidence from Africa-to-Europe smuggling routes
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Guido Friebel, Miriam Manchin, Mariapia Mendola, Giovanni Prarolo
When Liability Is Not Enough: Regulating Bonus Payments in Markets with Advice
Erschienen in: Management Science
Roman Inderst, Jun Honda, Marco Ottaviani
Structural Change within the Services Sector and the Future of Cost Disease
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Georg Dürnecker, Berthold Herrendorf, Ákos Valentinyi
Worker mobility and UI extensions
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Johannes Gönsch, Andreas Gulyas, Ioannis Kospentaris
Abuse of Dominance and Sustainability
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Loss Sharing in Central Clearinghouses: Winners and Losers
Erschienen in: Review of Asset Pricing Studies
Loriana Pelizzon, Mila Getmansky Sherman, Christian Kubitza
Privatsphärenfreundliche Plattformgeschäftsmodelle
Erschienen in: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit
Björn Hanneke, Lorenz Baum, Christian H. Schunck, Oliver Hinz
The Cost of Wage Rigidity
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Ester Faia, Vincenzo Pezone
Policy Making in the Financial Industry: A Framework for Regulatory Impact Analysis Using Textual Analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Benjamin Clapham, Micha Bender, Jens Lausen, Peter Gomber
Joint Hypothesis Testing from Heterogeneous Samples under Cross-dependence
Erscheint in: Econometrics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Human Versus Automated Sales Agents: How and Why Customer Responses Shift Across Sales Stages
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Martin Adam, Konstantin Röthke, Alexander Benlian
Killing Prescriptions Softly: Low Emission Zones and Child Health from Birth to School
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Felix Holub, Hannah Klauber, Nicolas Koch, Nico Pestel, Nolan Ritter, Alexander Rohlf
How AI-Based Systems can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work
Erschienen in: Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly)
Oliver Hinz, Benjamin M. Abdel-Karim, Nicolas Pfeuffer, Kim Carl
Credit Supply Shocks: Financing Real Growth or Takeovers?
Erschienen in: Review of Corporate Finance Studies
Tobias Berg, Daniel Streitz, Michael Wedow
Lessons on employees' digital resilience from COVID-19-induced transitions to remote work–a mixed methods study
Erschienen in: Journal of Enterprise Information Management
Roland Holten, Vanessa Kohn-Refaat, Muriel-Larissa Frank
Market-Triggered Contingent Capital with Incomplete Information
Erscheint in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Tobias Berg, Eva Schliephake
Government bond rates and interest expenditure of large euro member states: A scenario analysis
Erschienen in: International Finance
Volker Wieland, Veronika Grimm, Lukas Nöh
Intercept Estimation in Nonlinear Selection Models
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, Daniel Gutknecht
Competition Policy and the Environment
Erschienen in: Annual Review of Resource Economics
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Explanatory Interactive Machine Learning
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Nicolas Pfeuffer, Lorenz Baum, Wolfgang Stammer, Benjamin M. Abdel-Karim, Patrick Schramowski, Andreas M. Bucher, Christian Hügel, Gernot Rohde, Kristian Kersting, Oliver Hinz
Trust in Difficult People: A Social Network Perspective
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Studies
Sonja Opper, Na Zou
Designing Expert-Augmented Clinical Decision Support Systems to Predict Mortality Risk in ICUs
Erschienen in: Künstliche Intelligenz
Johannes Chen, Maximilian Lowin, Domenic Kellner, Oliver Hinz, Elisabeth Hannah Adam, Angelo Ippolito, Katharina Wenger-Alakmeh
Feedback loops in machine learning: A study on the interplay of continuous updating and human discrimination
Erschienen in: Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Oliver Hinz, Kevin Bauer, Rebecca Heigl, Michael Kosfeld
Lighting Up the Dark: Liquidity in the German Corporate Bond Market
Erschienen in: Journal of Fixed Income
Yalin Gündüz, Loriana Pelizzon, Michael Schneider, Marti G. Subrahmanyam
New Results in Capital Theory and Implications for the Theory of Inflation
Erschienen in: Ensayos Economicos
Bertram Schefold
How Expressing One's Likes and Dislikes Affects Enjoyment: A Replication
Erschienen in: Marketing Letters
Jan Landwehr, Julia Sophie Wittich, Daniel Wentzel
Profit Shifting, Withholding Taxes on Royalties, and Tax Competition
Erschienen in: Canadian Journal of Economics
Steffen Juranek
Personal Communication in a Fintech World: Evidence from Loan Payments
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Christine Laudenbach, Jenny Pirschel, Stephan Siegel
Biases in Information Selection and Processing: Survey Evidence from the Pandemic
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Ester Faia, Vincenzo Pezone, Andreas Fuster, Basit Zafar
Firm Competition and Cooperation with Norm-Based Preferences for Sustainability
Erschienen in: Journal of Industrial Economics
Roman Inderst, Eftichios Sartzetakis, Anastasios Xepapadeas
Fixed and Variable Longevity Annuities in Defined Contribution Plans: Optimal Retirement Portfolios Taking Social Security into Account
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell
Recruitment Policies, Job-Filling Rates, and Matching Efficiency
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Leo Kaas, Hermann Gartner, Carlos Carrillo-Tudela
Expl(AI)ned: The Impact of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Users’ Information Processing
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Kevin Bauer, Moritz von Zahn, Oliver Hinz
Rescue Policies for Small Businesses in the COVID-19 Recession
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Leo Kaas, Haomin Wang, Alessandro Di Nola
The Importance of Modeling Income Taxes Over Time: U.S. Reforms and Outcomes
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Margherita Borella, Mariacristina De Nardi, Michael Pak, Nicolo Russo, Fang Yang
Ranking the Ranker: How to Evaluate Institutions, Researchers, Journals, and Conferences?
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz, Christof Weinhardt
Why (European) Antitrust Law Should Not Treat Labor Markets Differently
Erschienen in: Antitrust Chronicle
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Legal Design in Sustainable Antitrust
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Understanding Post-COVID Inflation Dynamics
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Martín Harding, Jesper Lindé, Mathias Trabandt
How do likes influence revenue? A randomized controlled field experiment
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Jörn Grahl, Oliver Hinz, Franz Rothlauf, Benjamin M. Abdel-Karim, Cristina Mihale-Wilson
Tone management and stock price crash risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Doron Reichmann
Omitted Budget Constraint Bias and Implications for Competitive Pricing
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Thomas Otter, Max Pachali, Peter Kurz
Measuring Evidence for Mediation in the Presence of Measurement Error
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Thomas Otter, Arash Laghaie
Social preferences and sales performance
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Michael Kosfeld, Andrea Essl, Frauke von Bieberstein, Markus Kröll
Digital creatives and digital engineers: entrepreneurial firms, institutional context, and the organization of innovation
Erschienen in: Socio-Economic Review
Cornelia Storz, Marcela Miozzo, Steven Casper
Technology for Humanity
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Antonia Meythaler, Annika Baumann, Hanna Krasnova, Oliver Hinz, Sarah Spiekermann
Economic consequences of online tracking restrictions: Evidence from cookies
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Klaus Miller, Bernd Skiera
Out-of sample tests for conditional quantile coverage an application to Growth-at-Risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Daniel Gutknecht, Valentina Corradi, Jack Fosten
Networks in risk spillovers: A multivariate GARCH perspective
Erschienen in: Econometrics and Statistics
Monica Billio, Massimiliano Caporin, Lorenzo Frattarolo, Loriana Pelizzon
Pricing and Product Positioning with Relative Consumer Preferences
Erschienen in: Journal of Industrial Economics
Roman Inderst, Martin Obradovits
Face-to-face: Three facial features that may turn the scale in close electoral races
Erschienen in: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Jan Landwehr, Michaela Wänke
Block-recursive equilibria in heterogeneous-agent models
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Leo Kaas
Improved healthcare disaster decision-making utilizing information extraction from complementary social media data during the COVID-19 pandemic
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Domenic Kellner, Maximilian Lowin, Oliver Hinz
Do required minimum distribution 401(k) rules matter, and for whom? Insights from a lifecycle model
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia S. Mitchell
When Should Retirees Tap Their Home Equity?
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Christoph Hambel, Holger Kraft, André Meyer-Wehmann
Exploring the market risk profiles of US and European stock insurers
Erschienen in: Risk Management and Insurance Review
Helmut Gründl, Mark Browne, Nicolaus Grochola, Sebastian Schlütter
Normativity in Homannian ethics
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik
Gerhard Minnameier
The Leading Premium
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Mariano M Croce, Tatyana Marchuk, Christian Schlag
Pro-environmental voting when climate change is made salient: Evidence from high-resolution flooding data
Erschienen in: PLOS Climate
Felix Holub, Matthias Schündeln
Quantum Computing
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Michael Nofer, Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst, Christof Weinhardt
Perfect Numbers
Erschienen in: Euleriana
Uwe Hassler
The ‘Fetters of the Sib’ in an uncertain business environment - an experimental study in Burkina Faso
Erschienen in: Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
Björn Vollan, Myriam Hadnes, Marco Nilgen, Michael Kosfeld
From fact to fake: The importance of being significant
Erschienen in: Research in Statistics
Uwe Hassler
Refugees welcome? Understanding the regional heterogeneity of anti-refugee hate crime
Erschienen in: Regional Science and Urban Economics
Horst Entorf, Martin Lange
Responsible Investment and Stock Market Shocks: Short-Term Insurance without Persistence
Erschienen in: British Journal of Management
Jana Eisenkopf, Steffen Juranek, Uwe Walz
Spoilt for choice: Determinants of market shares in fragmented equity markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Markets
Peter Gomber, Satchit Sagade, Erik Theissen, Moritz Christian Weber, Christian Westheide
Why do some entrepreneurs thrive? A network content perspective
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Cornelia Storz, Na Zou
Social Benefits and Private Costs of Driving Restriction Policies: The Impact of Madrid Central on Congestion, Pollution, and Consumer Spending
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Jose Enrique Galdon-Sanchez, Ricard Gil, Felix Holub, Guillermo Uriz-Uharte
On the Optimal Design of Transfers and Income Tax Progressivity
Erschienen in: Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics
Axelle Ferriere, Philipp Grübener, Gaston Navarro, Oliko Vardishvili
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending Risk Management: Assessing Credit Risk on Social Lending Platforms Using Textual Factors
Erschienen in: ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems
Michael Siering
How to Alleviate Correlation Neglect in Investment Decisions
Erschienen in: Management Science
Christine Laudenbach, Michael Ungeheuer, Martin Weber
Managerial Duties and Managerial Biases
Erschienen in: Management Science
Ulrike Malmendier, Vincenzo Pezone, Hui Zheng
Forecasting under Long Memory
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Econometrics
Marc-Oliver Pohle, Uwe Hassler
Feeling the Future? Mixed Empirical Evidence for a Link between Processing Fluency and Judgments about Future Probability
Erschienen in: Social Psychological and Personality Science
Svenja Winkler, Jan Landwehr, Torsten Bornemann
Mapping Market Structure Evolution
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Maximilian Matthe, Daniel M. Ringel, Bernd Skiera
Finding Goldilocks Influencers: How Follower Count Drives Social Media Engagement
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Simone Wies, Alexander Bleier, Alexander Edeling
Testing for quantile sample selection
Erschienen in: Econometrics Journal
Daniel Gutknecht, Valentina Corradi
Excessive Competition on Headline Prices
Erschienen in: International Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Martin Obradovits
Switching from commissions on mutual funds to flat-fees: How are advisory clients affected?
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Andreas Hackethal, Steffen Meyer, Charline Uhr, Benjamin Loos
Extreme Inflation and Time-Varying Expected Consumption Growth
Erschienen in: Management Science
Ilya Dergunov, Christoph Meinerding, Christian Schlag
Using Grouped Data to Estimate Revenue Heterogeneity in Online Advertising Auctions
Erschienen in: AEA Papers and Proceedings
Nils Breitmar, Matthew Harding, Carlos Lamarche
Do Investors Care about Impact?
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Florian Heeb, Julian F Kölbel, Falko Paetzold, Stefan Zeisberger
Poverty and perseverance: The detrimental effect of poverty on effort provision
Erschienen in: Journal of Development Economics
Zahra Sharafi-Avarzaman
Towards an Amended Arm’s Length Principle - Tackling complexity and implementing destination rules in transfer pricing
Erschienen in: Intertax
Anna Rohlfing-Bastian, Stefan Greil, Michael Overesch, Ulrich Schreiber, Caren Sureth-Sloane
Fund ownership, wealth, and risk-taking: Evidence on private equity managers
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Uwe Walz, Carsten Bienz, Karin Thorburn
Impact of Public News Sentiment on Stock Market Index Return and Volatility
Erschienen in: Computational Management Science
Loriana Pelizzon, Gianluca Anese, Marco Corazza, Michele Costola
The 30 Years' War and Violent Crime in the Late 19th Century
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Matthias Heinz, Guido Friebel, Stefan Pasch, Navid Sabet
Welcome to the Era of ChatGPT et al.
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Timm Teubner, Christoph M. Flath, Christof Weinhardt, Wil van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz
Which collaborations allow firms to become gatekeepers? A longitudinal analysis of a large-scale collaboration network
Erschienen in: European Management Journal
Nicolas Zacharias, Dace Daldere, Oliver Hinz
On the role of monetary incentives in risk preference elicitation experiments
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Andreas Hackethal, Christine Laudenbach, Michael Razen, Michael Kirchler, Annika Weber
Innovation Imprinting: Why Some Firms Beat the Post-IPO Innovation Slump
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Simone Wies, Christine Moorman, Rajesh K. Chandy
Investigating the effect of status changes in review platforms
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Bernd Skiera, Ali Tamaddoni, Satheesh Seenivasan, Jason I. Pallant
Uncertainty premia in REIT returns
Erschienen in: Real Estate Economics
Daniel Ruf, Johannes Strobel, Marton Lotz
Responsible investments in life insurers’ optimal portfolios under solvency constraints
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Helmut Gründl, Sebastian Schlütter, Emmanuel Fianu
The Fiscal and Welfare Effects of Policy Responses to the Covid-19 School Closures
Erschienen in: IMF Economic Review
Alexander Ludwig, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Dirk Krueger, Etienne Lalé, André Kurmann, Irina Popova
Turning out for redistribution: the effect of voter turnout on top marginal tax rates
Erschienen in: Public Choice
Navid Sabet
How Sociotechnical Realignment and Sentiments Concerning Remote Work are Related: Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Vanessa Kohn-Refaat, Muriel-Larissa Frank, Roland Holten
The impact of network connectivity on factor exposures, asset pricing, and portfolio diversification
Erschienen in: International Review of Economics and Finance
Loriana Pelizzon, Monica Billio, Massimiliano Caporin, Roberto Panzica
The role of individual audit partners for narrative disclosures
Erschienen in: Review of Accounting Studies
Christoph Mauritz, Martin Nienhaus, Christopher Oehler
What do Employee Referral Programs (ERPs) Do? Measuring the Direct and Overall Effects of a Management Practice
Erschienen in: Journal of Political Economy
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Mitchell Hoffman, Nick Zubanov
The Impact of High-Frequency Trading on Modern Securities Markets – An Analysis Based on a Technical Interruption
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Benjamin Clapham, Martin Haferkorn, Kai Zimmermann
Good Bye Lenin Revisited: East-West Preferences Three Decades after German Reunification
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Mariia Bondar, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Sustainable Systems Engineering
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz, Christof Weinhardt
Institutional Investors, Households, and the Time-Variation in Expected Stock Returns
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Rüdiger Weber
Pandemic Portfolio Choice
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Holger Kraft, Farina Weiss
University satellite institutes as exogenous facilitators of technology transfer ecosystem development
Erschienen in: Journal of Technology Transfer
Cornelia Storz, Henning Kroll, Marcus Conlé, Tobias Ten Brink
User Cognition Antecedents of Smart Assistant Systems in Cars
Erschienen in: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
Oliver Hinz, Katharina Keller, Hendrik Jöntgen, Benjamin M. Abdel-Karim
A jumping index of jumping stocks? An MCMC analysis of continuous-time models for individual stocks
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Alessandro Pollastri, Paulo Rodrigues, Christian Schlag, Norman J. Seeger
What is that noise? Analysing sentiment-based variation in central bank communication
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Bernd Hayo, Johannes Zahner
Unrealistic Optimism Regarding Artificial Intelligence Opportunities in Human Resource Management
Erschienen in: International Journal of Knowledge Management
Patrick Weber
Machine learning sentiment analysis, COVID-19 news and stock market reactions
Erschienen in: Research in International Business and Finance
Oliver Hinz, Michele Costola, Michael Nofer, Loriana Pelizzon
Too Drained from Being Agile? The Self-Regulatory Effects of the Use of Agile ISD Practices and their Consequences on Turnover Intention
Erschienen in: Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Lea Müller, Alexander Benlian
Turnaround in hectic times: the influence of CEO attributes under different market conditions
Erschienen in: International Journal of Management Development
Lars Schweizer, Andreas Nienhaus
Nachhaltigkeit und Wettbewerbsrecht
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsdienst
Roman Inderst
Berufliche Identität, Identifikation und Beruflichkeit – Eine Verortung aus der Perspektive einer theoriegeleiteten empirischen Berufsbildungsforschung.
Erschienen in: Bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik online
Eveline Wuttke, Karin Heinrichs, Kristina Kögler
Bank consolidation, interest rates, and risk: A post-merger analysis based on loan-level data from the corporate sector
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Steffen Juranek
Designing a feature selection method based on explainable artificial intelligence
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Oliver Hinz, Jan Zacharias, Moritz von Zahn, Johannes Chen
Should the global community welcome new oil discoveries?
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
Sylwia Bialek, Alfons Weichenrieder
If humans fail, machines take action: assessment of accounting error detection using machine learning
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economics and Accounting
Marius Gros, Anika Hanke
BISE Student
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Ali Sunyaev, Christof Weinhardt, Wil van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz
§ 32f RefE-GWB: ein Wirtschaftsgesetz ohne hinreichende ökonomische Grundlage
Erschienen in: Neue Zeitschrift für Kartellrecht
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
The Effect of Executive Equity Incentives on Beating Analysts’ Forecasts
Erschienen in: Review of Accounting Studies
Martin Nienhaus
Innovation in emerging economies: How do university-industry linkages and public procurement matter for small businesses?
Erschienen in: Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Cornelia Storz, Tobias Ten Brink, Na Zou
Tracking the rise of robots: A survey ofthe IFR database and its applications
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Rainer Klump, Anne Jurkat, Florian Schneider
Sustainability Agreements in the European Commission’s Draft Horizontal Guidelines
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Monetary policy expectation errors
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf, Sigurd Steffensen
Experiential learning, M&A performance, and post-acquisition integration strategy: A meta-analysis
Erschienen in: Long Range Planning
Eva Koscher, Lars Schweizer, Le Wang, Björn Michaelis
Informative Social Interactions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Michael Haliassos, Chryssi Giannitsarou, Hector Calvo Pardo, Luc Arrondel
How Do Privacy Laws Impact the Value for Advertisers, Publishers and Users in the Online Advertising Market? A Comparison of the EU, US and China
Erschienen in: Journal of Creating Value
Bernd Skiera, Yuxi Jin
Some Interactions Are More Equal Than Others: The Effect of Influencer Endorsements in Social Media Brand Posts on Engagement and Online Store Performance
Erschienen in: Journal of Interactive Marketing
Adrian Waltenrath, Christoph Brenner, Oliver Hinz
Artificial intelligence, ethics, and intergenerational responsibility
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Victor Klockmann, Alicia von Schenk, Marie Claire Villeval
Complexity of ECB communication and financial market trading
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Bernd Hayo, Kai Henseler, Marc Steffen Rapp, Johannes Zahner
FinTech Lending
Erschienen in: Annual Review of Financial Economics
Tobias Berg, Andreas Fuster, Manju Puri
Risk pooling, intermediation efficiency, and the business cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Loriana Pelizzon, Pietro Dindo, Andrea Modena
Nothing but good intentions: the search for equity and stock price crash risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Doron Reichmann, Rouven Möller, Tobias Hertel
Overcoming the negative role of nostalgia in consumer reactions to automated products
Erschienen in: Journal of Product Innovation Management
Ju-Young Kim, Sven Feurer, Patrick Kremer, Steve Hoeffler
Using Information-Seeking Argument Mining to Improve Service
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Research
Bernd Skiera, Shunyao Yan, Johannes Daxenberger, Marcus Dombois, Iryna Gurevych
Does every accounting issue need a solution?
Erschienen in: Accounting and Business Research
Katharina Hombach, Thorsten Sellhorn
Structural Transformation of Occupation Employment
Erschienen in: Economica
Georg Dürnecker, Berthold Herrendorf
Konjunkturzyklen in Deutschland – die Datierung durch den Sachverständigenrat
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Sebastian Breuer, Steffen Elstner, Florian Kirsch, Volker Wieland
Covid-Induced School Closures in the United States and Germany: Long-Term Distributional Effects
Erschienen in: Economic Policy
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Buildings’ Energy Efficiency and the Probability of Mortgage Default: The Dutch Case
Erschienen in: Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
Monica Billio, Michele Costola, Loriana Pelizzon, Max Riedel
Consuming Dividends
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Konstantin Bräuer, Andreas Hackethal, Tobin Hanspal
How Does the Adoption of Ad Blockers Affect News Consumption?
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Shunyao Yan, Klaus Miller, Bernd Skiera
The effects of advertisement disclosure on heavy and light Instagram users
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Zofia Saternus, Patrick Weber, Oliver Hinz
Sustainability Agreements and Social Norms
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht
Roman Inderst, Felix Rhiel, Stefan Thomas
COVID-19, bank deposits, and lending
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Özlem Dursun-de Neef, Alexander Schandlbauer
Trade openness and growth: A network‐based approach
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Econometrics
Georg Dürnecker, Moritz Meyer, Fernando Vega‐Redondo
Lower price increases, the bounded rationality of bidders, and underbidding concerns in online agricultural land auctions: The Ukrainian case
Erschienen in: Journal of Agricultural Economics
Olena Myrna
Structural change in labor supply and cross-country differences in hours worked
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Hitoshi Tsujiyama, Alexander Bick, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, David Lagakos
Intelligence augmentation: rethinking the future of work by leveraging human performance and abilities
Erschienen in: Virtual Reality
David Harborth, Katharina Kümpers
Second Screening—The Influence of Concurrent TV Consumption on Online Shopping Behavior
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Oliver Hinz, Shawndra Hill, Amit Sharma
Design and Implementation of a Historical German Firm-level Financial Database
Erschienen in: ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality
Dennis Gram, Pantelis Karapanagiotis, Marius Liebald, Uwe Walz
Health Externalities and Policy: The Role of Social Preferences
Erschienen in: Management Science
Ester Faia, Laura Alfaro, Nora Lamersdorf, Farzad Saidi
The CEO beauty premium: Founder CEO attractiveness and firm valuation in initial coin offerings
Erschienen in: Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Massimo G. Colombo, Christian Fisch, Paul Momtaz, Silvio Vismara
Damage Calculation and Mitigation in Retailing in the Presence of Store Brands (with an Application to the German Coffee Cartel)
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Raphael Kuhlmann
Prospective Welfare Analysis—Extending Willingness-To-Pay Assessment to Embrace Sustainability
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Multi-Stakeholder Service Placement via Iterative Bargaining With Incomplete Information
Erschienen in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking
Artur Sterz, Patrick Felka, Bernd Simon, Sabrina Klos, Anja Klein, Oliver Hinz, Bernd Freisleben
Metaverse: How to Approach Its Challenges from a BISE Perspective
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Christian Peukert, Christof Weinhardt, Oliver Hinz, Wil M. P. van der Aalst
A Processual Perspective on Whole-Class-Scaffolding in Business Education
Erschienen in: International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
Rico Hermkes, Gerhard Minnameier, Manon Heuer-Kinscher
Bayesian Customer Profiling
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Arnaud De Bruyn, Thomas Otter
Unlucky Number 13? Manipulating Evidence Subject to Snooping
Erschienen in: International Statistical Review
Marc-Oliver Pohle, Uwe Hassler
Exchange Rates and Sovereign Risk
Erschienen in: Management Science
Maik Schmeling, Lucio Sarno, Christian Wagner, Pasquale Della Corte
From reswitching to zero substitution: A surprising turn in the debate on capital theory
Erschienen in: Acta Oeconomica
Bertram Schefold
When You Talk, I Remain Silent: Spillover Effects of Peers' Mandatory Disclosures on Firms' Voluntary Disclosures
Erschienen in: Accounting Review
Matthias Breuer, Katharina Hombach, Maximilian A. Müller
A Pay Change and Its Long-Term Consequences
Erschienen in: Journal of Labor Economics
Miriam Krueger, Guido Friebel
Explainability and fairness of RegTech for regulatory enforcement: Automated monitoring of consumer complaints
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Michael Siering
The Long-Term Distributional and Welfare Effects of Covid-19 School Closures
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Dirk Krüger, Alexander Ludwig, Irina Popova
Epidemics in the New Keynesian model
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Mathias Trabandt, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo
The Characteristics and Portfolio Behavior of Bitcoin Investors: Evidence from Indirect Cryptocurrency Investments
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Dominique Lammer, Tobin Hanspal, Andreas Hackethal, Kevin Rink
Incentives to Discover Talent
Erschienen in: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Tobias Brünner, Guido Friebel, Richard Holden, Suraj Prasad
What Remains of the Cambridge Critique? A New Proposal
Erschienen in: Contributions to Political Economy
Bertram Schefold
Morality and trust in impersonal relationships
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Tim Bonowski, Gerhard Minnameier
Skin-in-the-game in ABS transactions: A critical review of policy options
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Stability
Jan Krahnen, Christian Wilde
The Limits of Model-Based Regulation
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Rainer Haselmann, Markus Behn, Vikrant Vig
Recovery from fast crashes: Role of mutual funds
Erschienen in: International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives
Ravi Jagannathan, Loriana Pelizzon, Ernst Schaumburg, Mila Getmansky Sherman, Darya Yuferova
Better Information From Survey Data: Filtering Out State Dependence Using Eye-Tracking Data
Erschienen in: Psychometrika
Thomas Otter, Joachim Büschken, Ulf Böckenholt, Daniel Stengel
The Cost of Fairness in AI: Evidence from E-Commerce
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Moritz von Zahn, Stefan Feuerriegel, Niklas Kuehl
How Do Recommender Systems Lead to Consumer Purchases? A Causal Mediation Analysis of a Field Experiment
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Oliver Hinz, Jörn Grahl, Xitong Li
Social Capital Accumulation Through Social Media Networks: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment and Individual-Level Panel Data
Erschienen in: Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly)
Oliver Hinz, Michael Weiler, Simon Stolz, Andreas Lanz, Christian Schlereth
A meta-measure of performance related to both investors and investments characteristics
Erschienen in: Annals of Operations Research
Monica Billio, Bertrand Maillet, Loriana Pelizzon
Using the Statistical Concept of “Severity” to Assess Seemingly Contradictory Statistical Evidence (With a Particular Application to Damage Estimation)
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Peter Bönisch, Roman Inderst
How would 401(k) 'Rothification' alter saving, retirement security, and inequality?
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Raimond Maurer, Vanya Horneff, Olivia S. Mitchell
Solving Life Cycle Problems with Biometric Risk by Artifcial Insurance Markets
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
Christoph Hambel, Holger Kraft, Claus Munk
The Macroeconomics of Testing and Quarantining
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Mathias Trabandt, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo
Endogenous habits and equilibrium asset prices
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Holger Kraft, André Meyer-Wehmann, Frank Seifried
Measuring Income and Wealth Effects on Private-Label Demand with Matched Administrative Data
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Roman Inderst, Thomas Otter, Calogero Brancatelli, Adrian Fritzsche
Social Hierarchies and the Allocation of Development Aid: Evidence from the 2015 Earthquake in Nepal
Erschienen in: Journal of Public Economics
Matthias Schündeln, Prakash Pathak
Bequest motives in consumption-portfolio decisions with recursive utility
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Holger Kraft, Claus Munk, Farina Weiss
Information precision and return co-movements in private commercial real estate markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Daniel Ruf, Roland Füss
P2P Lenders versus Banks: Cream Skimming or Bottom Fishing?
Erschienen in: Review of Corporate Finance Studies
Calebe de Roure, Loriana Pelizzon, Anjan Thakor
Corporate Digital Responsibility
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst, Christof Weinhardt
Values and Ethics in Information Systems – A State-of-the-Art Analysis and Avenues for Future Research
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Oliver Hinz, Sarah Spiekermann, Hanna Krasnova, Annika Baumann, Alexander Benlian, Henner Gimpel, Irina Heimbach, Antonia Köster, Alexander Maedche, Bjoern Niehaves, Marten Risius, Manuel Trenz
Momentum-Managed Equity Factors
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Christian Schlag, Claudia Zunft, Volker Flögel
Underrepresentation of women in the economics profession more pronounced in the United States compared to heterogeneous Europe
Erschienen in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Emmanuelle Auriol, Guido Friebel, Alisa Weinberger, Sascha Wilhelm
(Un)expected monetary policy shocks and term premia
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Econometrics
Martin Kliem, Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Understanding mediators in location-based mobile marketing and why commuting hubs are so effective—a mediation analysis of a randomized field experiment
Erschienen in: Journal of Media Economics
Patrick Felka, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Oliver Hinz
Short-term Momentum
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Maik Schmeling, Mamdouh Medhat
Inequality in Life and Death
Erschienen in: IMF Economic Review
Mathias Trabandt, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo
Resolving the Missing Deflation Puzzle
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Mathias Trabandt, Jesper Lindé, Martín Harding
The Crowdfunding of Altruism
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Luisa Faust, Maura Kolbe, Sasan Mansouri, Paul Momtaz
Understanding nonsense correlation between (independent) random walks in finite samples
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Subjective Models of the Macroeconomy: Evidence From Experts and Representative Samples
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Peter Andre, Carlo Pizzinelli, Christopher Roth, Johannes Wohlfart
The Demand for Advice: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Erschienen in: World Bank Economic Review
Dominik Naeher, Matthias Schündeln
Inferring opinion leadership from digital footprints
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Nora Jansen, Oliver Hinz
Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance: A Long‐Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain
Erschienen in: Management Science
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Nick Zubanov
Integration culture of global banks and the transmission of lending shocks
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Andreas Barth, Deyan Radev
Design Principles for Robust Fraud Detection: The Case of Stock Market Manipulations
Erschienen in: Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Michael Siering, Miha Grčar
Tracking growth in the euro area subject to a dimensionality problem
Erschienen in: Applied Economics
Mariarosaria Comunale, Francesco Mongelli
Downsizing Announcements, Job Security Perceptions, and Worksite Performance
Erschienen in: Research in Labor Economics
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Ingo Weller, Nick Zubanov
Reflective Willingness to Pay: Preferences for Sustainable Consumption in a Consumer Welfare Analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
The Scope and Limitations of Incorporating Externalities in Competition Analysis Within a Consumer Welfare Approach
Erschienen in: World Competition: Law and Economics Review
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Zum Umgang mit Regressionsanalysen in Kartellschadensersatzfällen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Spillover effects in empirical corporate finance
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Tobias Berg, Markus Reisinger, Daniel Streitz
Resilient Digital Twins - Organizations Need To Prepare for the Unexpected
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Wil M. P. van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz, Christof Weinhardt
Predictability and the Cross-Section of Expected Returns: A Challenge for Asset Pricing Models
Erschienen in: Management Science
Christian Schlag, Michael Semenischev, Julian Thimme
COVID-19 and Bank Loan Supply
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Özlem Dursun-de Neef, Alexander Schandlbauer
A Comparison of Return Rate Calculation Methods: Evidence from 16 Retailers
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Siham El Kihal, Namig Nurullayev, Christian Schulze, Bernd Skiera
Research Unbundling and COVID-19: Will Europe’s Capital Markets Recovery Package Help?
Erschienen in: The Journal of Investing
Micha Bender, Tino Cestonaro, Peter Gomber, Jascha-Alexander Koch
Insurability of Pandemic Risks
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser, Anastasia Kartasheva, Danjela Guxha
What Influences Financial Literacy of Young Adults? A Combined Analysis of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Delay of Gratification
Erschienen in: Frontiers in Psychology
Christin Siegfried, Eveline Wuttke
Econometric models of duration data in entrepreneurship with an application to start-ups' time-to-funding by venture capitalists (VCs)
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Statistics
Paul Momtaz
Capturing Retailers’ Brand and Customer Focus
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Simeng Han, Werner Reinartz, Bernd Skiera
Marketing and investor behavior: Insights, introspections, and indications
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Abhishek Borah, Bernd Skiera
Bank systemic risk exposure and office market interconnectedness
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Daniel Ruf, Roland Füss
Matching and sorting across regions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Geography
Chiara Lacava
Association of lockdowns with the protective role of ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation in reducing COVID-19 deaths
Erschienen in: Scientific Reports
Rahul Kalippurayil Moozhipurath, Lennart Kraft
Implications of monsoon season and UVB radiation for COVID-19 in India
Erschienen in: Scientific Reports
Rahul Kalippurayil Moozhipurath, Lennart Kraft
Systemic Bank Risk and Monetary Policy
Erschienen in: International Journal of Central Banking
Ester Faia, Sören Karau
Sraffa's "Reduction" of the Prices of Basics
Erschienen in: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
Bertram Schefold
Entrepreneurs’ Exit Strategy Intentions and Their Final Exit Paths
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Sascha Hohen
Integrating Benefits from Sustainability into the Competitive Assessment - How Can We Measure Them?
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Banks and Negative Interest Rates
Erschienen in: Annual Review of Financial Economics
Florian Heider, Farzad Saidi, Glenn Schepens
Trends in Corporate Borrowing
Erschienen in: Annual Review of Financial Economics
Tobias Berg, Anthony Saunders, Sascha Steffen
Do stringent environmental policies deter FDI? M&A versus Greenfield
Erschienen in: Environmental and Resource Economics
Sylwia Bialek, Alfons Weichenrieder
Environmental Effects of Development Programs: Experimental Evidence from West African Dryland Forests
Erschienen in: Journal of Development Economics
Simon Heß, Dany Jaimovich, Matthias Schündeln
Optimal Income Taxation: Mirrlees Meets Ramsey
Erschienen in: Journal of Political Economy
Hitoshi Tsujiyama, Jonathan Heathcote
Time Preferences over the Life Cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Hitoshi Tsujiyama, Wataru Kureishi, Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz, Midori Wakabayashi
Is the Buzz on? - A Buzz Detection System for Viral Posts in Social Media
Erschienen in: Journal of Interactive Marketing
Oliver Hinz, Nora Jansen, Clemens Deusser, Thomas Strufe
The Macroeconomics of Epidemics
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Martin S. Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo, Mathias Trabandt
Exposure to the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash and Its Effect on Household Expectations
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Tobin Hanspal, Annika Weber, Johannes Wohlfart
Division of labor and the organization of knowledge in production: A laboratory experiment
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Victor Klockmann, Alicia von Schenk, Ferdinand von Siemens
Financial literacy, institutions and education: Lessons from the German reunification
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Maddalena Davoli, Jia Hou
The trading response of individual investors to local bankruptcies
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Christine Laudenbach, Benjamin Loos, Jenny Pirschel, Johannes Wohlfart
Valuing start-up firms: A reverse-engineering approach for fair-value multiples from venture capital transactions
Erschienen in: Finance Research Letters
Johannes. A. Barg, Wolfgang Drobetz, Paul Momtaz
Internalizing the Externalities of Overfunding: An Agent-Based Model Approach for Analyzing the Market Dynamics on Crowdfunding Platforms
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Jascha-Alexander Koch, Jens Lausen, Moritz Kohlhase
Pro-rich Inflation and Optimal Income Taxation
Erschienen in: Public Finance Review
Alfons Weichenrieder, Eren Gürer
Labor market effects of COVID‐19 in Sweden and its neighbors: Evidence from administrative data
Erschienen in: Kyklos
Steffen Juranek, Jörg Paetzold, Hannes Winner, Floris Zoutman
Integrating Benefits from Sustainability into the Competitive Assessment—How Can We Measure Them?
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Stock-based pay, liquidity, and the role of market making
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Riccardo Calcagno, Florian Heider
Portfolio similarity and asset liquidation in the insurance industry
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Giulio Girardi, Kathleen Hanley, Stanislava Nikolova, Loriana Pelizzon, Mila Getmansky Sherman
The German Federal Constitutional Court Ruling and the European Central Bank’s Strategy
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Regulation
Lars Feld, Volker Wieland
The influence of location-based games on traditional entertainment products
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Patrick Felka, Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann
Gender Diversity and Productive Signaling in the Workplace
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Ferdinand von Siemens
How financial literacy shapes the demand for financial advice at older ages
Erschienen in: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
Raimond Maurer, Hugh Kim, Olivia S. Mitchell
Fehleridentifikation im Enforcement-Verfahren – Was kann die Computerlinguistik leisten?
Erschienen in: Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis BFuP
Anika Hanke, Marius Gros
The influence of compensation interdependence on risk-taking: the role of mutual monitoring
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Felix Bolduan, Ivo Schedlinsky, Friedrich Sommer
Short Selling – On Ethics, Politics, and Culture
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft
Loriana Pelizzon, Katja Langenbucher
Interpretation of point forecasts with unknown directive
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Econometrics
Patrick Schmidt, Matthias Katzfuss, Tilmann Gneiting
The formation of a "spirit of capitalism" in Upper Germany: Leonhard Fronsperger’s (1564) "On the praise of self-interest"
Erschienen in: Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Rainer Klump, Lars Pilz
Entrepreneurial Finance and Moral Hazard: Evidence from Token Offerings
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Venturing
Paul Momtaz
Maturity level assessments of information security controls: An empirical analysis of practitioners assessment capabilities
Erschienen in: Computers & Security
Christopher Schmitz, Michael Schmid, David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
An experiment on partial cross-ownership in oligopolistic markets
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Volker Benndorf, Johannes Odenkirchen
Smoking hot portfolios? Trading behavior, investment biases, and self-control failure
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Charline Uhr, Steffen Meyer, Andreas Hackethal
Optimal taxes on capital in the OLG model with uninsurable idiosyncratic income risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Public Economics
Dirk Krueger, Alexander Ludwig, Sergio Villalvazo
Stick or Carrot? Asymmetric Responses to Vehicle Registration Taxes in Norway
Erschienen in: Environmental and Resource Economics
Alice Ciccone, Emilia Soldani
Inside the ESG ratings: (Dis)agreement and performance
Erschienen in: Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management
Monica Billio, Michele Costola, Iva Hristova, Carmelo Latino, Loriana Pelizzon
Household Finance
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Literature
Francisco Gomes, Michael Haliassos, Tarun Ramadorai
The productivity growth slowdown and Kaldor’s growth facts
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Georg Dürnecker, Berthold Herrendorf, Ákos Valentinyi
Investigating privacy concerns related to mobile augmented reality Apps – A vignette based online experiment
Erschienen in: Computers in Human Behavior
David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
Best Techniques Leave Little Room for Substitution. A New Critique of the Production Function
Erschienen in: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
Bertram Schefold, Götz Kersting
Firm Dynamics with Frictional Product and Labor Markets
Erschienen in: International Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Bihemo Kimasa
Effective leadership and the allocation and exercise of power in organizations
Erschienen in: Leadership Quarterly
Randolph Sloof, Ferdinand von Siemens
Computing Macro-Effects and Welfare Costs of Temperature Volatility: A Structural Approach
Erschienen in: Computational Economics
Michael Donadelli, Marcus Jüppner, Antonio Paradiso, Christian Schlag
Development of Economic Competence of Students at General Grammar Schools Through a Non-formal Opportunity to Learn with Experts
Erschienen in: Citizenship, Social and Economics Education
Eveline Wuttke, Christin Siegfried
Initial coin offerings, asymmetric information, and loyal CEOs
Erschienen in: Small Business Economics
Paul Momtaz
Prediction of stock returns may be fallacious: a stochastic confirmation of Malkiel's assertion on dartboard investments
Erschienen in: Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics
Michael Weba
Brexit and the contraction of syndicated lending
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Tobias Berg, Anthony Saunders, Larissa Schäfer, Sascha Steffen
The Social Cost of Carbon in a Non-Cooperative World
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Christoph Hambel, Holger Kraft, Eduardo Schwartz
Older peoples' willingness to delay social security claiming
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell
Why is unemployment so countercyclical?
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Lawrence J. Christiano, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Mathias Trabandt
Games With Coupled Populations: An Experiment in Continuous Time
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Volker Benndorf, Ismael Martínez-Martínez, Hans-Theo Normann
Influence of Social Relationships on Decisions in Device-to-Device Communication
Erschienen in: IEEE Access
Katharina Keller, Melissa Ott, Oliver Hinz, Anja Klein
Welcome to Economies in IS!
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Christof Weinhardt, Christian Peukert, Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst
Motivating low-achievers—Relative performance feedback in primary schools
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Henning Hermes, Martin Huschens, Franz Rothlauf, Daniel Schunk
The economics of deferral and clawback requirements
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Roman Inderst, Florian Hoffmann, Marcus Opp
What is on the ECB’s mind? Monetary policy before and after the global financial crisis
Erschienen in: Journal of Macroeconomics
Jonas Gross, Johannes Zahner
Belief elicitation with multiple point predictions
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Markus Eyting, Patrick Schmidt
Corporate culture and banking
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Andreas Barth, Sasan Mansouri
Gender differences in social interactions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Guido Friebel, Marie Lalanne, Bernard Richter, Peter Schwardmann, Paul Seabright
Public kindergarten, maternal labor supply, and earnings in the longer run: Too little too late?
Erschienen in: Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations
Emilia Soldani
Experiential learning for Chinese companies to complete cross-border acquisitions: the case of Chinese acquirers
Erschienen in: International Journal of Emerging Markets
Le Wang, Lars Schweizer, Björn Michaelis
Statusbericht zum Frauenanteil in der Volkswirtschaftslehre an deutschen Universitäten
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Guido Friebel, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Alisa Weinberger
To Bundle or Not to Bundle? A Review of Soft Commissions and Research Unbundling
Erschienen in: Financial Analysts' Journal
Micha Bender, Benjamin Clapham, Peter Gomber, Jascha-Alexander Koch
The Modern Tontine: An Innovative Instrument for Longevity Risk Management in an Aging Society
Erschienen in: European Actuarial Journal
Helmut Gründl, Jan-Hendrik Weinert
The Impact of Strategic Core-Component Reuse on Product Life Cycles
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Patrick Felka, Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann
User preferences for privacy features in digital assistants
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Frank Ebbers, Jan Zibuschka, Christian Zimmermann, Oliver Hinz
Secure cloud-of-clouds storage with space-efficient secret sharing
Erschienen in: Journal of Information Security and Applications
Ahad Niknia, Miguel Correia, Jaber Karimpour
Transformations of the Cambridge Critique
Erschienen in: Indian Economic Journal
Bertram Schefold
Cognition, Optimism and the Formation of Age-Dependent Survival Beliefs
Erschienen in: International Economic Review
Nils Grevenbrock, Max Groneck, Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper
Only Time Will Tell: A Theory of Deferred Compensation
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst, Marcus Opp
Equilibrium Asset Pricing in Directed Networks
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Christian Schlag, Patrick Konermann, Nicole Branger, Christoph Meinerding
Development Projects and Economic Networks: Lessons from Rural Gambia
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Simon Heß, Dany Jaimovich, Matthias Schündeln
Social network and family business: Uncovering hybrid family firms
Erschienen in: Social Networks
Ronald S. Burt, Sonja Opper, Na Zou
Sample-based longitudinal discrete choice experiments: preferences for electric vehicles over time
Erschienen in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Katharina Keller, Christian Schlereth, Oliver Hinz
Do preferences and biases predict life outcomes? Evidence from education and labor market entry decisions
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Uschi Backes-Gellner, Holger Herz, Michael Kosfeld, Yvonne Oswald
Leveraging online review platforms to support public policy: Predicting restaurant health violations based on online reviews
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Michael Siering
Equilibrium Asset Pricing with Leverage and Default
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Joao Gomes, Lukas Schmid
Machine Learning in Information Systems Research - A Systematic Review and Open Research
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Oliver Hinz, Benjamin Abdel-Karim, Nicolas Pfeuffer
Horizon Confidence Sets
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Daniel Gutknecht, Jack Fosten
Popular News Are Relevant News! How Investor Attention Affects Algorithmic Decision-Making and Decision Support in Financial Markets
Erschienen in: Information Systems Frontiers
Benjamin Clapham, Michael Siering, Peter Gomber
The Pricing and Performance of Cryptocurrency
Erschienen in: European Journal of Finance
Paul Momtaz
Implied Volatility Duration: A Measure for the Timing of Uncertainty Resolution
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Christian Schlag, Rüdiger Weber, Julian Thimme
Global banking: Endogenous competition and risk taking
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Ester Faia, Sébastien Laffitte, Maximilian Mayer, Gianmarco Ottaviano
The aggregate consequences of tax evasion
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Alessandro Di Nola, Georgi Kocharkov, Almuth Scholl, Anna Tkhir
The Economics of Law Enforcement: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Corporate Takeover Law
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Gishan Dissanaike, Wolfgang Drobetz, Paul Momtaz, Jörg Rocholl
Demographic change and regional labour markets
Erschienen in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Michael J. Böhm, Terry Gregory, Pamela Qendrai, Christian Siegel
The FOMC Risk Shift
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf, Tim Kroencke
Expl(AI)n It to Me – Explainable AI and Information Systems Research
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Kevin Bauer, Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst, Christof Weinhardt
A general framework for the identification and categorization of risks: an application to the context of financial markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk
Micha Bender, Sven Panz
The Transformation of Values into Prices on the Basis of Random Systems Revisited
Erschienen in: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
Bertram Schefold
Optimal Social Security Claiming Behavior under Lump Sum Incentives: Theory and Evidence
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla, Tatjana Schimetschek
Divergent risk-attitudes and endogenous collateral constraints
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Giuliano Curatola, Ester Faia
Ambiguity attitudes and the leverage cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Marzio Bassanin, Ester Faia, Valeria Patella
CEO emotions and firm valuation in initial coin offerings: An artificial emotional intelligence approach
Erschienen in: Strategic Management Journal
Paul Momtaz
Market Competition and the Effectiveness of Performance Pay
Erschienen in: Organization Science
Pooyan Khashabi, Matthias Heinz, Nick Zubanov, Tobias Kretschmer, Guido Friebel
Equity-efficiency implications of a European tax and transfer system
Erschienen in: Social Choice and Welfare
Eren Gürer
Risk aversion and bank loan pricing
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Gonzalo Camba-Mendez, Francesco Mongelli
The Predictive Value of Data from Virtual Investment Communities
Erschienen in: Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction
Benjamin Abdel-Karim, Alexander Benlian, Oliver Hinz
Low Homeownership in Germany – A Quantitative Exploration
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Georgi Kocharkov, Edgar Preugschat, Nawid Siassi, Leo Kaas
Optimal carbon abatement in a stochastic equilibrium model with climate change
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Holger Kraft, Christoph Hambel, Eduardo Schwartz
Why do not all firms engage in tax avoidance?
Erschienen in: Review of Managerial Science
Martin Jacob, Anna Rohlfing-Bastian, Kai Sandner
Euro area reform preferences of Central and Eastern European economic experts
Erschienen in: Empirica
Sebastian Blesse, Annika Havlik, Friedrich Heinemann
Variation Margins, Fire Sales, and Information-constrained Optimality
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Bruno Biais, Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova
Data Analytics in a Privacy-Concerned World
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Jaap E Wieringa, P.K. Kannan, Xiao Ma, Thomas Reutterer, Hans Risselada, Bernd Skiera
Participation following sudden access
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Michael Haliassos
Default cycles
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Wei Cui, Leo Kaas
Involuntary unemployment and the business cycle
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Lawrence J. Christiano, Mathias Trabandt, Karl Walentin
Liquidity Provider Incentives in Fragmented Securities Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Peter Gomber, Benjamin Clapham, Jens Lausen, Sven Panz
Exploring User Expectations of Proactive AI Systems
Erschienen in: Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Christian Meurisch, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Adrian Hawlitschek, Florian Giger, Florian Müller, Oliver Hinz, Max Mühlhäuser
Can Sustainable Investing Save the World? Reviewing the Mechanisms of Investor Impact
Erschienen in: Organization and Environment
Julian F. Kölbel, Florian Heeb, Falko Paetzold, Timo Busch
Measuring financial literacy with a Situational Judgement Test: do some groups really perform worse or is it the measuring instrument?
Erschienen in: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
Eveline Wuttke, Christin Siegfried, Carmela Aprea
Optimists and Pessimists in (In)Complete Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Nicole Branger, Patrick Konermann, Christian Schlag
Mobile Phones and Crime: The Protective Effect of Mobile Network Infrastructures
Erschienen in: Journal of Quantitative Criminology
Patrick Felka, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Oliver Hinz
Investment without Q
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Vito Gala, Joao Gomes, Tong Liu
How to generalize from a hierarchical model?
Erschienen in: Quantitative Marketing and Economics
Max Pachali, Peter Kurz, Thomas Otter
What Influences Participation in Non-formal and Informal Modes of Continuous Vocational Education and Training? An Analysis of Individual and Institutional Influencing Factors
Erschienen in: Frontiers in Psychology
Julia Lischewski, Therese Rosemann, Susan Seeber, Eveline Wuttke
The Collateralizability Premium
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Hengjie Ai, Jun Li, Kai Li, Christian Schlag
Whom do nascent ventures search for? Resource scarcity and linkage formation activities during new product development processes
Erschienen in: Small Business Economics
Andrea Herrmann, Cornelia Storz, Lukas Held
How Consumption Vocabulary Directs Product Discussions: The Guiding Influence of Feature Labels on Consumers' Communication and Learning about Products in Online Communities
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Behavior
Phillip Scharfenberger, Jan Landwehr, Claire I. Tsai, Jenny L. Zimmermann, Andreas Herrmann, Ann McGill
Citizens’ trade-offs in state merger decisions: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Sebastian Blesse, Friedrich Heinemann
How nostalgic feelings impact Pokémon Go players – integrating childhood brand nostalgia into the technology acceptance theory
Erschienen in: Behaviour and Information Technology
David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
Empirically Investigating Extraneous Influences on the “APCO” Model—Childhood Brand Nostalgia and the Positivity Bias
Erschienen in: Future Internet
David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
The impact of online display advertising and paid search advertising relative to offline advertising on firm performance and firm value
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Emanuel Bayer, Bernd Skiera, Shuba Srinivasan, Edward J. Riedl
Evidence of protective role of Ultraviolet-B (UVB) radiation in reducing COVID-19 deaths
Erschienen in: Scientific Reports
Rahul Kalippurayil Moozhipurath, Lennart Kraft, Bernd Skiera
The Influence of Private Alternatives on Employees' Acceptance of Organizational IS
Erschienen in: Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Uwe Ostermann, Roland Holten, Daniel Franzmann
Exploring User Expectations of Proactive AI Systems
Erschienen in: Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
Christian Meurisch, Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Adrian Hawlitschek, Florian Müller, Oliver Hinz, Max Mühlhäuser
Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Forschung zum organisationalen Einkaufsverhalten: Überblick über die Marketingliteratur
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Torsten Bornemann, Martin Klarmann, Martin Moosbrugger
Risk Factors of Collateralized Loan Obligations and Corporate Bonds
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft
Mark Wahrenburg, Andreas Barth, Mohammad Izadi, Anas Rahhal
Implementing distributed practice in statistics courses: Benefits for retention and transfer.
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
Mirjam Ebersbach, Katharina Barzagar Nazari
Pricing multiple barrier derivatives under stochastic volatility
Erschienen in: Journal of Computational Finance
Marcos Escobar, Sven Panz, Rudi Zagst
Persuasion through Selective Disclosure: Implications for Marketing, Campaigning, and Privacy Regulation
Erschienen in: Management Science
Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani
Mitigating the Intrusive Effects of Smart Home Assistants by using Anthropomorphic Design Features: A Multi-Method Investigation
Erschienen in: Information Systems Journal
Alexander Benlian, Johannes Klumpe, Oliver Hinz
Sudden Stops in the Euro Area: Does Monetary Union Matter?
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Gabriel Fagan, Paul McNelis
Successive product generations: Financial implications of industry release rhythm alignment
Erschienen in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Cornelia Hattula, Stefan Hattula, Torsten Bornemann
The Structure and Behavioral Effects of Revealed Social Identity Preferences
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Florian Hett, Mario Mechtel, Markus Kröll
Does Speed Matter? The Role of High-Frequency Trading for Order Book Resiliency
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Research
Benjamin Clapham, Martin Haferkorn, Kai Zimmermann
Note on Sample Quantiles for Ordinal Data
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler
Institutional investors and post-ICO performance: an empirical analysis of investor returns in initial coin offerings (ICOs)
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Christian Fisch, Paul Momtaz
Culture and adult financial literacy: Evidence from the United States
Erschienen in: Economics of Education Review
Maddalena Davoli, Núria Rodríguez-Planas
Interaction of information and control systems: How the perception of behavior control affects the motivational effect of relative performance information
Erschienen in: Accounting, Organizations and Society
Ivo Schedlinsky, Maximilian Schmidt, Arnt Wöhrmann
Strategic Priorities and Organizational Design
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Accounting Research
Sara Bormann
Whittle-type estimation under long memory and nonstationarity
Erschienen in: Advances in Statistical Analysis
Ying Lun Cheung, Uwe Hassler
A New Measure of Real Estate Uncertainty Shocks
Erschienen in: Real Estate Economics
Binh Nguyen Thanh, Johannes Strobel, Gabriel Lee
Who Is the Next "Wolf of Wall Street"? Detection of Financial Intermediary Misconduct
Erschienen in: Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Jens Lausen, Benjamin Clapham, Michael Siering, Peter Gomber
The nature of processing fluency: Amplification versus hedonic marking
Erschienen in: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Jan Landwehr, Lisa Eckmann
Ausprägung und Förderung fachdidaktischer Kompetenzen von (angehenden) Lehrkräften an kaufmännischen Schulen –Zum konstruktiven Umgang mit Fehlern im Rechnungswesenunterricht
Erschienen in: Bwp@ Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik online
Patricia Köpfer, Claudia Krille, Katharina Bushyla, Jürgen Seifried
What remains of the Cambridge critique of capital theory, if reswitching and reverse capital deepening are empirically rare and theoretically unlikely?
Erschienen in: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention
Bertram Schefold
How Mobile App Design Overhauls Can Be Disastrous in Terms of User Perception
Erschienen in: ACM Transactions and Social Computing
Daniel Franzmann, Arvid Eichner, Roland Holten
Exploring the attitude formation process of individuals towards new technologies: the case of augmented reality
Erschienen in: International Journal of Technology Marketing
David Harborth, Heiko Kreuz
Cultural Determinants of Household Saving Behavior
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Paolo Masella, Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
The relevance of depreciation allowances as a fiscal policy instrument: A hybrid approach to CCCTB?
Erschienen in: Empirica
Kunka Petkova, Alfons Weichenrieder
Should Germany have built a new wall? Macroeconomic lessons from the 2015-18 refugee wave
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Christopher Busch, Dirk Krueger, Alexander Ludwig, Irina Popova, Zainab Iftikhar
The COVID-19 Shock and Equity Shortfall: Firm-Level Evidence from Italy
Erschienen in: Review of Corporate Finance Studies
Elena Carletti, Tommaso Oliviero, Marco Pagano, Loriana Pelizzon, Marti G. Subrahmanyam
Pricing Metrics and the Importance of Minimum and Billing Increments
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Research
Bernd Skiera, Christian Schlereth, Sebastian Oetzel
Finite-sample size control of IVX-based tests in predictive regressions
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Mehdi Hosseinkouchack, Matei Demetrescu
Clarifying the boundary conditions of value creation within dynamic capabilities framework: a grafting approach
Erschienen in: Review of Managerial Science
Björn Michaelis, Shalini Rogbeer, Lars Schweizer, Zafer Özleblebici
Payment System Self-Regulation through Fee Caps
Erschienen in: Review of Network Economics
Fabian Griem
On the Rise of FinTechs: Credit Scoring Using Digital Footprints
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Tobias Berg, Valentin Burg, Ana Gombović, Manju Puri
Why do Households Leave Money on the Table? The Case of Subsidized Pension Products
Erschienen in: Journal of Behavioral Finance
Tobias Meyll, Thomas Pauls, Andreas Walter
Happy-victimizing in adolescence and adulthood – Empirical findings and further perspectives
Erschienen in: Frontline Learning Research
Eveline Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, Karin Heinrichs, Brigitte Latzko, Gerhard Minnameier, Bettina Döring
Explaining happy victimizing in adulthood – A cognitive and economic approach
Erschienen in: Frontline Learning Research
Gerhard Minnameier
The effect of clean air on pharmaceutical expenditures
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Alexander Rohlf, Felix Holub, Nicolas Koch, Nolan Ritter
Political selection and the optimal concentration of political power
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Andreas Grunewald, Emanuel Hansen, Gert Pönitzsch
Testing Nowcast Monotonicity with Estimated Factors
Erschienen in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Jack Fosten, Daniel Gutknecht
Effects of Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Labor Demand Shocks on the Housing Market
Erschienen in: Real Estate Economics
Johannes Strobel, Binh Nguyen Thanh, Gabriel Lee
How and what can Humans Learn from being in the Loop? Invoking Contradiction Learning as a Measure to Make Humans Smarter
Erschienen in: Künstliche Intelligenz
Benjamin Abdel-Karim, Nicolas Pfeuffer, Gernot Rohde, Oliver Hinz
On the economic geography of dual distribution — The case of McDonald’s in Germany
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Nisa E. Freiwald, Steffen Juranek, Uwe Walz
heap: A command for fitting discrete outcome variable models in the presence of heaping at known points
Erschienen in: Stata Journal
Zizhong Yan, Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, Daniel Gutknecht
Relational retention
Erschienen in: Managerial and Decision Economics
Daniel Herbold, Heiner Schumacher
Competition Policy and the Profitability of Corporate Acquisitions
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Paul Momtaz, Gishan Dissanaike, Wolfgang Drobetz
I care what you think: social image concerns and the strategic revelation of past pro-social behavior
Erschienen in: Journal of the Economic Science Association
Ferdinand von Siemens
Antitakeover Provisions and Firm Value: New Evidence from the M&A Market
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Wolfgang Drobetz, Paul Momtaz
The role of leaders in inducing and maintaining cooperation: The CC strategy
Erschienen in: Leadership Quarterly
Michael Kosfeld
Knut Wolfgang Nörr und die Geschichte des Wirtschaftsrechts in ökonomischer Perspektive
Erschienen in: Rechtsgeschichte - Legal History
Bertram Schefold
Loan Officer Incentives, Internal Rating Models, and Default Rates
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Tobias Berg, Manju Puri, Jörg Rocholl
Are Female Managers More Likely to Hire More Female Managers? Evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: Industrial and Labor Relations Review
Mario Bossler, Alexander Mosthaf, Thorsten Schank
Putting the pension back in 401(k) retirement plans: Optimal versus default deferred longevity income annuities
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Olivia Mitchell, Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer
The agency costs of on-the-job search
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Daniel Herbold, Heiner Schumacher
Writer identification with n-tuple direction feature from contour
Erschienen in: IET Image Processing
Alireza Ghanbarian, Golnaz Ghiasi, Reza Safabakhsh, Narges Arastouei
Revealed preferences in a sequential prisoners’ dilemma: A horse-race between six utility functions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Topi Miettinen, Michael Kosfeld, Ernst Fehr, Jörgen Weibull
Bracelets of pride and guilt? An experimental test of self-signaling
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Ferdinand von Siemens, Joël van der Weele
Conservative Traits and Managerial Forecasting Style
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Sara Bormann, Debbie Claassen, Christian Hofmann, Nina Schwaiger
Procyclical Leverage: Evidence from Banks' Lending and Financing Decisions
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Özlem Dursun-de Neef, Alexander Schandlbauer
Dynamic asset allocation with relative wealth concerns in incomplete markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Holger Kraft, André Meyer-Wehmann, Frank Seifried
Research in the Attention Economy
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst, Christof Weinhardt
Leveraging Brand Equity for Effective Visual Product Design
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Mark Heitmann, Jan Landwehr, Michel Schreiner, Harald J. van Heerde
Explaining the Technology Use Behavior of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Case of Tor and JonDonym
Erschienen in: Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies
David Harborth, Sebastian Pape, Kai Rannenberg
Exact MCMC for Choices from Menus—Measuring Substitution and Complementarity Among Menu Items
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Tetyana Kosyakova, Sanjog Misra, Christian Neuerburg, Thomas Otter
Sovereign and private default risks over the business cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Leo Kaas, Jan Mellert, Almuth Scholl
Estimating the Mean under Strong Persistence
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Estimating Network Effects in Two-Sided Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Information Systems
Oliver Hinz, Thomas Otter, Bernd Skiera
Risk shocks with time-varying higher moments
Erschienen in: Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics
Victor Dorofeenko, Gabriel Lee, Kevin Salyer, Johannes Strobel
Incentives in optimally sized teams for projects with uncertain returns
Erschienen in: Review of Accounting Studies
Oliver Dürr, Markus Nisch, Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
The Long-Term Effects of Communism in Eastern Europe
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Perspectives
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Matthias Schündeln
Regional Market Income Inequality and its Impact on Crime in Germany: A Spatial Panel Data Approach with Local Spillovers
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Philipp Süß
Loss leading with salient thinkers
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Martin Obradovits
Zur Interpretation empirischer Evidenz vor Gericht: Missverständnisse und mögliche Lösungen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht
Roman Inderst, Peter Bönisch
LiSRA: Lightweight Security Risk Assessment for decision support in information security
Erschienen in: Computers & Security
Christopher Schmitz, Sebastian Pape
Crime and Education in a Model of Information Transmission
Erschienen in: Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics
Darwin Cortés, Guido Friebel, Darío Maldonado
Financial Literacy Externalities
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Michael Haliassos, Thomas Jansson, Yigitcan Karabulut
Möglichkeiten einer automatisierten Auswertung der Thorax-Röntgenaufnahme durch künstliche Intelligenz für Klinik und Praxis
Erschienen in: Der Pneumologe
Marco Wenzel, Felix Chun, Oliver Hinz, Benjamin Abdel-Karim
The Significance of Economic Knowledge for Development in History
Erschienen in: Kwansei Gakuin University
Bertram Schefold
The Significance of Economic Knowledge for Development in History
Erschienen in: Kwansei Gakuin University
Bertram Schefold
Harmonically Weighted Processes
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
The Growing Importance of Secondary Market Activities for Open-end Real Estate Fund Shares in Germany
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Philipp Gerlach, Raimond Maurer
Consumer Protection on Kickstarter
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Christian Schulze, Daniel Blaseg, Bernd Skiera
Dynamic Governance Matching in Solution Development
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Laura Colm, Andrea Ordanini, Torsten Bornemann
Pro-rich inflation in Europe: Implications for the measurement of inequality
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Eren Gürer, Alfons Weichenrieder
I (Don’t) Like You! But Who Cares? Gender Differences in Same-Sex and Mixed-Sex Teams
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Leonie Gerhards, Michael Kosfeld
Corporate governance convergence in the European M&A market
Erschienen in: Finance Research Letters
Wolfgang Drobetz, Paul Momtaz
Higher Minimum Quality Standards and Redistributive Effects on Consumer Welfare
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Marco Kotschedoff, Max Pachali
How Privacy Concerns, Trust and Risk Beliefs, and Privacy Literacy Influence Users' Intentions to Use Privacy-Enhancing Technologies
Erschienen in: ACM SIGMIS Database
David Harborth, Sebastian Pape
Organizational Design, Competition and Financial Exchanges
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Steffen Juranek, Uwe Walz
The transformation of values into prices on the basis of random systems revisited
Erschienen in: Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review
Bertram Schefold
Wealth Inequality and Homeownership in Europe
Erschienen in: Annals of Economics and Statistics
Leo Kaas, Georgi Kocharkov, Edgar Preugschat
Volatility-of-Volatility Risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Darien Huang, Christian Schlag, Ivan Shaliastovich, Julian Thimme
Objektiver Fehlerbegriff und Wesentlichkeit
Erschienen in: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung
Willy Wirth, Hans-Joachim Böcking
Twins are more different than commonly believed, but made less different by compensating behaviors
Erschienen in: Economics and Human Biology
Jin-Young Choi, Myoung Lee
The Aesthetic Fidelity Effect
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Annika Wiecek, Daniel Wentzel, Jan Landwehr
A MAP for Effective Advertising: The Metaphoric Advertising Processing Model
Erschienen in: AMS Review
Eliza Dehay, Jan Landwehr
Big Digital Platforms
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Wil van der Aalst, Oliver Hinz, Christof Weinhardt
The gender gap in over-indebtedness
Erschienen in: Finance Research Letters
Tobias Meyll, Thomas Pauls
The recipe of successful crowdfunding campaigns
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Jascha-Alexander Koch, Michael Siering
Does homeownership promote wealth accumulation?
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Leo Kaas, Georgi Kocharkov, Edgar Preugschat
Wie man Wirtschaftsethik missverstehen kann - Eine Aufklärung im Anschluss an einige „Antithesen zu Homanns ökonomischer Wirtschaftsethik“
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Georg Hans Neuweg, Gerhard Minnameier
Does a balanced test form regarding select-ed-response and constructed-response items overcome gender gap in test scores? An analysis of the format-gender relation in the test of economic-civic competence
Erschienen in: Citizenship, Social and Economics Education
Nicole Ackermann, Christin Siegfried
Distributed practice in mathematics: Recommendable especially for students on a medium performance level?
Erschienen in: Trends in Neuroscience and Education
Katharina Barzagar Nazari, Mirjam Ebersbach
Privater Standardsetzer als oberste Instanz in Deutschland und Europa? Zugleich Erwiderung zu Lüdenbach/Freiberg, DB 2019 S. 2305
Erschienen in: Der Betrieb
Willy Wirth, Hans-Joachim Böcking, Marius Gros
Functional Ross recovery: Theoretical results and empirical tests
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Yannick Dillschneider, Raimond Maurer
Growth Firms and Relationship Finance: A Capital Structure Perspective
Erschienen in: Management Science
Roman Inderst, Vladimir Vladimirov
Without each other, we have nothing - A state-of-the-art analysis on how to operationalize social capital
Erschienen in: Review of Managerial Science
Michael Weiler, Oliver Hinz
Price Pressure Indices, Innovation, and Mergers Between Commonly Owned Firms
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Stefan Thomas
Did App Privacy Improve After the GDPR?
Erschienen in: IEEE Security & Privacy
Nurul Momen, Majid Hatamian, Lothar Fritsch
Trust the Police? Self-Selection of Motivated Agents into the German Police Force
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Gerd Thielmann, Guido Friebel, Michael Kosfeld
Life below Zero: Bank Lending under Negative Policy Rates
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Florian Heider, Farzad Saidi, Glenn Schepens
Hours Worked in Europe and the United States: New Data, New Answers
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Alexander Bick, Bettina Brüggemann, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
How will persistent low expected returns shape households economic behaviour?
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Olivia Mitchell, Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer
A Note on Confidence Intervals and Model Specification
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Thomas Otter
Overcharge Estimation: Making Statistical Evidence More Meaningful
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Peter Bönisch, Roman Inderst
Merging county administrations – cross-national evidence of fiscal and political effects
Erschienen in: Local Government Studies
Sebastian Blesse, Felix Roesel
Generalized entropy and model uncertainty
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Brain drain, informality and inequality: A search-and-matching model for sub-Saharan Africa
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Frédéric Docquier, Zainab Iftikhar
Fehlerfeststellung im Enforcement-Verfahren
Erschienen in: Der Betrieb
Willy Wirth, Hans-Joachim Böcking, Marius Gros
Pricing sin stocks: Ethical preference vs. risk aversion
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Stefano Colonnello, Giuliano Curatola, Alessandro Gioffré
Horizontal industry relationships and return predictability
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Christian Schlag, Kailin Zeng
Trust in Sharing Encounters among Millennials
Erschienen in: Information Systems Journal
Christoph Mittendorf, Nicholas Berente, Roland Holten
Can households see into the future? Survey evidence from the Netherlands
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Baptiste Massenot, Yuri Pettinicchi
Prospect Theory in Dynamic Games: Theory and Evidence from Online Pay-Per-Bid Auctions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Tobias Brünner, Martin Natter, Jochen Reiner, Bernd Skiera
Introducing Registered Reports to the Information Systems Community
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Christof Weinhardt, Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst
AI-Based Digital Assistants - Opportunities, Threats, and Research Perspectives
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Alexander Maedche, Christine Legner, Alexander Benlian, Benedikt Berger, Henner Gimpel, Oliver Hinz, Thomas Hess, Stefan Morana, Matthias Söllner
Anthropomorphic Information Systems
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Nicolas Pfeuffer, Alexander Benlian, Henner Gimpel, Oliver Hinz
Product Market Deregulation's Winners and Losers: US Railroads Between 1981 and 2001
Erschienen in: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
Guido Friebel, Laura Padilla Angulo, Gerard McCullough
Instability, imprecision and inconsistent use of equilibrium real interest rate estimates
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Robert Beyer, Volker Wieland
Are tax havens good? Implications of the crackdown on secrecy
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder, Fangying Xu
CEO investment of deferred compensation plans and firm performance
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Domenico Cambrea, Stefano Colonnello, Giuliano Curatola, Giulia Fantini
Can Advertising Investments Counter the Negative Impact of Shareholder Complaints on Firm Value?
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Arvid I.O. Hoffmann, Jaakko Aspara, Joost M.E. Pennings, Simone Wies
Sharing Guilt: How Better Access to Information May Backfire
Erschienen in: Management Science
Roman Inderst, Kiryl Khalmetski, Axel Ockenfels
Improving the M&A Decision-Making Process: Learning from Serial Acquirers
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Michael Weber, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things’ (IoT) Architecture
Erschienen in: Mobile Networks and Applications
Sebastian Pape, Kai Rannenberg
Measuring Beliefs in the Instrumentality of Ethnic Diversity – Development and Validation of the Pro-Diversity Beliefs Scale (PDBS)
Erschienen in: Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Mathias Kauff, Sebastian Stegmann, Rolf van Dick, Constanze Beierlein, Oliver Christ
Weiterbildungsanlässe und -barrieren von Arbeitnehmern verschiedener (weiterbildungs-)benachteiligter Gruppen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Christin Siegfried, Eveline Wuttke, Susan Seeber
Revealing the unrevealed: Mining smartphone users privacy perception on app markets
Erschienen in: Computers & Security
Majid Hatamian, Jetzabel Serna-Olvera, Kai Rannenberg
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Lerngelegenheiten als notwendiger Bestandteil der universitären Ausbildung von allgemeinbildenden Lehramtsstudierenden in der Domäne Wirtschaft
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft
Christin Siegfried
Minimizing learning in repeated real-effort tasks
Erschienen in: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
Volker Benndorf, Holger Rau, Christian Sölch
Once bitten, twice shy: The power of personal experiences in risk taking
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Steffen Andersen, Tobin Hanspal, Kasper Meisner Nielsen
Does Say on Pay Matter? Evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: European Company and Financial Law Review
Tobias Tröger, Uwe Walz
Shaping Corporate Actions Through Targeted Transparency Regulation: A Framework and Review of Extant Evidence
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Katharina Hombach, Thorsten Sellhorn
Long-term changes in married couples' labor supply and taxes: Evidence from the US and Europe since the 1980s
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Alexander Bick, Bettina Brüggemann, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz
The Effect of Mandatory Quarterly Reporting on Firm Value
Erschienen in: Accounting Review
Peter Kajüter, Florian Klassmann, Martin Nienhaus
Idiosyncratic Risk, Aggregate Risk, and the Welfare Effects of Social Security
Erschienen in: International Economic Review
Daniel Harenberg, Alexander Ludwig
Surplus participation schemes for life annuities under Solvency II
Erschienen in: European Actuarial Journal
Sandy Both, Vanya Horneff, Barbara Kaschützke, Raimond Maurer
The Transmission of Bank Liquidity Shocks: Evidence from House Prices
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Özlem Dursun-de Neef
Credit Scoring in SME Asset-Backed Securities: An Italian Case Study
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Financial Management
Andrea Bedin, Monica Billio, Michele Costola, Loriana Pelizzon
A Practical Review of Methods to Estimate Overcharges using Linear Regression
Erschienen in: Concurrences
Roman Inderst, Christopher Milde
Emotional Tagging and Belief Formation: The Long-Lasting Effects of Experiencing Communism
Erschienen in: AEA Papers and Proceedings
Christine Laudenbach, Ulrike Malmendier, Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi
Foreign expansion, competition and bank risk
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Sébastien Laffitte, Gianmarco Ottaviano, Ester Faia
Der Neoricardianismus: eine Fortsetzung klassischer Theorie: Replik zum Kommentar von Carl Christian von Weizsäcker
Erschienen in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
Bertram Schefold
Der Neoricardianismus: eine Fortsetzung klassischer Theorie
Erschienen in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
Bertram Schefold
Testing the Newcomb-Benford Law: experimental evidence
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
How to Assess the Democratic Qualities of a Multi-stakeholder Initiative from a Habermasian Perspective? Deliberative Democracy and the Equator Principles Framework
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Ethics
Will Martens, Bastiaan van der Linden, Manuel Wörsdörfer
Convergence on the Calculation Methodology for Drafting Rules of Origin in FTAs Using the Ad Valorem Criterion
Erschienen in: Global Trade and Customs Journal
Stefano Inama, Pramila Crivelli
Blind Spots in Business and Information Systems Engineering
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Oliver Hinz, Wil van der Aalst, Christof Weinhardt
AKEGIS: Automatic Keyword Generation for Sponsored Search Advertising in Online Retailing
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Michael Scholz, Christoph Brenner, Oliver Hinz
Inequality and imbalances: a monetary union agent-based model
Erschienen in: Journal of Evolutionary Economics
Alberto Cardaci, Francesco Saraceno
Between Scylla and Charybdis: Income distribution, consumer credit and business cycles
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Alberto Cardaci, Francesco Saraceno
Weiterbildungsanlässe und -barrieren von Arbeitnehmern verschiedener Randgruppen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Christin Siegfried, Eveline Wuttke
Welche Potenziale bergen praktische Phasen im dualen Studium?
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Alexander Brodsky, Jürgen Seifried, Gerald Sailmann
A New Interpretation of the Number e
Erschienen in: Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Olivier de La Grandville
Predictors and portfolios over the life cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Holger Kraft, Claus Munk, Farina Weiss
User Preferences and Willingness to Pay for In-Vehicle Assistance
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Cristina Mihale-Wilson, Jan Zibuschka, Oliver Hinz
Eliciting and Considering Underlay User Preferences for Data-Forwarding in Multihop Wireless Networks
Erschienen in: IEEE Access
Hussein Al-Shatri, Katharina Keller, Fabian Jacobfeuerborn, Oliver Hinz, Anja Klein
Investor Sentiment and Initial Coin Offerings
Erschienen in: Journal of Alternative Investments
Wolfgang Drobetz, Paul Momtaz, Henning Schröder
Token Sales and Initial Coin Offerings: Introduction
Erschienen in: Journal of Alternative Investments
Paul Momtaz
Higher taxes on less elastic goods? Evidence from German municipalities
Erschienen in: Regional Science and Urban Economics
Sebastian Blesse, Philipp Doerrenberg, Anna Rauch
Loss-induced emotions and criminal behavior: An experimental analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Florian Baumann, Volker Benndorf, Maria Friese
The financing dynamics of newly founded firms
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Julia Hirsch, Uwe Walz
Data Revisions of Aggregate Hours Worked: Implications for the Europe-U.S. Hours Gap
Erschienen in: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review
Alexander Bick, Bettina Brüggemann, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
How Do Banks React to Catastrophic Events? Evidence from Hurricane Katrina
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Ulrich Schüwer, Claudia Lambert, Felix Noth
Buyer power and mutual dependency in a model of negotiations
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Joao Montez
Zur Diskrepanz zwischen gerichtlichen Beweisfragen in Kartellschadenersatzverfahren und den Ergebnissen des ökonomischen „Standardansatzes“ bei statistischen Analysen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wettbewerbsrecht
Niels Frank, Roman Inderst, Gunnar Oldehaver
Financial Literacy and Savings Account Returns
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Florian Deuflhard, Dimitris Georgarakos, Roman Inderst
Near-optimal online routing in opportunistic networks
Erschienen in: International Journal of Communication Systems
Narges Arastouei, Masoud Sabaei, Bahador Bakhshi
Optimal climate policies in a dynamic multi-country equilibrium model
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Elmar Hillebrand, Marten Hillebrand
The Influence of Wind Energy and Biogas on Farmland Prices
Erschienen in: Land Economics
Olena Myrna, Martin Odening, Matthias Ritter
General equilibrium effects of immigration in Germany: Search and matching approach
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Zainab Iftikhar, Anna Zaharieva
Neukonzeption der variablen Vorstandsvergütung
Erschienen in: Der Betrieb
Laura Bundle, Remo Schmid, Alexander F. Wagner, Hans-Joachim Böcking
Neukonzeption der variablen Vorstandsvergütung durch den Entwurf des DCGK
Erschienen in: Der Betrieb
Laura Bundle, Remo Schmid, Alexander F. Wagner, Hans-Joachim Böcking
Ratio Tests under Limiting Normality
Erschienen in: Econometric Reviews
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Consumption-portfolio choice with preferences for cash
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Holger Kraft, Farina Weiss
Content analysis of business communication: introducing a German dictionary
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Christina Bannier, Thomas Pauls, Andreas Walter
Gender differences in motivational crowding out of work performance
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Volker Benndorf, Holger Rau, Christian Sölch
An Obituary to Yuichi Shionoya
Erschienen in: Revue de Philosophie Economique/Review of Economic Philosophy
Bertram Schefold
Investing in legal advice: Competition at the courthouse?
Erschienen in: Information Economics and Policy
Steffen Juranek
Von der Theorie zur Wirtschaftspolitik: J. H. G. Justis „Policey-Wissenschaft“ im Fürstbistums Paderborn
Erschienen in: Westfälische Zeitschrift
Jan Greitens
Got Rejected? Real Effects of Not Getting a Loan
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Tobias Berg
Relaxing conditions for local average treatment effect in fuzzy regression discontinuity
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Jin-Young Choi, Myoung Lee
Identity leadership going global: Validation of the Identity Leadership Inventory across 20 countries
Erschienen in: Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Rolf van Dick, Jeremy E. Lemoine, Niklas K. Steffens, Rudolf Kerschreiter, Serap Arslan Akfirat, Lorenzo Avanzi
Targeting Online Display Ads: Choosing Their Frequency and Spacing
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Steffen Försch, Evert de Haan
Eignungsprüfung für Aufsichtsratsmitglieder von Instituten gemäß der Leitlinien der Europäischen Bankenaufsichtsbehörde
Erschienen in: Die Aktiengesellschaft
Peter Henning, Evgenia Gissing
Views on the Past, Present, and Future of Business and Information Systems Engineering
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Wil van der Aalst, Joerg Becker, Martin Bichler, Hans Ulrich Buhl, Jens Dibbern, Ulrich Frank, Ulrich Hasenkamp, Armin Heinzl, Oliver Hinz, Kai-Lung Hui, Matthias Jarke, Dimitris Karagiannis, Natalia Kliewer, Wolfgang König, Jan Mendling, Peter Mertens, Peter Rossi, Stefan Voss, Christof Weinhardt, Robert Winter, Jelena Zdravkovic
Hochbegabte im Beruf. Ergebnisse einer Pilotstudie zu Berufsbiografien, Positionen und Berufszufriedenheit
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Maren Schlegler, Eveline Wuttke, Kristina Kögler
Lack of preparation for rare events
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Bartosz Maćkowiak, Mirko Wiederholt
The Financial Crisis and Policy Responses in Europe (2007–2018)
Erschienen in: Comparative Economic Studies
Francesco Mongelli, Gonzalo Camba-Mendez
Expectation-based loss aversion and rank-order tournaments
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Simon Dato, Andreas Grunewald, Daniel Müller
Quantifying Visual Aesthetics Based on Processing Fluency Theory: Four Algorithmic Measures for Antecedents of Aesthetic Preferences
Erschienen in: Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts
Stefan Mayer, Jan Landwehr
Journalist disagreement
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Markets
Alexander Hillert, Heiko Jacobs, Sebastian Müller
Entwicklung und Vielfalt von Bank- und Finanzsystemen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft
Reinhard Schmidt
Individual determinants of emotional eating: A simultaneous investigation
Erschienen in: Appetite
Alexandra Mantau, Stefan Hattula, Torsten Bornemann
Should we use linearized models to calculate fiscal multipliers?
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Econometrics
Jesper Lindé, Mathias Trabandt
Bubbly Markov equilibria
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Martin Barbie, Marten Hillebrand
The Willingness to Sell Personal Data
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Volker Benndorf, Hans-Theo Normann
Trust in the monetary authority
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Dirk Bursian, Ester Faia
Why do Consumers Prefer Static instead of Dynamic Pricing Plans? An Empirical Study for a better Understanding of the Low Preferences for Time-Variant Pricing Plans
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera, Fabian Schulz
Leaning Against the Wind: Debt Financing in the Face of Adversity
Erschienen in: Financial Management
Michael Brennan, Holger Kraft
The impact of the package-opening process on product returns
Erschienen in: BuR - Business Research
Wenyan Zhou, Oliver Hinz, Alexander Benlian
China’s “Socialist Market Economy”: A Systemic Trade Issue
Erschienen in: Intereconomics/Review of European Economic Policy
Jacques Pelkmans
Creating shareholder value via collaborative innovation: the role of industry and resource alignment in knowledge exploration
Erschienen in: R&D Management
Sebastian Heil, Torsten Bornemann
Device Switching in Online Purchasing: Examining the Strategic Contingencies
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Evert de Haan, P.K. Kannan, Peter C. Verhoef, Thomas Wiesel
Rent-Seeking in Elite Networks
Erschienen in: Journal of Political Economy
Rainer Haselmann, David Schoenherr, Vikrant Vig
Housing Habits and Their Implications for Life-Cycle Consumption and Investment
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Holger Kraft, Claus Munk, Sebastian Wagner
A Matter of Time? Challenging and hindering effects of time pressure on work engagement
Erschienen in: Work & Stress
Anja Baethge, Tim Vahle-Hinz, Julia Schulte-Braucks, Rolf van Dick
Influencing risk taking in competitive environments: an experimental analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk Finance
Ivo Schedlinsky, Friedrich Sommer, Arnt Wöhrmann
Bubbles and Crowding-in of Capital via a Savings Glut
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Marten Hillebrand, Tomoo Kikuchi, Masaya Sakuragawa
Taxation and Labour Supply of Married Couples across Countries: A Macroeconomic Analysis
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Alexander Bick, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Measuring Processing Fluency: One versus Five Items
Erschienen in: Journal of Consumer Psychology
Laura Graf, Jan Landwehr
Regression Discontinuity with Multiple Running Variables Allowing Partial Effects
Erschienen in: Political Analysis
Jin-Young Choi, Myoung Lee
To deter or to moderate? Alliance formation in contests with incomplete information
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Kai Konrad, Florian Morath
Competition and bank stability
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Martin Götz
Social Networks and the Process of Globalization
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Georg Dürnecker, Fernando Vega-Redondo
Structural transformation, marketization, and household production around the world
Erschienen in: Journal of Development Economics
Benjamin Bridgman, Georg Dürnecker, Berthold Herrendorf
Dynamic rational inattention: Analytical results
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Bartosz Maćkowiak, Filip Matějka, Mirko Wiederholt
Focusing on Volatility Information Instead of Portfolio Weights as an Aid to Investor Decisions
Erschienen in: Experimental Economics
Christian Ehm, Christine Laudenbach, Martin Weber
The Impact of Sharing Mechanism Design on Content Sharing in Online Social Networks
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Irina Heimbach, Oliver Hinz
Self-adaptive risk-aware routing in opportunistic network
Erschienen in: The Journal of Supercomputing
Narges Arastouei, Masoud Sabaei
On DSGE Models
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Perspectives
Lawrence J. Christiano, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Mathias Trabandt
Retention Strategies in M&A Processes – An Exploratory Case Study on Turnover During Mergers and Acquisitions in the German Software Industry
Erschienen in: Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions
Theresa Goecke, Björn Michaelis, Lars Schweizer
A Note on Credit Risk Transfers and the Macroeconomy
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Ester Faia
Helping Merchants to Assess the Profitability of Deal-of-the-Day Promotions
Erschienen in: INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics
Jochen Reiner, Bernd Skiera
True Exogenous Shock or Just a Scapegoat: Making Sense of crises – The case of the 2008/2009 Global Banking Crisis’ Impact on Manufacturing Industries
Erschienen in: Journal of Strategy and Management
Lars Schweizer, Andreas Nienhaus
Inequality, Household Debt and Financial Instability: an Agent-Based Perspective
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Alberto Cardaci
Die neuen Leitlinien der Europäischen Bankenaufsichtsbehörde zur internen Governance von Instituten und der Eignungsprüfung
Erschienen in: Die Aktiengesellschaft
Peter Henning, Evgenia Gissing
Voluntary Disclosure of Private Information and Unraveling in the Market for Lemons: An Experiment
Erschienen in: Games
Volker Benndorf
How Does Financial Reporting Regulation Affect Firms’ Banking?
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Matthias Breuer, Katharina Hombach, Maximilian A Müller
Multiple Visits and Data Quality in Household Surveys
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Matthias Schündeln
Microfinance – Once and Today
Erschienen in: Credit and Capital Markets
Reinhard Schmidt
Interaction-based coding of scaffolding processes
Erschienen in: Learning and Instruction
Hanna Mach, Gerhard Minnameier, Rico Hermkes
Europa ja – aber welches?
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Christof Altmann
Capital regulation with heterogeneous banks – Unintended consequences of a too strict leverage ratio
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Andreas Barth, Christian Seckinger
Consumer Decision-Making of Older People: A 45-Year Review
Erschienen in: The Gerontologist
Dominik Hettich, Stefan Hattula, Torsten Bornemann
Endogenous Grids in Higher Dimensions: Delaunay Interpolation and Hybrid Methods
Erschienen in: Computational Economics
Alexander Ludwig, Matthias Schön
Managing the acqusition program: Towards dynamic M&A program capabilities
Erschienen in: Managementforschung
Michael Weber, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
An Incentive‐Compatible Experiment on Probabilistic Insurance and Implications for an Insurer's Solvency Level
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Anja Zimmer, Helmut Gründl, Christian Schade, Franca Glenzer
Causal Inference Using Mediation Analysis or Instrumental Variables – Full Mediation in the Absence of Conditional Independence
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Thomas Otter, Max Pachali, Stefan Mayer, Jan Landwehr
Growth options and firm valuation
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Holger Kraft, Eduardo Schwartz, Farina Weiss
On the Fintech Revolution: Interpreting the Forces of Innovation, Disruption and Transformation in Financial Services
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Information Systems
Peter Gomber, Robert J. Kauffman, Chris Parker, Bruce W. Weber
Industry Wages Across Countries and Over Time: A New Database of Micro Survey Data
Erschienen in: Review of Income and Wealth
Le Van Ha, Jakob de Haan, Erik Dietzenbacher
Stuck in the Past? The Moderation Effect of Personal Nostalgia on the Attitude Behavior Relationship in IS Adoption Contexts
Erschienen in: Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
Julia Krönung, Friedrich Born
Beyond Posted Prices: the Past, Present, and Future of Participative Pricing Mechanisms
Erschienen in: Customer Needs and Solutions
Martin Spann, Robert Zeithammer, Marco Bertini, Ernan Haruvy, Sandy Jap, Oded Königsberg, Bernd Skiera, Vincent Mak, Peter Popkowski Leszczyc, Manoj Thomas
Effects of Transparency: Analyzing Social Biases on Trader Performance in Social Trading
Erschienen in: Journal of Information Technology
Florian Glaser, Marten Risius
A mechanism for booms and busts in housing prices
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Marten Hillebrand, Tomoo Kikuchi
A Probit Model with Structured Covariance for Similarity Effects and Source of Volume Calculations
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Jeffrey Dotson, John Howell, Jeff Brazell, Thomas Otter, Peter Lenk, Steve MacEachern
How Customer Referral Programs Turn Social Capital into Economic Capital
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Christophe Van den Bulte, Emanuel Bayer, Bernd Skiera, Philipp Schmitt
Will They Take the Money and Work? People’s Willingness to Delay Claiming Social Security Benefits for a Lump Sum
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla, Tatjana Schimetschek
Is Proprietary Trading Detrimental to Retail Investors?
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Falko Fecht, Andreas Hackethal, Yigitcan Karabulut
Managing Channel Profits When Retailers Have Profitable Outside Options
Erschienen in: Management Science
Roman Inderst, Greg Shaffer
Measuring sovereign contagion in Europe
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Stability
Massimiliano Caporin, Loriana Pelizzon, Francesco Ravazzolo, Roberto Rigobon
Modelling illiquidity spillovers with Hawkes processes: an application to the sovereign bond market
Erschienen in: Quantitative Finance
Michael Schneider, Fabrizio Lillo, Loriana Pelizzon
On the allocation of time – A quantitative analysis of the roles of taxes and productivities
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Georg Dürnecker, Berthold Herrendorf
Joel Mokyr’s A Culture of Growth: a book roundtable
Erschienen in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Bertram Schefold, Christian Gehrke, Erik Buyst, Heinz D. Kurz, Richard Sturn, Joel Mokyr
Thomas von Aquin. Petrus Johannes Olivi und Antoninus von Florenz. Mittelalterliche Kapitalkritik und die Weberthese
Erschienen in: Historisches Jahrbuch
Bertram Schefold
Can firms see into the future? Survey evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Baptiste Massenot, Yuri Pettinicchi
How Do Hours Worked Vary with Income? Cross-Country Evidence and Implications
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Alexander Bick, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Introducing the Dorfmanian: a Powerful Tool for the Calculus of Variations
Erschienen in: Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Olivier de La Grandville
Why is Optimal Growth Theory Mute? Restoring its Rightful Voice
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Olivier de La Grandville
Minimum distance estimator for sharp regression discontinuity with multiple running variables
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Jin-Young Choi, Myoung Lee
Online Shopping and Platform Design with Ex Ante Registration Requirements
Erschienen in: Management Science
Florian Morath, Johannes Münster
Monetary Policy, Factor Substitution, and Convergence
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Rainer Klump, Anne Jurkat
Unisex pricing of German Participating Life Annuities – boon or bane for customer and insurance company?
Erschienen in: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Sandy Bruszas, Raimond Maurer, Ivonne Siegelin, Barbara Kaschützke
Evaluating Lump Sum Incentives for Delayed Social Security Claiming
Erschienen in: Public Policy & Aging Report
Olivia Mitchell, Raimond Maurer
Level and slope of volatility smiles in long-run risk models
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Nicole Branger, Paulo Rodrigues, Christian Schlag
Passt das deutsche Dreisäulensystem in eine zunehmend harmonisierte Bankenstruktur für Europa?
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Reinhard Schmidt
Objective Measures of Design Typicality
Erschienen in: Design Studies
Stefan Mayer, Jan Landwehr
What Explains the Difference in Leverage between Banks and Nonbanks?
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Tobias Berg, Jasmin Gider
Discussion of “Elicitability and backtesting: Perspectives for banking regulation”
Erschienen in: Annals of Applied Statistics
Patrick Schmidt
Bank rescues and bailout expectations: The erosion of market discipline during the financial crisis
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Florian Hett, Alexander Schmidt
Life Insurance Demand under Health Shock Risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Christoph Hambel, Holger Kraft, Lorenz Schendel, Morgens Steffensen
Konzernlagebericht: Änderungen von DRS 20 – Kein grundsätzlicher Anpassungsbedarf der Konzernlageberichterstattung durch das CSR-Richtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz
Erschienen in: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung
Hans-Joachim Böcking, Carolin Althoff
Regression discontinuity: review with extensions
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Jin-Young Choi, Myoung Lee
Time Preferences and the Pricing of Complementary Durables and Consumables
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Iman Ahmadi, Bernd Skiera, Anja Lambrecht, Florian Heubrandner
Application of the Delta Method to Functions of the Sample Mean when Observations are Dependent
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Michael Weba, Nora Dörmann
Finite Representations of the Summatory Divisor Function and Ramanujan’s tau-Function
Erschienen in: Integers
Michael Weba
The Improbability of Reswitching, the Certainty of Wicksell-Effects and the Poverty of Production Functions: The Cambridge Critique of Capital Transformed
Erschienen in: Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
Bertram Schefold
Intégration européenne et politiques du marché du travail : quel consensus entre parlementaires français et allemands ?
Erschienen in: Revue D'Economie Politique
Sebastian Blesse, Pierre C. Boyer, Friedrich Heinemann, Eckhard Janeba, Anasuya Raj
Incompatible European Partners? Cultural Predispositions and Household Financial Behavior
Erschienen in: Management Science
Michael Haliassos, Thomas Jansson, Yigitcan Karabulut
Taxing Externalities Under Financing Constraints
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst, Ulf Moslener
Optimal portfolio choice with loss aversion over consumption
Erschienen in: Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Giuliano Curatola
Advertising as Signal-Jamming
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Andreas Grunewald, Matthias Kräkel
Lower for longer: The case of the ECB
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Tilman Bletzinger, Volker Wieland
Modeling Heaped Duration Data: An Application to Neonatal Mortality
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Wiji Arulampalam, Valentina Corradi, Daniel Gutknecht
Explaining Conflicts Between Active and Non-Active Shareholders in Family Firms
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Jan-Folke Siebels, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Bank networks: Contagion, systemic risk and prudential policy
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Iñaki Aldasoro, Domenico Delli Gatti, Ester Faia
What Should Be the Dependent Variable in Marketing-Related Event Studies?
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Bernd Skiera, Emanuel Bayer, Lisa Schöler
Enabling international R&D units to evolve into contributors: the case of China
Erschienen in: Managementforschung
Isabella Sauerberg, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Illusion of control and the pursuit of authority
Erschienen in: Experimental Economics
Randolph Sloof, Ferdinand von Siemens
Temperature shocks and welfare costs
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Michael Donadelli, Marcus Jüppner, Max Riedel, Christian Schlag
A Taxonomy of Financial Market Manipulations: Establishing Trust and Market Integrity in the Financialized Economy Through Automated Fraud Detection
Erschienen in: Journal of Information Technology
Michael Siering, Benjamin Clapham, Oliver Engel, Peter Gomber
Incentive systems for risky investment decisions under unknown preferences
Erschienen in: Management Accounting Research
Julia Ortner, Louis Velthuis, David Wollscheid
Randomization Inference with Stata: A Guide and Software
Erschienen in: Stata Journal
Simon Heß
Depth of reasoning and information revelation: An experiment on the distribution of k-Levels
Erschienen in: International Game Theory Review
Volker Benndorf, Dorothea Kübler, Hans-Theo Normann
High-Frequency Trading and its Role in Fragmented Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Information Technology
Martin Haferkorn
Team Incentives and Performance: Evidence from a Retail Chain
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz, Miriam Krueger, Nick Zubanov
Portfolio choice and asset prices when preferences are interdependent
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Giuliano Curatola
Direct and indirect risk-taking incentives of inside debt
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Stefano Colonnello, Giuliano Curatola, Ngoc Giang Hoang
Consumption habits and humps
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Holger Kraft, Claus Munk, Frank Seifried, Sebastian Wagner
RTEA: Real-Time and Energy Aware Routing for Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks
Erschienen in: Wireless Personal Communications
Omid Tavallaie, Hamid Reza Naji, Masoud Sabaei, Narges Arastouei
Decoupling nominal and real rigidities: A reexamination of the canonical model of price setting under menu costs
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Philipp König, Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Prüfung des Lageberichts – Empirische Befunde einer explorativen Studie
Erschienen in: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung
Peter Kajüter, Martin Nienhaus, Matthias Nienaber
Digital Finance and FinTech: Current Research and Future Research Directions
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Peter Gomber, Jascha-Alexander Koch, Michael Siering
Competition Between Equity Markets: A Review of the Consolidation Versus Fragmentation Debate
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Surveys
Peter Gomber, Satchit Sagade, Erik Theissen, Moritz Christian Weber, Christian Westheide
Over, out, but present: recalling former sponsorships
Erschienen in: European Journal of Marketing
Alexander Edeling, Stefan Hattula, Torsten Bornemann
Experienced vs. inexperienced participants in the lab: do they behave differently?
Erschienen in: Journal of the Economic Science Association
Volker Benndorf, Claudia Moellers, Hans-Theo Normann
One, Two, Many—Insensitivity to Group Size in Games with Concentrated Benefits and Dispersed Costs
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Heiner Schumacher, Iris Kesternich, Michael Kosfeld, Joachim Winter
Expectation-Based Loss Aversion and Strategic Interaction
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Simon Dato, Andreas Grunewald, Daniel Müller, Philipp Strack
Compensation schemes, liquidity provision, and asset prices: an experimental analysis
Erschienen in: Experimental Economics
Sascha Baghestanian, Paul Gortner, Baptiste Massenot
Relevante Kosten für Investitionsentscheidungen
Erschienen in: Controlling & Management Review
Stefan Reichelstein, Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
Semiparametric Estimator for Binary‐outcome Sample Selection: Prejudice Matters in Election
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Jin-Young Choi
Catchword: Blockchain
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Michael Nofer, Peter Gomber, Oliver Hinz, Dirk Schiereck
Internal audit function quality and financial reporting: results of a survey on German listed companies
Erschienen in: Journal of Management and Governance
Marius Gros, Sebastian Koch, Christoph Wallek
Föderalismuspräferenzen in der deutschen Bevölkerung
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Sebastian Blesse, Melissa Berger, Friedrich Heinemann, Eckhard Janeba
Sovereign risk, bank funding and investors’ pessimism
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ester Faia
An analysis of the consistency of banks’ internal ratings
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Tobias Berg, Philipp Koziol
Quantifying the Disincentive Effects of Joint Taxation on Married Women's Labor Supply
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Alexander Bick, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Add-on Pricing in Retail Financial Markets and the Fallacies of Consumer Education
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Michael Kosfeld, Ulrich Schüwer
Balance of power and the propensity of conflict
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Luisa Herbst, Kai Konrad, Florian Morath
Time discounting and economic decision-making in the older population
Erschienen in: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing
David Huffman, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell
Effects of Decision Space Information on MAUT-based Systems that Support Purchase Decision Processes
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Michael Scholz, Markus Franz, Oliver Hinz
Assessing the Economic Effects of Server Launches in Free-to-Play MMO Games
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Sebastian Voigt, Oliver Hinz
Processing Fluency: An Inevitable Side Effect of Evaluative Conditioning
Erschienen in: Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Jan Landwehr, Benedikt Golla, Rolf Reber
Do Disclosures of Customer Metrics Lower Investors’ and Analysts’ Uncertainty, But Hurt Firm Performance?
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Emanuel Bayer, Kapil Tuli, Bernd Skiera
Kein Wunder, dass Keynes Dollars in Flaschen stopfen, vergraben und wieder ausbuddeln wollte
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Bertram Schefold
Bounded careers in creative industries: Surprising patterns in video games
Erschienen in: Industry and Innovation
Steven Casper, Cornelia Storz
SME Funding Without Banks?
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft
Günter Franke, Jan Krahnen
How agile practices impact customer responsiveness and development success: A field study
Erschienen in: Project Management Journal
Jan Recker, Roland Holten, Markus Hummel, Christoph Rosenkranz
Perturbed best response dynamics in a hawk–dove game
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Volker Benndorf, Ismael Martínez-Martínez
Mind the Gap: The Difference between U.S. and European Loan Rates
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Tobias Berg, Anthony Saunders, Sascha Steffen, Daniel Streitz
Advancing Non-Compensatory Choice Models in Marketing
Erschienen in: Customer Needs and Solutions
Anocha Aribarg, Thomas Otter, Daniel Zantedeschi, Greg Allenby, Taylor Bentley, David Curry
Has Greater Stock Market Participation Increased Wealth Inequality in the US?
Erschienen in: Review of Income and Wealth
Yannis Bilias, Dimitris Georgarakos, Michael Haliassos
The Regional Asymmetric Responses to Central Bank's Monetary Policy in Pakistan
Erschienen in: Singapore Economic Review
Naseem Faraz, Zainab Iftikhar
The Impact of IFRS 8 Adoption on the Usefulness of Segment Reports
Erschienen in: Abacus
Peter Kajüter, Martin Nienhaus
Structural Reforms in Banking: The Role of Trading
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Regulation
Jan Krahnen, Felix Noth, Ulrich Schüwer
CSR-Richtlinie-Umsetzungsgesetz: Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung und Wertewandel – Neue Herausforderungen und Chancen für die Nachhaltigkeit
Erschienen in: Der Betrieb
Hans-Joachim Böcking
Two New Features in Discrete Choice Experiments to Improve Willingness to Pay Estimation that Result in New Methods: Separated (Adaptive) Dual Response
Erschienen in: Management Science
Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera
On the conditional effects of IMF program participation on output growth
Erschienen in: Journal of Macroeconomics
Michael Binder, Marcel Bluhm
Can the SIEC test be used to assess effects from buyer power?
Erschienen in: Journal of European Competition Law and Practice
Roman Inderst, Nicola Mazzarotto
The recent crises and central counterparty risk practices in the light of procyclicality: empirical evidence
Erschienen in: Journal Of Financial Market Infrastructures
Olga Lewandowska, Florian Glaser
Intertemporal Substitution in Consumption: A Literature Review
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Surveys
Julian Thimme
Ergodic for the Mean
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler
Currency Value
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
Vulnerable Exotic Derivatives
Erschienen in: Journal of Derivatives
Marcos Escobar, Mirco Mahlstedt, Sven Panz, Rudi Zagst
How do insured deposits affect bank risk? Evidence from the 2008 Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Claudia Lambert, Felix Noth, Ulrich Schüwer
A Finite Spectral Representation of the Partition Function
Erschienen in: The Ramanujan Journal
Michael Weba
Aging and pension reform: extending the retirement age and human capital formation
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Edgar Vogel, Alexander Ludwig, Axel Börsch-Supan
Do Individual Investors Learn from Their Mistakes?
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Maximilian Koestner, Benjamin Loos, Andreas Hackethal, Steffen Meyer
Optimal consumption and investment with Epstein–Zin recursive utility
Erschienen in: Finance and Stochastics
Holger Kraft, Thomas Seiferling, Frank Seifried
Aesthetic Pleasure versus Aesthetic Interest: The Two Routes to Aesthetic Liking
Erschienen in: Frontiers in Psychology
Laura Graf, Jan Landwehr
The Effects of Financial and Recognition Incentives Across Work Contexts: The Role of Meaning
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Michael Kosfeld, Susanne Neckermann, Xiaolan Yang
Innovation paradoxes: a review and typology of explanations
Erschienen in: Prometheus
Thanos Fragkandreas
The Design of Vertical R&D Collaborations
Erschienen in: Economica
Patrick Herbst, Uwe Walz
(When) Do Long Autoregressions Account for Neglected Changes in Parameters?
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Matei Demetrescu, Uwe Hassler
The changing public sphere on Twitter: Network structure, elites, and topics of the #righttobeforgotten
Erschienen in: New Media & Society
Shuzhe Yang, Anabel Quan-Haase, Kai Rannenberg
The evolution of insurer portfolio investment strategies for long-term investing
Erschienen in: OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends
Jens Gal, Helmut Gründl, Ming Dong
Systemic loops and liquidity regulation
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Stability
Iñaki Aldasoro, Ester Faia
Globalization, Pass-Through, and Inflation Dynamics
Erschienen in: International Journal of Central Banking
Pierpaolo Benigno, Ester Faia
Panel Cointegration Testing in the Presence of Linear Time Trends
Erschienen in: Econometrics
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Accounting and actuarial smoothing of retirement payouts in participating life annuities
Erschienen in: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla, Ivonne Siegelin
How Family Status and Social Security Claiming Options Shape Optimal Life Cycle Portfolios
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Andreas Hubener, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell
Capital Market Integration and Consumption Risk Sharing over the Long Run
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Jesper Rangvid, Santa-Clara Pedro, Maik Schmeling
C-trust: A trust management system to improve fairness on circular P2P networks
Erschienen in: Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
Alireza Naghizadeh, Behrooz Razeghi, Ehsan Meamari, Majid Hatamian, Reza Ebrahimi Atani
Asymmetric Employer Information, Promotions, and the Wage Policy of Firms
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Simon Dato, Andreas Grunewald, Matthias Kräkel, Daniel Müller
Risk-taking in tournaments: an experimental analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Ivo Schedlinsky, Friedrich Sommer, Arnt Wöhrmann
Entrepreneurial Spawning: Experience, Education, and Exit
Erschienen in: Financial Review
Douglas Cumming, Uwe Walz, Jochen Christian Werth
Lending-of-last-resort is as lending-of-last-resort does: Central bank liquidity provision and interbank market functioning in the euro area
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Carlos Garcia-de-Andoain, Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova, Simone Manganelli
Self-Fulfilling Credit Cycles
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Costas Azariadis, Leo Kaas, Yi Wen
An Alternative Derivation of the Euler-Poisson Equation
Erschienen in: The American Mathematical Monthly
Olivier de La Grandville
Sovereign credit risk, liquidity, and European Central Bank intervention: Deus ex machina?
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Loriana Pelizzon, Martin Subrahmanyam, Davide Tomio, Jun Uno
When do jumps matter for portfolio optimization?
Erschienen in: Quantitative Finance
Marius Ascheberg, Nicole Branger, Holger Kraft, Frank Seifried
Detecting Fraudulent Behavior on Crowdfunding Platforms: The Role of Linguistic and Content-Based Cues in Static and Dynamic Contexts
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Information Systems
Michael Siering, Jascha-Alexander Koch, Amit V. Deokar
Customer Response to Interactional Service Experience: The Role of Interaction Environment
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Management
Carmen-Maria Albrecht, Stefan Hattula, Torsten Bornemann, Wayne D. Hoyer
Klaus Beck zum 75. Geburtstag
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Gerhard Minnameier
Sozialkompetenz als Moralkompetenz – theoretische und empirische Analysen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Gerhard Minnameier, Felicia Kirschbaum, Karin Heinrichs
Social influence in childhood obesity interventions: a systematic review
Erschienen in: Obesity Reviews
M. S. Jalali, Zahra Sharafi-Avarzaman, H. Rahmandad, A. S. Ammerman
Regionalism and falling external protection in high and low tariff members
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Pramila Crivelli
Impediments to Communication in Financial Institutions: Implications for the Risk Management Organization
Erschienen in: Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
Dirk Höring, Helmut Gründl, Sebastian Schlütter
The Impact of Content Sentiment and Emotionality on Content Virality
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Irina Heimbach, Oliver Hinz
Lobbying and Audit Regulation in the EU
Erschienen in: Accounting in Europe
Daniel Worret, Marius Gros
The Effectiveness of Different Forms of Online Advertising for Purchase Conversion in a Multiple-Channel Attribution Framework
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Evert de Haan, Thomas Wiesel, Koen Pauwels
TV's Dirty Little Secret: The Negative Effect of Popular TV on Online Auction Sales
Erschienen in: Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly)
Shawndra Hill, Oliver Hinz, Ju-Young Kim
The macroeconomic risks of undesirably low inflation
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Jonas E. Arias, Christopher Erceg, Mathias Trabandt
Equilibrium selection with coupled populations in hawk–dove games: Theory and experiment in continuous time
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Volker Benndorf, Ismael Martínez-Martínez, Hans-Theo Normann
Risk-Sharing or Risk-Taking? Counterparty Risk, Incentives, and Margins
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Bruno Biais, Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova
Technology Transfer for Climate Change
Erschienen in: International Economic Review
May Elsayyad, Florian Morath
Bargaining with incomplete information: Evolutionary stability in finite populations
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Kai Konrad, Florian Morath
Time is money: Rational life cycle inertia and the delegation of investment management
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Kim Hugh, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell
Abusing ETFs
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Utpal Bhattacharya, Benjamin Loos, Andreas Hackethal, Steffen Meyer
Price discovery and convergence in fragmented securities markets
Erschienen in: International Journal of Managerial Finance
Benjamin Clapham, Kai Zimmermann
CGC: Centralized Genetic-Based Clustering Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks using Onion Approach
Erschienen in: Telecommunications Systems
Majid Hatamian, Hamid Barati, Ali Movaghar, Alireza Naghizadeh
Drifts and volatilities under measurement error: Assessing monetary policy shocks over the last century
Erschienen in: Quantitative Economics
Pooyan Amir Ahmadi, Christian Matthes, Mu-Chun Wang
Finding the Equilibrium Real Interest Rate in a Fog of Policy Deviations
Erschienen in: Business Economics
John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland
Long-Lasting Effects of Socialist Education
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Paolo Masella
Diversification with volatility products
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Carol Alexander, Dimitris Korovilas, Julia Kapraun
Do municipal mergers reduce costs? Evidence from a German federal state
Erschienen in: Regional Science and Urban Economics
Sebastian Blesse, Thushyanthan Baskaran
Unemployment and Business Cycles
Erschienen in: Econometrica
Lawrence J. Christiano, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Mathias Trabandt
The Total Cost of Corporate Borrowing in the Loan Market: Don't Ignore the Fees
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Tobias Berg, Anthony Saunders, Sascha Steffen
Modified CADF and CIPS Panel Unit Root Statistics with Standard Chi‐squared and Normal Limiting Distributions
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Joakim Westerlund, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
The Local Power of the CADF and CIPS Panel Unit Root Tests
Erschienen in: Econometric Reviews
Joakim Westerlund, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack, Martin Solberger
Toward a mutualization of European unemployment insurance? On limiting the downsides of a fiscal transfer system for the Eurozone
Erschienen in: CESifo Economic Studies
Alfons Weichenrieder, Shafik Hebous
A decentralization theorem of taxation
Erschienen in: CESifo Economic Studies
Vilen Lipatov, Alfons Weichenrieder
Ethics and economics: A comment on Narvaez’s „Revitalizing human virtue by restoring organic morality“
Erschienen in: Journal of Moral Education
Gerhard Minnameier
Rationalität und Moralität – Zum systematischen Ort der Moral im Kontext von Präferenzen und Restriktionen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik
Gerhard Minnameier
Land collateral and labor market dynamics in France
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Patrick Pintus, Simon Ray
Delegation of Strategic Decision-Making Authority to Middle Managers
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Control
Martin Guggenberger, Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
Visualizing Asymmetric Competition among More than 1,000 Products Using Big Search Data
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Daniel Ringel, Bernd Skiera
Investor Sentiment and Sectoral Stock Returns: Evidence from World Cup Games
Erschienen in: Finance Research Letters
Giuliano Curatola, Michael Donadelli, Renatas Kizys, Max Riedel
Does the geographic expansion of banks reduce risk?
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Martin Götz, Luc Laeven, Ross Levine
The Ambiguous Identifier Clustering Technique: A Method for Unobserved Product Heterogeneity in Online Transaction Data
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Michael Scholz, Markus Franz, Oliver Hinz
Determining Profit-optimizing Return Policies – A Two-Step Approach on Data from
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Wenyan Zhou, Oliver Hinz
Procyclical Capital Regulation and Lending
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Markus Behn, Rainer Haselmann, Paul Wachtel
Political Economy in the Pseudo-Aristotelian Oeconomica II and the German Cameralist Klock
Erschienen in: History of Economic Thought and Policy
Bertram Schefold
Information Flows in Foreign Exchange Markets: Dissecting Customer Currency Trades
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
Making Digital Freemium Business Models a Success - Predicting Customers' Lifetime Value via Initial Purchase Information
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Sebastian Voigt, Oliver Hinz
Congestion-Aware Routing and Fuzzy-based Rate Controller for Wireless Sensor Networks
Erschienen in: Radioengineering
Majid Hatamian, Maryam Almasi Bardmily, Mojtaba Asadboland, Mehdi Hatamian, Hamid Barati
How to improve acquisition performance: The role of a dedicated M&A function, M&A learning process, and M&A capability
Erschienen in: Strategic Management Journal
Anja Trichterborn, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Are VC-backed IPOs delayed trade sales?
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Andrej Gill, Uwe Walz
Capital Misallocation and Aggregate Factor Productivity
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Costas Azariadis, Leo Kaas
Do Reviews by External Auditors Improve the Information Content of Interim Financial Statements?
Erschienen in: International Journal of Accounting
Peter Kajüter, Florian Klassmann, Martin Nienhaus
Quantile Regression for Long Memory Testing: A case of Realized Volatility
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Econometrics
Uwe Hassler, Paulo M. M. Rodrigues, Antonio Rubia
A life-cycle model with ambiguous survival beliefs
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Max Groneck, Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper
The Impact of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures on Market Entry and Trade Flows
Erschienen in: The World Economy
Pramila Crivelli, Jasmin Groeschl
Alphabetic Bias, Investor Recognition, and Trading Behavior *
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Heiko Jacobs, Alexander Hillert
Hedge Fund Tail Risk: An Investigation in Stressed Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Alternative Investments
Monica Billio, Lorenzo Frattarolo, Loriana Pelizzon
Securities Transaction Tax and Market Quality: The Case of France
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Peter Gomber, Martin Haferkorn, Kai Zimmermann
Revenue decentralization, central oversight and the political budget cycle: Evidence from Israel
Erschienen in: European Journal of Political Economy
Thushyanthan Baskaran, Adi Brender, Sebastian Blesse, Yaniv Reingewertz
Decomposing the Effects of Online Customer Reviews on Brand, Price, and Product Attributes
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Daniel Kostyra, Jochen Reiner, Martin Natter, Daniel Klapper
Public debt and total factor productivity
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Leo Kaas
On the optimal provision of social insurance: Progressive taxation versus education subsidies in general equilibrium
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Dirk Krueger, Alexander Ludwig
China's R&D explosion—Analyzing productivity effects across ownership types and over time
Erschienen in: Research Policy
Philipp Böing, Elisabeth Mueller, Philipp Sandner
Testing for Monotonicity under Endogeneity – An Application to the Reservation Wage Function
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Daniel Gutknecht
Powerful Unit Root Tests Free of Nuisance Parameters
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Profits equal surplus value on average and the significance of this result for the Marxian theory of accumulation: Being a new contribution to Engels’ Prize Essay Competition, based on random matrices and on manuscripts recently published in the MEGA for the first time
Erschienen in: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Bertram Schefold
The firm as the locus of social comparisons: Standard promotion practices versus up-or-out
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Emmanuelle Auriol, Guido Friebel, Frauke von Bieberstein
Stock repurchases and liquidity
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Alexander Hillert, Ernst Maug, Stefan Obernberger
The Dynamics of Crises and the Equity Premium
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Nicole Branger, Holger Kraft, Christoph Meinerding
Corporate Governance of Banks – A German Alternative to the Standard Model
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Bankrecht und Bankwirtschaft
Hans-Helmut Kotz, Reinhard Schmidt
Supporting the Design of Data Integration Requirements During the Development of Data Warehouses: a Communication Theory-based Approach
Erschienen in: European Journal of Information Systems
Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten, Marc Räkers, Wolf Behrmann
As certain as debt and taxes: Estimating the tax sensitivity of leverage from state tax changes
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Florian Heider, Alexander Ljungqvist
Determinants of the Size of the Sovereign Credit Default Swap Market
Erschienen in: Journal of Fixed Income
Tobias Berg, Daniel Streitz
Playing the Devil's Advocate: The Causal Effect of Risk Management on Loan Quality
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Tobias Berg
Worker mobility in a search model with adverse selection
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Carlos Carrillo-Tudela, Leo Kaas
The Non-Diversifiable Risk of Financial Reporting System: Evidence from the German Market
Erschienen in: Advances in Accounting
Yan-Ting Lin, Martin Nienhaus
What Makes Deal-of-the-Day Promotions Really Effective? The Interplay of Discount and Time Constraint with Product Type
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Maik Eisenbeiß, Robert Wilken, Bernd Skiera, Markus Cornelissen
Customizing Social Media Media Marketing
Erschienen in: Sloan Management Review
Christian Schulze, Lisa Schöler, Bernd Skiera
‘Nobody is perfect’: Asset pricing and long-run survival when heterogeneous investors exhibit different kinds of filtering errors
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Nicole Branger, Christian Schlag, Lue Wu
Theoriegeschichte, Methodologie, Unternehmenstheorie und Finanzierung im Werk von Dieter Schneider
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Reinhard Schmidt
Can't buy me love... or can I? Social capital attainment through conspicuous consumption in virtual environments
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann, Il-Horn Hann
Talented People and Strong Brands: The Contribution of Human Capital and Brand Equity to Firm Value
Erschienen in: Strategic Management Journal
Arnd Vomberg, Christian Homburg, Torsten Bornemann
Managing Non-Financial Risks – a new focus area for executive and non-executive board members
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institutions
Thomas Kaiser
Management von Non-Financial Risks – ein neues Schwerpunktthema für Aufsichtsräte und Vorstände
Erschienen in: Die Bank
Thomas Kaiser
Grüne Technologien als industriepolitisches Konzept? Der Süden Sachsen-Anhalts als Fallbeispiel
Erschienen in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
Christof Altmann, Danny Bieräugel, Jörg Döpke, Philip Maschke
The Synergistic Effect of Prototypicality and Authenticity in the Relation Between Leaders’ Biological Gender and Their Organizational Identification
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Ethics
Lucas Monzani, Alina S. Hernandez Bark, Rolf van Dick, Jose Maria Peiro
Liquidity hoarding and interbank market rates: The role of counterparty risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova, Cornelia Holthausen
Trading and Investing in Volatility Products
Erschienen in: Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments
Carol Alexander, Julia Kapraun, Dimitris Korovilas
High Order Smooth Ambiguity Preferences and Asset Prices
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Economics
Julian Thimme, Julian Völkert
Chancen- und Risikoberichterstattung nach DRS 20 - Berichtspraxis und Anwendungserfahrungen bei DAX- und MDAX-Unternehmen
Erschienen in: Die Wirtschaftsprüfung
Peter Kajüter, Martin Nienhaus, Hannes Mohrschladt
The Equator Principles and Human Rights Due Diligence – Towards a Positive and Leverage-based Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
Erschienen in: Philosophy of Management
Manuel Wörsdörfer
Economic Factors of Victimization: Evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Horst Entorf
Fostering the Adoption of Electric Vehicles by Providing Complementary Mobility Services: A Two-step Approach using Best-Worst Scaling and Dual Response
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Oliver Hinz, Christian Schlereth, Wenyan Zhou
TTIP: Political and Economic Rationale and Implications
Erschienen in: Intereconomics/Review of European Economic Policy
Thea M. Lee, Federica Mustilli, Lucian Cernat, Ana Norman-López, Alessandra Tucci, Jacques Pelkmans
Responses to the Euro Area Crisis: Measuring the Path of European Institutional Integration
Erschienen in: Journal of European Integration
Francesco Mongelli, Ettore Dorrucci, Demosthenes Ioannou, Alessio Terzi
A New Greedy Geographical Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Erschienen in: Journal of Advances in Computer Research
Majid Hatamian, Hamid Barati, Ali Movaghar
ECO: Entega’s Profitable New Customer Acquisition on Online Price Comparison Sites
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Martin Natter, Ana-Marija Ozimec, Ju-Young Kim
A Dual-Process Perspective on Fluency-Based Aesthetics: The Pleasure-Interest Model of Aesthetic Liking
Erschienen in: Personality and Social Psychology Review
Laura Graf, Jan Landwehr
Next practice, not best practice: using virtual worlds in new product development in the automotive industry
Erschienen in: International Journal of Product Development
Julia Daecke, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Efficient Firm Dynamics in a Frictional Labor Market
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Philipp Kirchner
When 'just' is just not enough: Why consumers do not appreciate pay-for-priority internet access services
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Jan Krämer, Lukas Wiewiorra
Going Public: How the Stock Market Changes Firm Innovation Behavior
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Christine Moorman, Simone Wies
Business Cycle Dynamics under Rational Inattention
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Bartosz Maćkowiak, Mirko Wiederholt
Information Sharing in Contests
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Dan Kovenock, Florian Morath, Johannes Münster
Welfare and labor supply implications of tax competition for mobile labor
Erschienen in: Social Choice and Welfare
Vilen Lipatov, Alfons Weichenrieder
Advance Payment Systems: Paying Too Much Today and Being Satisfied Tomorrow
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Fabian Schulz, Christian Schlereth, Nina Mazar, Bernd Skiera
Zur Evaluation der Bewährungshilfe in Baden-Württemberg
Erschienen in: Bewährungshilfe
Dieter Dölling, Horst Entorf, Dieter Hermann
How to Pay Envious Managers – a Theoretical Analysis
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Marc Crummenerl, Tilmann Doll, Christian Koziol
On the different approaches of measuring uncertainty shocks
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Johannes Strobel
Cash Equity Markets in Germany
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Peter Gomber
In the Eye of the Beholder? The Effect of Product Appearance on Shareholder Value
Erschienen in: Journal of Product Innovation Management
Torsten Bornemann, Lisa Schöler, Christian Homburg
Aufgaben angehender Industriekaufleute im Controlling: Ansätze zur Modellierung des Gegenstandsbereichs
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Rebecca Eigenmann, Christin Siegfried, Kristina Kögler, Marc Egloffstein
Solving and estimating linearized DSGE models with VARMA shock processes and filtered data
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Alexander Meyer-Gohde, Daniel Neuhoff
Trust in government and fiscal adjustments
Erschienen in: International Tax and Public Finance
Dirk Bursian, Alfons Weichenrieder, Jochen Zimmer
Social security in an analytically tractable overlapping generations model with aggregate and idiosyncratic risks
Erschienen in: International Tax and Public Finance
Daniel Harenberg, Alexander Ludwig
Using Twitter to Predict the Stock Market: Where is the Mood Effect?
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Michael Nofer, Oliver Hinz
“Impact Engineering” or Social Responsibility?
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Ulrich Frank, Robert Winter, Peter Mertens, August-Wilhelm Scheer, Hans Ulrich Buhl, Peter Buxmann, Christine Legner, Leena Suhl, Wolfgang König
Are different stock market transparency requirements associated with different accounting quality levels? An analysis of bonding effects on the German stock market
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Christoph Wallek, Marius Gros
Was macht ein Problem zu einem Problem? - Modellierung der Schwierigkeit von Problemszenarien für den Ausbildungsberuf
Erschienen in: Wirtschaft & Erziehung
Thomas Schley, Rebecca Eigenmann, Christin Siegfried
Completed fertility effects of family policy measures: evidence from a life-cycle model
Erschienen in: Economics Bulletin
Raphael-Haim Abiry, Holger Stichnoth, Karsten Reuß
Does contingent capital induce excessive risk-taking?
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Tobias Berg, Christoph Kaserer
How individual characteristics shape the structure of social networks
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Yann Girard, Florian Hett, Daniel Schunk
Ambiguity in the Cross-Section of Expected Returns: An Empirical Assessment
Erschienen in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Julian Thimme, Julian Völkert
Levelized Product Cost: Concept and Decision Relevance
Erschienen in: Accounting Review
Stefan Reichelstein, Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
Enforcement of accounting standards: how effective is the German two-tier system in detecting earnings management?
Erschienen in: Review of Managerial Science
Hans-Joachim Böcking, Daniel Worret, Marius Gros
Property rights and consumption volatility: Evidence from a land reform in Vietnam
Erschienen in: World Development
Niels Kemper, Luu Viet Ha, Rainer Klump
Optimal life cycle portfolio choice with variable annuities offering liquidity and investment downside protection
Erschienen in: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla
The Effects of a Low Interest Rate Environment on Life Insurers
Erschienen in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Elia Berdin, Helmut Gründl
The Effects of Contingent Convertible (CoCo) Bonds on Insurers’ Capital Requirements Under Solvency II
Erschienen in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Tobias Niedrig, Helmut Gründl
From Wall Street to Main Street – How Banks Can Off load Their Ass et Risk onto Retail Investors
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Marc Crummenerl, Christian Koziol
A Greenhouse for Market Discipline: Making Bail-In Work
Erschienen in: European Economy - Banks, Regulation, and the Real Sector
Jan Krahnen, Laura Moretti
The Impact of Functional Affordances and Symbolic Expressions on the Formation of Beliefs
Erschienen in: Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Daniel Grgecic, Roland Holten, Christoph Rosenkranz
Rethinking Optimal Exchange Rate Regimes with Frictional Labor Markets
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Alessia Campolmi, Ester Faia
The dynamic capabilities perspective: from fragments to meta-theory
Erschienen in: Management Research Review
Lars Schweizer, Shalini Rogbeer, Björn Michaelis
Financial Distress, Stock Returns, and the 1978 Bankruptcy Reform Act
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Dirk Hackbarth, Rainer Haselmann, David Schoenherr
Equator Principles: Bridging the Gap between Economics and Ethics?
Erschienen in: Business and Society Review
Manuel Wörsdörfer
Auswirkungen der anhaltenden Niedrigzinsen auf das Versicherungswesen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik
Helmut Gründl
Cash Flow Multipliers and Optimal Investment Decisions
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Eduardo Schwartz, Holger Kraft
The Health Information Seeking and Usage Behavior Intention of Chinese Consumers through Mobile Phone
Erschienen in: Information Technology & People
Zhaohua Deng, Shan Liu, Oliver Hinz
The Value of User’s Facebook Profile Data for Product Recommendation Generation
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Irina Heimbach, Jörg Gottschlich, Oliver Hinz
The Predictive Ability of Different Customer Feedback Metrics for Retention
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Evert de Haan, Peter C. Verhoef, Thomas Wiesel
The Impact of Weather on German Retail Investors
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Jochen Schmittmann, Jenny Pirschel, Andreas Hackethal, Steffen Meyer
Measuring Consumers' Willingness-to-Pay with Utility-based Recommendation Systems Decision Support Systems
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Michael Scholz, Verena Dorner, Markus Franz, Oliver Hinz
Knowledge as a key in the relationship between high-performance work systems and workforce productivity
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Björn Michaelis, Joachim Wagner, Lars Schweizer
Informal Sector and Economic Development: The Credit Supply Channel
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Baptiste Massenot, Stéphane Straub
Reform des Abschlussprüfermarkts – Erkenntnisse der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und evidenzbasierte Regulierung
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Unternehmens- und Gesellschaftsrecht
Hans-Joachim Böcking, Marius Gros
Alliances in the Shadow of Conflict
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Changxia Ke, Kai Konrad, Florian Morath
The Schubert Effect: When Flourishing Businesses Crowd Out Human Capital
Erschienen in: World Development
Guido Friebel, Jibirila Leinyuy, Paul Seabright
Integrated risk management for defined benefit pensions: models and metrics
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Raimond Maurer
Loss aversion, habit formation and the term structures of equity and interest rates
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Giuliano Curatola
Catchword: Marketing Automation
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Irina Heimbach, Daniel Kostyra, Oliver Hinz
The influence of data theft on the share prices and systematic risk of consumer electronics companies
Erschienen in: Information and Management
Oliver Hinz, Michael Nofer, Dirk Schiereck, Julian Trillig
DEA efficiency of German savings banks: Evidence from a goal-oriented perspective
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Heinz Ahn, Minh Hanh Le
Marketing Automation
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Irina Heimbach, Daniel Kostyra, Oliver Hinz
Zum Einfluss von universitären und schulischen Lerngelegenheiten auf das Fachwissen und fachdidaktische Wissen von Studierenden der Wirtschaftspädagogik
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik
Eveline Wuttke, Stefanie Berger, Sabine Fritsch, Jürgen Seifried, Kathleen Schnick-Vollmer, Franziska Bouley
Privacy concerns, voluntary disclosure of information, and unraveling: An experiment
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Volker Benndorf, Dorothea Kübler, Hans-Theo Normann
Budgetary slack under budget-based incentive schemes—the behavioral impact of social preferences, organizational justice, and moral disengagement
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Control
Thomas Liessem, Ivo Schedlinsky, Anja Schwering, Friedrich Sommer
On the Endogeneity of Political Preferences: Evidence from Individual Experience with Democracy
Erschienen in: Science
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Matthias Schündeln
‘Animal Behavioral Economics’: Lessons Learnt From Primate Research
Erschienen in: Economic Thought
Manuel Wörsdörfer
Return-based classification of absolute return funds
Erschienen in: Journal of Asset Management
Raimond Maurer, Philipp Gerlach
Matching the BRIC equity premium: A structural approach
Erschienen in: Emerging Markets Review
Giuliano Curatola, Michael Donadelli, Patrick Grüning
Gambled Price Discounts: A Remedy to the Negative Side-Effects of Regular Price Discounts
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Sascha Alavi, Torsten Bornemann, Jan Wieseke
The impact of university teacher training on prospective teachers’ CK and PCK: A comparison between Austria and Germany
Erschienen in: Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training
Sabine Fritsch, Stefanie Berger, Jürgen Seifried, Eveline Wuttke, Kathleen Schnick-Vollmer, Franziska Bouley
Error Control Coding in Optical Fiber Communication Systems: An Overview
Erschienen in: Advances in Computer Science: an International Journal
Majid Hatamian, Hamid Barati, Samaneh Berenjian, Alireza Naghizadeh, Behrooz Razeghi
Monetary policy and risk taking
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ignazio Angeloni, Ester Faia, Marco Lo Duca
Evolutionary determinants of war
Erschienen in: Defence and Peace Economics
Kai Konrad, Florian Morath
Endogenous group formation in experimental contests
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Luisa Herbst, Kai Konrad, Florian Morath
Crime, prosecutors, and the certainty of conviction
Erschienen in: European Journal of Law and Economics
Horst Entorf, Hannes Spengler
Is the Risk-Based Mechanism Always Better? The Risk-Shifting Behavior of Insurers under Different Guarantee Schemes
Erschienen in: Journal of Insurance Issues
Ming Dong, Helmut Gründl, Sebastian Schlütter
The Role of Social Agile Practices for Direct and Indirect Communication in Information Systems Development Teams: A Multiple Case Study
Erschienen in: Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Markus Hummel, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Prisoners’ other Dilemma
Erschienen in: International Journal of Game Theory
Matthias Blonski, Giancarlo Spagnolo
The Effect of Brand Design on Brand Gender Perceptions and Brand Preference
Erschienen in: European Journal of Marketing
Theo Lieven, Bianca Grohmann, Andreas Herrmann, Jan Landwehr, Miriam van Tilburg
Leader Punishment and Cooperation in Groups: Experimental Field Evidence from Commons Management in Ethiopia
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Michael Kosfeld, Devesh Rustagi
Mobility and innovation: A cross-country comparison in the video games industry
Erschienen in: Research Policy
Cornelia Storz, Federico Riboldazzi, Moritz John
Paternalistic Economic Policies: Foundations, Implications and Critical Evaluations
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Rainer Klump, Manuel Wörsdörfer
Social Media and Academic Performance: Does Facebook Activity Relate to Good Grades?
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Bernd Skiera, Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann
Liquidity Dynamics in an Electronic Open Limit Order Book: An Event Study Approach
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Peter Gomber, Uwe Schweickert, Erik Theissen
Influential Factors for E-Government Success in the Middle East
Erschienen in: International Journal of Electronic Government Research
Roland Franke, Julia Krönung, Friedrich Born, Andreas Eckhardt
Modeling competencies of prospective teachers in business and economics education: professional knowledge in accounting
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Psychologie
Kathleen Schnick-Vollmer, Stefanie Berger, Sabine Fritsch, Bernhard Schmitz, Eveline Wuttke, Franziska Bouley
Understanding the Great Recession
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Lawrence J. Christiano, Martin S. Eichenbaum, Mathias Trabandt
Careers with Boundaries: Innovation within the Japanese Video Game Industry
Erschienen in: Academy of Management Proceedings
Cornelia Storz, Steven Casper
Shareholder activism by hedge funds in a concentrated ownership environment: an empirical study for Germany
Erschienen in: International Journal of Financial Services Management
Maximilian Stadler, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Lawyers and Investment
Erschienen in: Review of Law and Economics
Baptiste Massenot
Media Makes Momentum
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Alexander Hillert, Heiko Jacobs, Sebastian Müller
The Economic Impact of Privacy Violations and Security Breaches
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Michael Nofer, Oliver Hinz, Jan Muntermann, Heiko Roßnagel
Redesigning ratings: assessing the discriminatory power of credit scores under censoring
Erschienen in: Journal of Credit Risk
Holger Kraft, Gerald Kroisandt, Marlene Müller
Media slant against foreign owners: Downsizing
Erschienen in: Journal of Public Economics
Guido Friebel, Matthias Heinz
Mutual excitation in Eurozone sovereign CDS
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Yacine Aït-Sahalia, Roger J.A. Laeven, Loriana Pelizzon
Persistence in the banking industry: Fractional integration and breaks in memory
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Uwe Hassler, Paulo Rodrigues, Antonio Rubia
The Impact of Buyer–Seller Relationships and Reference Prices on the Effectiveness of the Pay What You Want Pricing Mechanism
Erschienen in: Marketing Letters
Katharina Kaufmann, Manuel Stegemann, Ju-Young Kim
Emergence and evolution of new industries: The path-dependent dynamics of knowledge creation. An introduction to the special section
Erschienen in: Research Policy
Jackie Krafft, Sebastien Lechevalier, Francesco Quatraro, Cornelia Storz
Diversity in patterns of industry evolution: How an intrapreneurial regime contributed to the emergence of the service robot industry
Erschienen in: Research Policy
Sebastien Lechevalier, Junichi Nishimura, Cornelia Storz
Effect of the order of fractional integration on impulse responses
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler, Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Grenzen des Informationsmodells im Anlegerschutz – Lösungsansätze aus empirisch ökonomischer Sicht
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft
Andreas Hackethal, Steffen Meyer
Information asymmetry around operational risk announcements
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Ahmed Barakat, Anna Chernobai, Mark Wahrenburg
Who Shall I Trust? Trust As a Mediator between Identity Salience and Cooperative Behavior
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Lena Opitz, Michael Kosfeld, Rolf van Dick
Measurement of Preferences with Self-Explicated Approaches: A Classification and Merge of Trade-off- and Non-Trade-off-based Evaluation Types
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Christian Schlereth, Christine Eckert, René Schaaf, Bernd Skiera
Dividend Predictability Around the World
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Jesper Rangvid, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
The Role of Chief Marketing Officers for Venture Capital Funding: Endowing New Ventures with Marketing Legitimacy
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Christian Homburg, Alexander Hahn, Torsten Bornemann
Einschätzungen zu Promotion und Postdoktorandenzeit
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Alfons Weichenrieder, Danilo Zehner
Effective Resolution of Banks: Problems and Solutions
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft
Jan Krahnen, Günter Franke, Thomas von Lüpke
Economics without Political Economy: Is the Discipline Undergoing Another Revolution?
Erschienen in: Social Research: An International Quarterly
Bertram Schefold
Machines, buildings, and optimal dynamic taxes
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Ctirad Slavik, Hakki Yazici
On the Edge of Buying: A Targeting Approach for Indecisive Buyers Based on Willingness-to-Pay Ranges
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Robert Wilken, Florian Dost, Maik Eisenbeiß, Bernd Skiera
Government Policies, Residential Mortgage Defaults and the Boom and Bust Cycle of Housing Prices
Erschienen in: Real Estate Economics
Marius Ascheberg, Robert A. Jarrow, Holger Kraft, Yildiray Yildirim
The ECB’s Experience of Monetary Policy in a Financially Fragmented Euro Area
Erschienen in: Comparative Economic Studies
Francesco Mongelli, Alain Durré, Angela Maddaloni
Sampling, Discounts or Pay-What-You-Want: Two Field Experiments
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Martin Natter, Martin Spann, Ju-Young Kim
Solvability of perturbation solutions in DSGE models
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Hong Lan, Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Umbrella Effects
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Roman Inderst, Frank Maier-Rigaud, Ulrich Schwalbe
Management consulting: measuring performance and the use of success fees
Erschienen in: International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
Bärbel Fleischer, Dodo zu Knyphausen Aufseß, Lars Schweizer
Euro membership and fiscal reaction functions
Erschienen in: International Tax and Public Finance
Alfons Weichenrieder, Jochen Zimmer
Exit strategies
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Ignazio Angeloni, Ester Faia, Roland Winkler
Resisting Moral Wiggle Room: How Robust Is Reciprocal Behavior?
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Joël van der Weele, Julija Kulisa, Michael Kosfeld, Guido Friebel
Persistence under temporal aggregation and differencing
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler
Systemic risk in an interconnected banking system with endogenous asset markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Stability
Marcel Bluhm, Jan Krahnen
Volatility Inadaptability: Investors Care About Risk, but Cannot Cope with Volatility
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Christian Ehm, Christine Laudenbach, Martin Weber
Welfare Implications of Product Choice Regulation during the Payout Phase of Funded Pensions
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Vanya Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Ralph Rogalla, Barbara Kaschützke
Gebruik van Customer Feedback Metrics door Dienstverleners (en: Usage of Customer Feedback Metrics by Service Providers)
Erschienen in: Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie
Evert de Haan, Peter C. Verhoef, Thomas Wiesel
Strategic Alliances or M & A as the Road to Innovation for Pharmaceutical Companies?
Erschienen in: Journal of Entrepreneurship & Organization Management
Lars Schweizer
Solvency II: A Driver for Mergers and Acquisitions?
Erschienen in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Rayna Stoyanova, Helmut Gründl
Local Asymptotic Power of Breitung's Test
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Empirical Generalizations in Search Engine Advertising
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Nadia Abou Nabout, Markus Lilienthal, Bernd Skiera
A Comparison of Different Pay-per-Bid Auction Formats
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Tobias Brünner, Bernd Skiera, Martin Natter, Ju-Young Kim
Effect of Time Preferences on Optimal Prices and Profitability of Advance Selling
Erschienen in: Customer Needs and Solutions
René Schaaf, Bernd Skiera
Technology Adoption, Turbulence, and the Dynamics of Unemployment
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Georg Dürnecker
How to enable automated trading engines to cope with news-related liquidity shocks? Extracting signals from unstructured data
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Sven Groth, Michael Siering, Peter Gomber
Boundary Interactions and Motors of Change in Requirements Elicitation: A Dynamic Perspective on Knowledge Sharing
Erschienen in: Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Roland Holten, Christoph Rosenkranz, Helena Vranešić
Household Debt and Social Interactions
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Dimitris Georgarakos, Michael Haliassos, Giacomo Pasini
Monitored by your friends, not your foes: Strategic ignorance and the delegation of real authority
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Silvia Dominguez-Martinez, Randolph Sloof, Ferdinand von Siemens
Uniqueness of Markov equilibrium in stochastic OLG models with nonclassical production
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Marten Hillebrand
Stochastic differential utility as the continuous-time limit of recursive utility
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Theory
Holger Kraft, Frank Thomas Seifried
Aging in Europe: Reforms, International Diversification, and Behavioral Reactions
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Axel Börsch-Supan, Klaus Härtl, Alexander Ludwig
Team production in competitive labor markets with adverse selection
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Ferdinand von Siemens, Michael Kosfeld
The Effect of Brand Gender on Brand Equity
Erschienen in: Psychology & Marketing
Theo Lieven, Bianca Grohmann, Andreas Herrmann, Jan Landwehr, Miriam van Tilburg
The Impact of Buy-Now Features in Pay-Per-Bid Auctions
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Information Systems
Jochen Reiner, Martin Natter, Bernd Skiera
Analyst herding and investor protection: a cross-country study
Erschienen in: Applied Financial Economics
Alexander Kerl, Thomas Pauls
Are crowds on the internet wiser than experts? The case of a stock prediction community
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Michael Nofer, Oliver Hinz
Assessing Strategic Behavior in Name-Your-Own-Price Markets
Erschienen in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Sebastian Voigt, Oliver Hinz
Pro-social missions and worker motivation: An experimental study
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Sebastian Fehrler, Michael Kosfeld
Optimal Distribution of Earnings between Partners in Family Firm Contracting
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Anna Rohlfing-Bastian, Kai Sandner
Bayesian estimation of the random coefficients logit from aggregate count data
Erschienen in: Quantitative Marketing and Economics
German Zenetti, Thomas Otter
Which Fundamentals Drive Exchange Rates? A Cross‐Sectional Perspective
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling
Contingent capital makes credit crunches less likely: but do banks want to have it?
Erschienen in: Review of Managerial Science
Marc Crummenerl, Klaus Heldt, Christian Koziol
Delusive Perception - Antecedents and Consequences of Salespeople’s Misperception of Customer Commitment
Erschienen in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Christian Homburg, Torsten Bornemann, Max Kretzer
A decision support system for stock investment recommendations using collective wisdom
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Jörg Gottschlich, Oliver Hinz
Investment under uncertainty and regulation of new access networks
Erschienen in: Information Economics and Policy
Roman Inderst, Martin Peitz
A Time-Varying Performance Evaluation of Hedge Fund Strategies through Aggregation
Erschienen in: Bankers, Markets, Investors
Loriana Pelizzon, Monica Billio, Lorenzo Frattarolo
Liquidity Coinsurance and Bank Capital
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Loriana Pelizzon, Fabio Castiglionesi, Fabio Feriozzi, Gyöngyi Lóránth
Health status and portfolio choice: Is their relationship economically relevant?
Erschienen in: International Review of Financial Analysis
Silvia Bressan, Noemi Pace, Loriana Pelizzon
Detecting multiple breaks in long memory the case of U.S. inflation
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Uwe Hassler, Barbara Meller
Partial information about contagion risk, self-exciting processes and portfolio optimization
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Nicole Branger, Holger Kraft, Christoph Meinerding
Biased Bayesian learning with an application to the risk-free rate puzzle
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper
Private versus social returns to human capital: Education and economic growth in India
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Matthias Schündeln, John Playforth
Labor Selection, Turnover Costs, and Optimal Monetary Policy
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Ester Faia, Wolfgang Lechthaler, Christian Merkl
Contract Design, Organizational Form, and System Size with Externalities in Franchising
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
Marx, Sombart, Weber and the Debate about the Genesis of Modern Capitalism
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional Studies
Bertram Schefold
Not All Fun and Games: Viral Marketing for Utilitarian Products
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Christian Schulze, Lisa Schöler, Bernd Skiera
Optimal Portfolio Choice with Annuities and Life Insurance for Retired Couples
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Andreas Hubener, Raimond Maurer, Ralph Rogalla
Users' willingness to pay for web identity management systems
Erschienen in: European Journal of Information Systems
Heiko Roßnagel, Jan Zibuschka, Oliver Hinz, Jan Muntermann
New product adoption in social networks: Why direction matters
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Oliver Hinz, Christian Schulze, Carsten Takac
Patterns of Restructuring: The US Class 1 Railroads from 1984 to 2004
Erschienen in: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy
Guido Friebel, Gerard McCullough, Laura Padilla Angulo
Are Immigrants More Mobile than Natives? Evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: Journal of Regional Science
Matthias Schündeln
The Impact of Investment Behaviour for Individual Welfare
Erschienen in: Economica
Thomas Post, Helmut Gründl, Joan T. Schmit, Anja Zimmer
Multiple Comparisons and Joint Significance in Panel Unit Root Testing with Evidence on International Interest Rate Linkage
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Verena Werkmann
Exogenous Information, Endogenous Information, and Optimal Monetary Policy
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Luigi Paciello, Mirko Wiederholt
Contractual Incompleteness, Unemployment, and Labor Market Segmentation
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Steffen Altmann, Armin Falk, Andreas Grunewald, David Huffman
Decentralized Task Assignment and Centralized Contracting: On the Optimal Allocation of Authority
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Accounting Research
Steffen Reichmann, Anna Rohlfing-Bastian
Solving DSGE models with a nonlinear moving average
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Hong Lan, Alexander Meyer-Gohde
Do large recessions reduce output permanently?
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Mehdi Hosseinkouchack, Maik H. Wolters
Impact of rainfall pattern on cereal market and food security in Sudan: Stochastic approach and CGE model
Erschienen in: Food Policy
Alberto Cardaci, Maria Sassi
Deciphering the Libor and Euribor Spreads during the subprime crisis
Erschienen in: North American Journal of Economics and Finance
Loriana Pelizzon, Domenico Sartore
Dynamic Hierarchical Factor Models
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Emanuel Mönch, Serena Ng, Simon Potter
Can you trust the good guys? Trust within and between groups with different missions
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Sebastian Fehrler, Michael Kosfeld
When Innovation Does Not Pay Off: Introducing the “European Regional Paradox”
Erschienen in: European Planning Studies
Thanos Fragkandreas
Sometimes Less is More - the Influence of Information Aggregation on Investment Decisions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Christine Laudenbach, Martin Weber
Managing Customer Relationships in the Social Media Era: Introducing the Social CRM House
Erschienen in: Journal of Interactive Marketing
Edward Malthouse, Michael Haenlein, Bernd Skiera, Egbert Wege, Michael Zhang
Corporate Social Responsibility in Business-to-Business Markets: How Organizational Customers Account for Supplier Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Christian Homburg, Marcel Stierl, Torsten Bornemann
Asset allocation over the life cycle: How much do taxes matter?
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Marcel Fischer, Holger Kraft, Claus Munk
A decision-theoretic model of asset-price underreaction and overreaction to dividend news
Erschienen in: Annals of Finance
Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper
Analyzing European SPACs
Erschienen in: The Journal of Private Equity
Elena Ignatyeva, Christian Rauch, Mark Wahrenburg
Risk aversion and religion
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Charles Noussair, Stefan Trautmann, Gijs van de Kuilen, Nathanael Vellekoop
Safety Traps
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Kenza Benhima, Baptiste Massenot
Microfinance et éthique
Erschienen in: Revue d'Economie Financière
Reinhard Schmidt
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Buxmann, Oliver Hinz
Net neutrality: A progress report
Erschienen in: Telecommunications Policy
Jan Krämer, Lukas Wiewiorra, Christof Weinhardt
A parsimonious model of subjective life expectancy
Erschienen in: Theory and Decision
Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper
The Role of Communication in Agile Systems Development
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Markus Hummel, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Die Bedeutung von Kommunikation bei der agilen Systementwicklung
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Markus Hummel, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Product Design for the Long Run: Consumer Responses to Typical and Atypical Designs at Different Stages of Exposure
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Jan Landwehr, Daniel Wentzel, Andreas Herrmann
Extracting the Equity Premium from CDS Spreads
Erschienen in: Journal of Derivatives
Tobias Berg, Christoph Kaserer
Stock Market Returns to Financial Innovations Before and During the Financial Crisis in the United States and Europe
Erschienen in: Journal of Product Innovation Management
Lisa Schöler, Bernd Skiera, Gerard Tellis
Optimal Sampling Strategies in Social Networks: How Many and Whom to Target?
Erschienen in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Christian Schlereth, Christian Barrot, Bernd Skiera, Carsten Takac
Comparing Methods to Separate Treatment from Self-Selection Effects in an Online Banking Setting
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Sonja Gensler, Peter S.H Leeflang, Bernd Skiera
Lifecycle Portfolio Choice With Systematic Longevity Risk and Variable Investment-linked Deferred Annuities
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla, Vasily Kartashov
Longevity Risk and Capital Markets: The 2011-2012 Update
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
David Blake, Richard MacMinn, Raimond Maurer
Caisses d’épargne et banques coopératives en Europe
Erschienen in: Revue d'Economie Financière
Dilek Bülbül, Ulrich Schüwer, Reinhard Schmidt
A dynamic programming approach to constrained portfolios
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
How Do Consumer Characteristics Affect the Bias in Measuring Willingness to Pay for Innovative Products?
Erschienen in: Journal of Product Innovation Management
Reto Hofstetter, Klaus Miller, Harley Krohmer, John Z. Zhang
Language Quality in Requirements Development: Tracing Communication in the Process of Information Systems Development
Erschienen in: Journal of Information Technology
Christoph Rosenkranz, Marianne Corvera Charaf, Roland Holten
Effect of temporal aggregation on multiple time series in the frequency domain
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler
Management Quality, Ownership, Firm Performance and Market Pressure in Russia
Erschienen in: Open Economies Review
Helena Schweiger, Guido Friebel
Intention-based reciprocity and the hidden costs of control
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Ferdinand von Siemens
Portfolio Risk Forecasting
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk
Valentin Braun, Andreas Hackethal
Der homo oeconomicus als „happy victimizer”
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik
Gerhard Minnameier
Rettung durch Regulierung? Eckpunkte des Liikanen-Berichts
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Jan Krahnen
The Dimensionality of Customer Satisfaction Survey Reponses and Implications for Driver Analysis
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Joachim Büschken, Thomas Otter, Greg Allenby
Identifying the Valuation Effects and Agency Costs of Corporate Diversification: Evidence from the Geographic Diversification of U.S. Banks
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Martin Götz, Luc Laeven, Ross Levine
Local financial development and firm performance: Evidence from Morocco
Erschienen in: Journal of Development Economics
Marcel Fafchamps, Matthias Schündeln
Sales Talk, Cancellation Terms and the Role of Consumer Protection
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani
Securitization and Compensation in Financial Institutions
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Roman Inderst, Sebastian Pfeil
Using the Viable System Model for Methodical Assessment of Variety in Organizations
Erschienen in: Journal of Database Management
Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Data-Driven Services Marketing in a Connected World
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Management
Vimal Kumar, Veena Chattaraman, Carmen Neghina, Bernd Skiera, Lerzan Aksoy, Alexander Buoye
Explaining the adoption of grid computing: An integrated institutional theory and organizational capability approach
Christian Messerschmidt, Oliver Hinz
Academic faculty governance and recruitment decisions
Erschienen in: Public Choice
Jens Prüfer, Uwe Walz
Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: Reflections on the Development over the last 150 Years
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Volker Wieland, Otmar Issing
Appreciating depreciation: physical capital depreciation in a developing country
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Matthias Schündeln
Empirical Evidence on the Role of Non Linear Wholesale Pricing and Vertical Restraints on Cost Pass-Through
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Daniel Klapper, Celine Bonnet, Pierre Dubois, Sofia B. Villas-Boas
Participating Payout Life Annuities: Lessons from Germany
Erschienen in: ASTIN Bulletin
Raimond Maurer, Ralph Rogalla, Ivonne Siegelin
Investor Reactions to New Product Development Failures
Erschienen in: Journal of Management
Diemo Urbig, Robin Bürger, Holger Patzelt, Lars Schweizer
Hedging structured credit products during the credit crisis: A horse race of 10 models
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Marius Ascheberg, Björn Bick, Holger Kraft
Optimal Progressive Labor Income Taxation and Education Subsidies When Education Decisions and Intergenerational Transfers are Endogenous
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Dirk Krueger, Alexander Ludwig
Prudence as a competitive advantage: On the effects of competition on banks' risk-taking incentives
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst
Asymptotic Behavior of Temporal Aggregates in the Frequency Domain
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Econometrics
Uwe Hassler, Henghsiu Tsai
Hold-up in multiple banking: evidence from SME lending
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Banking, Accounting And Finance
Jan Krahnen, Antje Brunner
Why banks are not too big to fail – evidence from the CDS market
Erschienen in: Economic Policy
Andreas Barth, Isabel Schnabel
Does Size Matter? Scale and Scope Economies of German Investment Management Companies Mutual Fund Industry
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Alexander Schäfer, Raimond Maurer
Why do contracts differ between venture capital types?
Erschienen in: Small Business Economics
Julia Hirsch, Uwe Walz
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Peter Gomber, Martin Haferkorn
Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa
Erschienen in: Journal of Population Economics
Guido Friebel, Juan Miguel Gallego, Mariapia Mendola
Do Information Rents in Loan Spreads Persist over the Business Cycles?
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Services Research
Julian Mattes, Sascha Steffen, Mark Wahrenburg
Exploring the effects of a transition to open access: Insights from a simulation study
Erschienen in: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology
Steffen Bernius, Matthias Hanauske, Berndt Dugall, Wolfgang König
Capital regulation and monetary policy with fragile banks
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Ignazio Angeloni, Ester Faia
Bringing Asia into the comparative capitalism perspective
Erschienen in: Socio-Economic Review
Cornelia Storz, Bruno Amable, Steven Casper, Sebastien Lechevalier
When Social Media Can Be Bad For You: Community Feedback Stifles Consumer Creativity and Reduces Satisfaction with Self-Designed Products
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Christian Hildebrand, Gerald Häubl, Andreas Herrmann, Jan Landwehr
PROSAD: A Bidding Decision Support System for Profitable Search Engine Advertising
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Bernd Skiera, Nadia Abou Nabout
Differences in Portfolios across Countries: Economic Environment versus Household Characteristics
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Michael Haliassos
Endogenous credit limits with small default costs
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Costas Azariadis, Leo Kaas
The emergence of shared understanding: applying functional pragmatics to study the requirements development process
Erschienen in: Information Systems Journal
Marianne Corvera Charaf, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Fiscal stimulus and labor market policies in Europe
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ester Faia, Wolfgang Lechthaler, Christian Merkl
Situational moral adjustment and the happy victimizer
Erschienen in: European Journal of Developmental Psychology
Gerhard Minnameier, Simone Schmidt
The Role of Experience Sampling and Graphical Displays on One's Investment Risk Appetite
Erschienen in: Management Science
Christine Laudenbach, Martin Weber, Emily Haisley
Prediction Market Performance and Market Liquidity: A Comparison of Automated Market Makers
Erschienen in: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Christian Slamka, Bernd Skiera, Martin Spann
Macro Expectations, Aggregate Uncertainty, and Expected Term Premia
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Christian D. Dick, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
Solving Constrained Consumption–Investment Problems by Simulation of Artificial Market Strategies
Erschienen in: Management Science
Björn Bick, Holger Kraft, Claus Munk
Fiscal consolidation strategy
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
John F. Cogan, John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland, Maik H. Wolters
Welche Aussagekraft haben Länderratings? Eine empirische Modellierung der Ratingvergabe während der europäischen Staatsschuldenkrise
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Markus Behn, Rainer Haselmann, Jonas Sobott, Rüdiger Weber, Dorje Wulf
Wealth transfer effects between stockholders and bondholders
Erschienen in: Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
Björn Imbierowicz, Mark Wahrenburg
Gauging the effects of fiscal stimulus packages in the euro area
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Günter Coenen, Roland Straub, Mathias Trabandt
Approximate surrogate production functions
Erschienen in: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Bertram Schefold
Successive sample selection and its relevance for management decisions
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Stephan Wachtel, Thomas Otter
Consumption-portfolio optimization with recursive utility in incomplete markets
Erschienen in: Finance and Stochastics
Holger Kraft, Frank Thomas Seifried, Mogens Steffensen
Parental leave — A policy evaluation of the Swedish “Daddy-Month” reform
Erschienen in: Journal of Public Economics
John Ekberg, Rickard Eriksson, Guido Friebel
Complexity and Monetary Policy
Erschienen in: International Journal of Central Banking
Volker Wieland, Athanasios Orphanides
Ethnic Heterogeneity and the Private Provision of Public Goods
Erschienen in: Journal of Development Studies
Matthias Schündeln
Bad Banks — Good Bank Resolution?
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Mark Wahrenburg
Union Power, Collective Bargaining, and Optimal Monetary Policy
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Ester Faia, Peter Rossi
Semiparametric Inference and Bandwidth Choice under Long Memory: Experimental Evidence
Erschienen in: Istatistik Journal of The Turkish Statistical Association
Uwe Hassler, Maya Olivares-Horn
Do Government Owned Banks Trade Market Power for Slack?
Erschienen in: Applied Economics
Andreas Hackethal, Michael Koetter, Oliver Vins
Currency Momentum Strategies
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
Network Neutrality and Congestion Sensitive Content Providers: Implications for Content Variety, Broadband Investment, and Regulation
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Jan Krämer, Lukas Wiewiorra
Employee commitment in the post-acquisition integration process: The effect of integration speed and leadership
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Management
Lars Schweizer, Holger Patzelt
Whistle-Blowing and Incentives in Firms
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Guido Friebel, Sergei Guriev
The normalized CES production function: theory and empirics
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Surveys
Rainer Klump, Peter McAdam, Alpo Willman
The taxation of passive foreign investment: lessons from German experience
Erschienen in: Canadian Journal of Economics
Martin Ruf, Alfons Weichenrieder
Where Are Limited Liability Companies Formed? An Empirical Analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Law and Economics
Jens Dammann, Matthias Schündeln
Firm Innovation and the Ratchet Effect among Consumer-Packaged Goods Firms
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Christine Moorman, Natalie Mizik, Fredrika J. Spencer, Simone Wies
Dynamic risk exposures in hedge funds
Erschienen in: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
Monica Billio, Mila Getmansky Sherman, Loriana Pelizzon
Oligopolistic competition and optimal monetary policy
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ester Faia
Solvency II: für wann?
Erschienen in: Audit Committee Quarterly
Karel Van Hulle
The Impact of Business Process Complexity on Business Process Standardization
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Markus Schäfermeyer, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Der Einfluss der Komplexität auf die Standardisierung von Geschäftsprozessen
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Markus Schäfermeyer, Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Social Preferences, Sorting, and Competition*
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Ferdinand von Siemens
Impact of Income Inequality and Defence Burden on Economic Growth
Erschienen in: Singapore Economic Review
Zainab Iftikhar, Amanat Ali
Second-Generation Prediction Markets for Information Aggregation: A Comparison of Payoff Mechanisms
Erschienen in: Journal of Forecasting
Christian Slamka, Wolfgang Jank, Bernd Skiera
Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Estimate Willingness-to-Pay Intervals
Erschienen in: Marketing Letters
Christian Schlereth, Christine Eckert, Bernd Skiera
Retailers’ Use of Shipping Cost Strategies: Free Shipping or Partitioned Prices?
Erschienen in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Tanja Frischmann, Oliver Hinz, Bernd Skiera
Bringing the natural environment into strategic management: theoretical perspectives and a reassessment of the 'Brent Spar' case
Erschienen in: International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management
Dodo zu Knyphausen Aufseß, Maria Rumpf, Lars Schweizer
The Interplay of Economic Reforms and Monetary Policy: the Case of the Euro Area
Erschienen in: Journal of Common Market Studies
Francesco Mongelli, Francesco Drudi, Alain Durré
Informing consumers about their own preferences
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Roman Inderst, Martin Peitz
Best Execution Implementation and Broker Policies in Fragmented European Equity Markets
Erschienen in: International Review of Business Research Papers
Peter Gomber, Gregor Pujol, Adrian Wranik
Impulse responses of antipersistent processes
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler
It's all about Connections: Evidence on Network Formation
Erschienen in: Review of Network Economics
Armin Falk, Michael Kosfeld
Return on Quality Improvements in Search Engine Marketing
Erschienen in: Journal of Interactive Marketing
Nadia Abou Nabout, Bernd Skiera
A Comprehensive Look at Financial Volatility Prediction by Economic Variables
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Econometrics
Charlotte Christiansen, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
Club-in-the-club: Reform under unanimity
Erschienen in: European Journal of Comparative Economics
Erik Berglöf, Mike Burkart, Guido Friebel, Elena Paltseva
A new comparative approach to macroeconomic modeling and policy analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Volker Wieland, Tobias Cwik, Gernot J. Müller, Sebastian Schmidt, Maik H. Wolters
Surprising Comparative Properties of Monetary Models: Results from a New Model Database
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland
How (not) to pay for advice: A framework for consumer financial protection
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani
Loan Prospecting
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Florian Heider, Roman Inderst
The role of borders, languages, and currencies as obstacles to labor market integration
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Kevin Bartz, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
A cognitive approach to the ‘happy victimiser’
Erschienen in: Journal of Moral Education
Gerhard Minnameier
A Comment on ‘The Measurement of Prices of Production’ by Peter Flaschel, Reiner Franke & Roberto Veneziani
Erschienen in: Review of Political Economy
Bertram Schefold
Clearing, Counterparty Risk, and Aggregate Risk
Erschienen in: IMF Economic Review
Bruno Biais, Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova
Who Benefits from Building Insurance Groups? A Welfare Analysis of Optimal Group Capital Management
Erschienen in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Sebastian Schlütter, Helmut Gründl
The Tipping Point of Design: How Product Design and Brands Interact to Affect Consumers' Preferences
Erschienen in: Psychology & Marketing
Jan Landwehr, Daniel Wentzel, Andreas Herrmann
The Determinants of Food Prices in Pakistan
Erschienen in: Lahore Journal of Economics
Henna Ahsan, Zainab Iftikhar, M. Ali Kemal
Influence of Online Use on Product Usage Behavior and Consequences for Customer Channel Migration Strategies
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Sonja Gensler, Peter S.H. Leeflang, Bernd Skiera
Measurement of Consumer Preferences for Bucket Pricing Plans with Different Service Attributes
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera
Willingness-to-pay estimation with choice-based conjoint analysis: Addressing extreme response behavior with individually adapted designs
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Sonja Gensler, Oliver Hinz, Bernd Skiera, Sven Theysohn
Network investment, access and competition
Erschienen in: Telecommunications Policy
Roman Inderst, Martin Peitz
Financial Advice
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Literature
Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani
Econometric measures of connectedness and systemic risk in the finance and insurance sectors
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Monica Billio, Mila Getmansky Sherman, Andrew W. Lo, Loriana Pelizzon
Where’s the competitive advantage in strategic information systems research? Making the case for boundary-spanning research based on the German business and information systems engineering tradition
Erschienen in: The Journal of Strategic Information Systems
Hans Ulrich Buhl, Gilbert Fridgen, Wolfgang König, Maximilian Röglinger, Christian Wagner
Bounding endogenous regressor coefficients using moment inequalities and generalized instruments
Erschienen in: Statistica Neerlandica
Jin-Young Choi, Myoung Lee
Hedging under model misspecification: All risk factors are equal, but some are more equal than others …
Erschienen in: Journal of Futures Markets
Nicole Branger, Eva Krautheim, Christian Schlag, Norman Seeger
Fiscal Policy and the Great Recession in the Euro Area
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Günter Coenen, Roland Straub, Mathias Trabandt
Information Processing and Limited Liability
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Bartosz Maćkowiak, Mirko Wiederholt
Is Unbiased Financial Advice to Retail Investors Sufficient? Answers from a Large Field Study
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Utpal Bhattacharya, Simon Kaesler, Benjamin Loos, Andreas Hackethal, Steffen Meyer
Carry Trades and Global Foreign Exchange Volatility
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Lukas Menkhoff, Lucio Sarno, Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
High Frequency Trading
Erschienen in: Business & Information Systems Engineering
Christoph Lattemann, Peter Loos, Johannes Gomolka, Hans-Peter Burghof, Arne Breuer, Peter Gomber, Michael Krogmann, Joachim Nagel, Rainer Riess, Ryan Riordan, Rafael Zajonz
Competition through Commissions and Kickbacks
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani
It's All in the Mix: The Interactive Effect of Music Tempo and Mode on In-Store Sales
Erschienen in: Marketing Letters
Klemens Knoeferle, Eric Spangenberg, Andreas Herrmann, Jan Landwehr
Linking Customer and Financial Metrics to Shareholder Value: The Leverage Effect in Customer-Based Valuation
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Christian Schulze, Bernd Skiera, Thorsten Wiesel
An Analysis of the Profitability of Fee-Based Compensation Plans for Search Engine Marketing
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Nadia Abou Nabout, Bernd Skiera, Tanja Stepanchuk, Eva Gerstmeier
Bid-Elicitation Interfaces and Bidding Behavior in Retail Interactive Pricing
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Martin Spann, Gerald Häubl, Bernd Skiera, Martin Bernhard
Market Asymmetries and Investments in Next Generation Access Networks
Erschienen in: Review of Network Economics
Roman Inderst, Martin Peitz
Financial Advisors: A Case of Babysitters?
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Michael Haliassos, Andreas Hackethal, Tullio Jappelli
Beyond the flat rate bias: The flexibility effect in tariff choice
Erschienen in: Telecommunications Policy
Jan Krämer, Lukas Wiewiorra
Explaining the low labor productivity in East Germany – A spatial analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Comparative Economics
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Rima Izem
Ethnic Discrimination in Germany’s Labour Market: A Field Experiment
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Christian Manger
On the optimal size of Social Security in the presence of a stock market
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Marten Hillebrand
The Eyes Have It: How a Car’s Face Influences Consumer Categorization and Evaluation of Product Line Extensions
Erschienen in: Psychology & Marketing
Susan Keaveney, Andreas Herrmann, Rene Befurt, Jan Landwehr
Sourcing, Filtering, and Evaluating New Product Ideas: An Empirical Exploration of the Performance of Idea Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Product Innovation Management
Arina Soukhoroukova, Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera
The Liquidity Crisis of German Open-end Real Estate Funds and their Impact on Optimal Asset Allocation in Retirement
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Raimond Maurer, Ralph Rogalla, Shen Yuanyuan
Specific managerial human capital, firm age, and venture capital financing of biopharmaceutical ventures: A contingency approach
Erschienen in: Journal of High Technology Management Research
Judith Behrens, Holger Patzelt, Lars Schweizer, Robin Bürger
Demographic change, human capital and welfare
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Alexander Ludwig, Thomas Schelkle, Edgar Vogel
Deterring or Displacing Electoral Irregularities? Spillover Effects of Observers in a Randomized Field Experiment in Ghana
Erschienen in: The Journal of Politics
Nahomi Ichino, Matthias Schündeln
Effects of Fiscal Stimulus in Structural Models
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Günter Coenen, Christopher Erceg, Charles Freedman, Davide Furceri, Michael Kumhof, René Lalonde, Douglas Laxton, Jesper Lindé, Annabelle Mourougane, Dirk Muir, Susanna Mursula, Carlos de Resende, John Roberts, Werner Roeger, Stephen Snudden, Mathias Trabandt, Jan in't Veld
Optimal Pricing Strategy for Quantity Discount Promotions
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Daniel Klapper, Sebastian Oetzel
Capital Structure, Risk and Asymmetric Information
Erschienen in: Quarterly Journal of Finance
Nikolay Halov, Florian Heider
Financial development in adversarial and inquisitorial legal systems
Erschienen in: Journal of Comparative Economics
Baptiste Massenot
Die Entwicklung der Corporate Governance deutscher Banken seit 1950
Erschienen in: Bankhistorisches Archiv
Reinhard Schmidt, Felix Noth
Sicherungssysteme für Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen im europäischen Vergleich – Theorieperspektive
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Helmut Gründl
Explaining foreign bank entrance in emerging markets
Erschienen in: European Journal of Comparative Economics
Wilhelm Althammer, Rainer Haselmann
Fiscal Calculus and the Labor Market
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Frontiers of Macroeconomics
Alessia Campolmi, Ester Faia, Roland Winkler
Debt Consolidation and Financial Stability
Erschienen in: Revue Economique
Ignazio Angeloni, Ester Faia, Roland Winkler
Introducing financial frictions and unemployment into a small open economy model
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Lawrence J. Christiano, Mathias Trabandt, Karl Walentin
Measurement of Consumers’ Preferences for Metered Pricing of Services
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Research
Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera, Agnieszka Wolk
Seeding Strategies for Viral Marketing: An Empirical Comparison
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Oliver Hinz, Bernd Skiera, Christian Barrot, Joerg Becker
Financing Decisions along a Firm’s Life-cycle: Debt as a Commitment Device
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Julia Hirsch, Uwe Walz
Large traders and illiquid options: Hedging vs. manipulation
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Holger Kraft, Christoph Kühn
Pre-sale information
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst
Financial openness, financial frictions and optimal monetary policy
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ester Faia, Eleni Iliopulos
Detecting changes from short to long memory
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler, Jan Scheithauer
Special issue on household finance: Preface
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Michael Haliassos, Tullio Jappelli, Marco Pagano, Josef Zechner
Optimal Portfolio Choice over the Life-Cycle with Flexible Work, Endogenous Retirement, and Lifetime Payouts
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Jingjing Chai, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Wolfram Horneff
Psychological Distance and the Dual Role of Price
Erschienen in: Journal of Consumer Research
Torsten Bornemann, Christian Homburg
On the affiliation of phenomenology and ordoliberalism: Links between Edmund Husserl, Rudolf and Walter Eucken
Erschienen in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Rainer Klump, Manuel Wörsdörfer
Foreign banks in syndicated loan markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Rainer Haselmann, Paul Wachtel
Pricing Two Heterogeneous Trees
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Nicole Branger, Christian Schlag, Lue Wu
A Certification Model for Regulatory Arbitrage: Will Regulatory Arbitrage Persist under Basel III?
Erschienen in: Journal of Fixed Income
Tobias Berg, Bernhard Gehra, Michael Kunisch
How Prices can be set to allocate Grid Computing Resources in a Financial Service Institution
Erschienen in: EFL Quarterly
Oliver Hinz, Markus Lilienthal
The social embeddedness of decision making: opportunities and challenges
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Carsten Takac, Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann
The Effects of Taxation on the Location Decision of Multinational Firms: M&A vs. Greenfield Investments
Erschienen in: National Tax Journal
Alfons Weichenrieder, Shafik Hebous, Martin Ruf
Can Entrepreneurial Activity be Taught? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Central America
Erschienen in: World Development
Bailey Klinger, Matthias Schündeln
A Cross-National Investigation into the Marketing Department’s Influence within the Firm: Towards Initial Empirical Generalizations
Erschienen in: Journal of International Marketing
Peter Verhoef, Peter Leeflang, Jochen Reiner, Martin Natter, William Baker, Amir Grinstein
Choice Set Heterogeneity and the Role of Advertising: An Analysis with Micro and Macro Data
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Michaela Draganska, Daniel Klapper
Equilibrium Selection in the Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma: Axiomatic Approach and Experimental
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Peter Ockenfels, Matthias Blonski, Giancarlo Spagnolo
The role of financial analysts in the strategy formation process of business firms
Erschienen in: Industrial and Corporate Change
Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, Michael Mirow, Lars Schweizer
Stockholding: Participation, location, and spillovers
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Dimitris Christelis, Dimitris Georgarakos, Michael Haliassos
Circuit Breakers - Evidence on Trading Migration in Fragmented Markets
Erschienen in: BIT - Banking and Information Technology
Peter Gomber, Marco Lutat, Martin Haferkorn, Kai Zimmermann
Incentives for input foreclosure
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Tommaso Valletti
Countervailing Power and Dynamic Efficiency
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Roman Inderst, Christian Wey
Relationship Marketing in Managing the Firm-Investor Dyad
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Research
Arvid O.I. Hoffmann, Joost M.E. Pennings, Simone Wies
Getting More Work for Nothing? Symbolic Awards and Worker Performance
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Michael Kosfeld, Susanne Neckermann
Heterogeneous social preferences, screening, and employment contracts
Erschienen in: Oxford Economic Papers
Ferdinand von Siemens
On the role of labor supply for the optimal size of Social Security
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Marten Hillebrand
Testing Models of Strategic Behavior Characterized by Conditional Likelihoods
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Thomas Otter, Timothy Gilbride, Greg Allenby
Keynesian government spending multipliers and spillovers in the euro area
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Tobias Cwik, Volker Wieland
Stochastic Mortality, Macroeconomic Risks and Life Insurer Solvency
Erschienen in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Katja Hanewald, Thomas Post, Helmut Gründl
Investigating Risk Disclosure Practices in the European Insurance Industry
Erschienen in: Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
Dirk Höring, Helmut Gründl
The Applicability of Modern Economics to Forms of Capitalism in Antiquity: Some Theoretical Considerations and Textual Evidence
Erschienen in: Journal Of Economic Asymmetries
Bertram Schefold
Expected inflation, expected stock returns, and money illusion: What can we learn from survey expectations?
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Maik Schmeling, Andreas Schrimpf
How to make IT Projects accountable in the Network Economy
Erschienen in: EFL Quarterly
Oliver Hinz, Tim Krämer, Bernd Skiera
Optimal Housing, Consumption, and Investment Decisions over the Life Cycle
Erschienen in: Management Science
Holger Kraft, Claus Munk
Do women have longer conversations? Telephone evidence of gendered communication strategies
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Guido Friebel, Paul Seabright
The diversity of forecasts from macroeconomic models of the US economy
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Volker Wieland, Maik H. Wolters
Estimation of fractional integration under temporal aggregation
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Uwe Hassler
Asymptotic normal tests for integration in panels with cross-dependent units
Erschienen in: Advances in Statistical Analysis
Uwe Hassler, Matei Demetrescu, Adina-Ioana Tarcolea
Gut Liking for the Ordinary: Incorporating Design Fluency Improves Automobile Sales Forecasts
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Jan Landwehr, Aparna Labroo, Andreas Herrmann
It's Got the Look: The Effect of Friendly and Aggressive "Facial" Expressions on Product Liking and Sales
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Jan Landwehr, Ann McGill, Andreas Herrmann
Customer Equity Sustainability Ratio: A New Metric for Assessing a Firm’s Future Orientation
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Bernd Skiera, Manuel Bermes, Lutz Horn
The role of teams in the competence development process
Erschienen in: International Journal of Management Development
Lars Schweizer, Mirjam Geiger
Solvency II: state of play and perspectives
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Karel Van Hulle
Human capital investment with competitive labor search
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Stefan Zink
Designing viable social systems. The role of linguistic communication for self-organization
Erschienen in: Kybernetes
Roland Holten, Christoph Rosenkranz
Macroeconomic and Welfare Implications of Financial Globalization
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Economics
Ester Faia
Labor market institutions and inflation volatility in the euro area
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Alessia Campolmi, Ester Faia
The Laffer curve revisited
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Mathias Trabandt, Harald Uhlig
Subjective evaluation of delayed risky outcomes for buying and selling positions: the behavioral approach
Erschienen in: Annals of Finance
Uri Benzion, Jan Krahnen, Tal Shavit
Drivers of the Long Tail Phenomenon: An Empirical Analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Management Information Systems
Oliver Hinz, Jochen Eckert, Bernd Skiera
Team governance: Empowerment or hierarchical control
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Guido Friebel, Wendelin Schnedler
The Incorporation Choices of Privately Held Corporations
Erschienen in: Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
Matthias Schündeln, Jens Dammann
Pitfalls of post-model-selection testing: experimental quantification
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Matei Demetrescu, Uwe Hassler, Vladimir Kuzin
Contractual relations and organizational structure in franchising
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Anna Rohlfing-Bastian, Philipp Sturm
Price Discrimination in E-Commerce? An Examination of Dynamic Pricing in Name-Your-Own Price Markets
Erschienen in: Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly)
Oliver Hinz, Il-Horn Hann, Martin Spann
Buyer Power and the Waterbed Effect
Erschienen in: Journal of Industrial Economics
Roman Inderst, Tommaso Valletti
The variety engineering method: analyzing and designing information flows in organizations
Erschienen in: Information Systems and e-Business Management
Christoph Rosenkranz, Roland Holten
Wage inequality and team production: An experimental analysis
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Björn Bartling, Ferdinand von Siemens
Customer Lifetime and Customer Equity Models for External Using Company-Reported Summary Data
Erschienen in: Journal of Interactive Marketing
Thorsten Wiesel, Bernd Skiera, Julian Villanueva
How Should Consumers' Willingness to Pay Be Measured? An Empirical Comparison of State-of-the-Art Approaches
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Klaus Miller, Reto Hofstetter, Harley Krohmer, John Z. Zhang
Competition, cooperation, and corporate culture
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Michael Kosfeld, Ferdinand von Siemens
Further improvements in the calculation of Censored Quantile Regressions
Erschienen in: Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Mehdi Hosseinkouchack
Referral Programs and Customer Value
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Philipp Schmitt, Bernd Skiera, Christophe Van den Bulte
Asset Meltdown - Fact or Fiction?
Erschienen in: Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Marcel Marekwica, Raimond Maurer, Steffen Sebastian
How unobservable Bond Positions in Retirement Accounts affect Asset Allocation
Erschienen in: OR Spectrum
Marcel Marekwica, Raimond Maurer
Consumer Protection and the Role of Advice in the Market for Retail Financial Services
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Roman Inderst
Marx analyzed in terms of Sraffa's Prices
Erschienen in: Input-Output Analysis
Bertram Schefold
The economic function of credit rating agencies – What does the watchlist tell us?
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Christina Bannier, Christian Hirsch
Venture Capital Exit Rights
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
Carsten Bienz, Uwe Walz
Massenentlassungen – Rechtsvergleichende Analyse der Bedingungen in Europa und den USA
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Management
Lars Schweizer, Eva Koscher, Raffaela Stutz
Don't They Care? Or, Are They Just Unaware? Risk Perception and the Demand for Long-Term Care Insurance
Erschienen in: Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance
Tian Zhou-Richter, Mark Browne, Helmut Gründl
Market-share contracts as facilitating practices
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Greg Shaffer
Impulse Responses of Fractionally Integrated Processes with Long Memory
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Uwe Hassler, Piotr Kokoszka
Optimization and Analysis of the Profitability of Tariff Structures with Two-Part Tariffs
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Christian Schlereth, Tanja Stepanchuk, Bernd Skiera
Prediction Markets as Institutional Forecasting Support Systems
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Gerrit H. van Bruggen, Martin Spann, Gary L. Lilien, Bernd Skiera
An Analysis of the Importance of the Long Tail in Search Engine Marketing
Erschienen in: Electronic Commerce Research and Applications
Bernd Skiera, Jochen Eckert, Oliver Hinz
Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Deferred Annuities
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Wolfram Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Ralph Rogalla
Limit-order submission strategies under asymmetric information
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Lukas Menkhoff, Carol Osler, Maik Schmeling
Trader see, trader do: How do (small) FX traders react to large counterparties’ trades?
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Lukas Menkhoff, Maik Schmeling
Managing information diffusion in Name-Your-Own-Price auctions
Erschienen in: Decision Support Systems
Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann
Sharing Demographic Risk—Who Is Afraid of the Baby Bust?
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Economic Policy
Alexander Ludwig, Michael Reiter
Doves and hawks in economics revisited: An evolutionary quantum game theory based analysis of financial crises
Erschienen in: Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
Matthias Hanauske, Jennifer Kunz, Steffen Bernius, Wolfgang König
Conditional Cooperation and Costly Monitoring Explain Success in Forest Commons Management
Erschienen in: Science
Devesh Rustagi, Stefanie Engel, Michael Kosfeld
The Determinants of Bank Capital Structure
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Reint Gropp, Florian Heider
Foundations of continuous-time recursive utility: differentiability and normalization of certainty equivalents
Erschienen in: Mathematics and Financial Economics
Holger Kraft, Frank Thomas Seifried
Financial Frictions and the Choice of Exchange Rate Regimes
Erschienen in: Economic Inquiry
Ester Faia
Time Preference and the Welfare Effects of Tie-in Sales
Erschienen in: Economics Letters
Florian Heubrandner, Bernd Skiera
The Adoption of Inter-Organizational Systems in Financial Services
Erschienen in: EFL Quarterly
Oliver Hinz, Christian Messerschmidt
Die Mobilisierung intra-organisationaler Beziehungen – The challenge of Corporate Venture Capital
Erschienen in: Managementforschung
Lars Schweizer, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Ingo Rause
Asset allocation and liquidity breakdowns: what if your broker does not answer the phone?
Erschienen in: Finance and Stochastics
Peter Diesinger, Holger Kraft, Frank Seifried
The Problem of Moral Motivation and the Happy Victimizer Phenomenon – Killing two birds with one stone
Erschienen in: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development
Gerhard Minnameier
The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships: From Bowling to Pinball
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Research
Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Ed Malthouse, Christian Friege, Sonja Gensler, Lara Lobschat, Arvind Rangaswamy, Bernd Skiera
The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Research
Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Edward Malthouse, Christian Friege, Sonja Gensler, Lara Lobschat, Arvind Rangaswamy, Bernd Skiera
Institutions and Bank Behavior: Legal Environment, Legal Perception, and the Composition of Bank Lending
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Rainer Haselmann, Paul Wachtel
CEO Replacement Under Private Information
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Equal-treatment policy in a random search model with taste discrimination
Erschienen in: Australian Journal of Labour Economics
Leo Kaas, Jun Lu
Testing for stationarity in large panels with cross-dependence, and US evidence on unit labor cost
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Statistics
Matei Demetrescu, Uwe Hassler, Adina-Ioana Tarcolea
Vickrey vs. eBay: Why Second-price Sealed-bid Auctions Lead to More Realistic Price-demand Functions
Erschienen in: International Journal of Electronic Commerce
Christian Barrott, Sönke Albers, Bernd Skiera, Björn Schäfers
Interest Rate Setting by the Fed, the ECB, the Bank of Japan and the Bank of England Compared
Erschienen in: Comparative Economic Studies
Francesco Mongelli, Dieter Gerdesmeier, Barbara Roffia
Models of vertical market relations
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Roman Inderst
Kish: Where Customers Pay As They Wish
Erschienen in: Review of Marketing Science
Martin Natter, Martin Spann, Ju-Young Kim
The intensity of incentives in firms and markets: Moral hazard with envious agents
Erschienen in: Labour Economics
Björn Bartling, Ferdinand von Siemens
The Anatomy of Bank Diversification
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Ralf Elsas, Andreas Hackethal, Markus Holzhäuser
Migration and the Retail Banking Industry: An Examination of Immigrants´ Bank Nationality Choise in Germany
Erschienen in: European Journal of Finance
Fabian Gleisner, Andreas Hackethal, Christian Rauch
Debt financing and sharp currency depreciations: wholly versus partially-owned multinational affiliates
Erschienen in: Review of World Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder, Shafik Hebous
Portfolio Inertia and Stock Market Fluctuations
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Yannis Bilias, Dimitris Georgarkos, Michael Haliassos
Insurance Policies for Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Keith Kuester, Volker Wieland
When Does Fiscal Stimulus Work?
Erschienen in: ECB Research Bulletin
Mathias Trabandt, Günter Coenen, Juha Kilponen
Linear rational-expectations models with lagged expectations: A synthetic method
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Alexander Meyer-Gohde
The Influence of Tariff-Specific Preferences on Tariff Choice and Usage
Erschienen in: Business Research
Agnieszka Wolk, Bernd Skiera
Private equity returns and disclosure around the world
Erschienen in: Journal of International Business Studies
Uwe Walz, Douglas Cumming
Resource Allocation and Organizational Form
Erschienen in: American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Guido Friebel, Michael Raith
An Ordoliberal Interpretation of Adam Smith
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Rainer Klump, Manuel Wörsdörfer
Minimum wages and welfare in a Hotelling duopsony
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Leo Kaas, Paul Madden
Testing regression coefficients after model selection through sign restrictions
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler
Equal Sharing Rules in Partnerships
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Björn Bartling, Ferdinand von Siemens
Rating opaque borrowers: why are unsolicited ratings lower?*
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Christina Bannier, Patrick Behr, Andre Güttler
Variable Payout Annuities and Dynamic Portfolio Choice in Retirement
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Wolfram Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Michael Stamos
The Impact of Search and Recommendation Systems on Sales in Electronic Commerce
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Oliver Hinz, Jochen Eckert
Der Einfluss von Such- und Empfehlungssystemen auf den Absatz im Electronic Commerce
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Oliver Hinz, Jochen Eckert
Euro Area Fiscal Policies and the Crisis
Erschienen in: ECB Occasional Paper
Mathias Trabandt, António Alfonso, Cristina Checherita, Thomas Warmedinger
From actual to risk-neutral default probabilities: Merton and beyond
Erschienen in: Journal of Credit Risk
Tobias Berg
Differences in the Ability of Structural and Reduced-Form Models to Improve Pricing Decisions
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Bernd Skiera
Dating before marriage? Analyzing the influence of pre-acquisition experience and target familiarity on acquisition success in the “M&A as R&D” type of acquisition
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Management
Andreas Al-Laham, Lars Schweizer, Terry L. Amburgey
Interest Income Tax Evasion, the EU Savings Directive and Capital Market Effects
Erschienen in: Fiscal Studies
Tina Klautke, Alfons Weichenrieder
Fiscal stimulus and the promise of future spending cuts
Erschienen in: International Journal of Central Banking
Volker Wieland
New Keynesian versus old Keynesian government spending multipliers
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
John F. Cogan, Tobias Cwik, John B. Taylor, Volker Wieland
Mortality, fertility, education and capital accumulation in a simple OLG economy
Erschienen in: Journal of Population Economics
Alexander Ludwig, Edgar Vogel
Whose Trades Convey Information? Evidence from a Cross-Section of Traders
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Markets
Lukas Menkhoff, Maik Schmeling
Überprüfung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Weiterempfehlungsbereitschaft und Kundenwert
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Philipp Schmitt, Steffen Meyer, Bernd Skiera
How are the Eurosystem's Monetary Policy Decisions Prepared? A Roadmap
Erschienen in: Journal of Common Market Studies
Francesco Mongelli, Alexander Jung, Philippe Moutot
Reputationsrisikomanagement in Banken
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Thomas Kaiser
The introduction of the Euro and its effects on portfolio decisions
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Rainer Haselmann, Helmut Herwartz
How Law Affects Lending
Erschienen in: Review of Financial Studies
Rainer Haselmann, Katharina Pistor, Vikrant Vig
Human capital externalities with monopsonistic competition
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Leo Kaas
Discrete-time implementation of continuous-time portfolio strategies
Erschienen in: European Journal of Finance
Nicole Branger, Beate Breuer, Christian Schlag
Pay-What-You-Want – Praxisrelevanz und Konsumentenverhalten
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Martin Natter, Martin Spann, Ju-Young Kim
Putting development economics into historical perspective: A view from Germany. An interview with Bertram Schefold
Erschienen in: Revue de la régulation
Bertram Schefold, Agnès Labrousse
Marxian Accumulation, Keynesian Distribution and a New Solution to the Problem of Transformation
Erschienen in: Input-Output Analysis
Bertram Schefold
Paul Anthony Samuelson (1915-2009)
Erschienen in: Metroeconomica
Bertram Schefold
A Larger Slice or a Larger Pie? An Empirical Investigation of Bargaining Power in the Distribution Channel
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Michaela Draganska, Daniel Klapper, Sofia B. Villas-Boas
Verbraucherschutz durch Leistungstransparenz in der Anlageberatung
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Andreas Hackethal, Katja Langenbucher, Steffen Meyer
Legality and venture capital governance around the world
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Venturing
Douglas Cumming, Daniel Schmidt, Uwe Walz
Durch Selbstarchivierung und Nationallizenzen zu Open Access?
Erschienen in: ABI-Technik
Julia Krönung, Steffen Bernius, Kai-G. Bosch, Berndt Dugall
Railway (De)Regulation: A European Efficiency Comparison
Erschienen in: Economica
Guido Friebel, Marc Ivaldi, Catherine Vibes
Poverty and government transfers in the United States
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Dierk Herzer, Rainer Klump
Misselling (financial) products: The limits for internal compliance
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Roman Inderst
Risikomanagement und Diversifikation in der Finanzindustrie — Eine akademische Perspektive
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Mark Wahrenburg
Inequality trends for Germany in the last two decades: A tale of two countries
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Dirk Krueger, Mathias Sommer
Variable Search Intensity with Coordination Unemployment
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Frontiers of Macroeconomics
Leo Kaas
Demokratie durch Entwicklungskonkurrenz. Ein ordnungspolitischer Beitrag zur internationalen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Christof Altmann
Interbank Lending, Credit Risk Premia and Collateral
Erschienen in: International Journal of Central Banking
Florian Heider, Marie Hoerova
The Benefit and Cost of Winner-Picking: Redistribution versus Incentives
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Axel Gautier, Florian Heider
Schätzung von Zahlungsbereitschaftsintervallen mit der Choice-Based Conjoint-Analyse
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera
Interaktive Preismechanismen — Die Preisverhandlung als Begegnung mit dem Kunden
Erschienen in: Marketing Review St. Gallen
Oliver Hinz, Utho Creusen
Poverty, Government Transfers, And The Business Cycle: Evidence For The United States
Erschienen in: Applied Econometrics And International Development
Rainer Klump, Dierk Herzer
Market Power, Price Discrimination, and Allocative Efficiency in Intermediate-Goods Markets
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst
Testing For General Fractional Integration In The Time Domain
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Uwe Hassler, Paulo M. M. Rodrigues, Antonio Rubia
Über Reputation und Brückenbau: Eine Danksagung an Karl Otto Pöhl
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Jan Krahnen
Dashboards & Marketing: Why, What, How and Which Research is Needed?
Erschienen in: Journal of Service Research
Koen Pauwels, Tim Ambler, Bruce Clark, Pat LaPointe, David Reibstein, Bernd Skiera
Long Tail
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Jochen Eckert, Oliver Hinz, Bernd Skiera
Innovation management in organizations
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst
Efficient portfolios when housing needs change over the life cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Loriana Pelizzon, Guglielmo Weber
Instabile Finanzmärkte
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Jan Krahnen, Günter Franke
Control rights, pyramids, and the measurement of ownership concentration
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Jeremy S.S. Edwards, Alfons Weichenrieder
Credit Card Debt Puzzles and Debt Revolvers for Self Control
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Carol C. Bertaut, Michael Haliassos, Michael Reiter
Business Microdata in Germany: Linkage and Anonymisation
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Markus Zwick, Rainer Lenz
On attitude polarization under Bayesian learning with non-additive beliefs
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Uncertainty
Alexander Zimper, Alexander Ludwig
Who stays, who goes, who returns?
Erschienen in: Economics of Transition
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Matthias Schündeln
Factor Substitution, Income Distribution and Growth in a Generalized Neoclassical Model
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Andreas Irmen, Rainer Klump
Armington Product Variety Growth in Small versus Large Countries
Erschienen in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Volkswirtschaft und Statistik
Peter H. Egger, Martin Gassebner, Andrea Lassmann
Asset Allocation and Location over the Life Cycle with Investment-Linked Survival-Contingent Payouts
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Wolfram Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Michael Stamos
Exchange Rate Management in Emerging Markets: Intervention via an Electronic Limit Order Book
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Michael Melvin, Lukas Menkhoff, Maik Schmeling
Preannouncing Pioneering versus Follower Products: What Should the Message Be?
Erschienen in: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Christian Homburg, Torsten Bornemann, Dirk Trotzek
Consulting success and contingent fees as important elements on the way to a theory of management consulting
Erschienen in: International Journal of Services, Economics and Management
Dodo zu Knyphausen Aufsess, Martin Rajes, Lars Schweizer
Optimal Portfolio with Stochastic Short Rate: Pitfalls when the Short Rate is Non-gaussian or the Market Price of Risk is Unbound
Erschienen in: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Holger Kraft
Fighting for Talent: Risk‐Taking, Corporate Volatility and Organisation Change
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Guido Friebel, Mariassunta Giannetti
Transparency through Financial Claims with “Fingerprints”: A Mechanism for Preventing Financial Crises
Erschienen in: Financial Analysts' Journal
Helmut Gründl, Thomas Post
Retail Finance: Thoughts on Reshaping Regulation and Consumer Protection after the Financial Crisis
Erschienen in: European Business Organization Law Review
Roman Inderst
Indirect versus Direct Constraints in Markets with Vertical Integration
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Tommaso Valletti
Institution Formation in Public Goods Games
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Michael Kosfeld, Akira Okada, Arno Riedl
Bargaining under incomplete information, fairness, and the hold-up problem
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Ferdinand von Siemens
Managing Contribution and Capital Market Risk in a Funded Public Defined Benefit Plan: Impact of CVaR Cost Constraints
Erschienen in: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla
What is the impact of stock market contagion on an investor’s portfolio choice?
Erschienen in: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Nicole Branger, Holger Kraft, Christoph Meinerding
Early-stage financing and firm growth in new industries
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
On preferences for being self-employed
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Measuring Moral Progress – A neo-Kohlbergian Approach and Two Case Studies
Erschienen in: Journal of Adult Development
Gerhard Minnameier
Market Maker unter Wolken - Wettereffekte am deutschan Aktienmarkt
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Marcus Flemisch, Andreas Hackethal, Dirk Schiereck
Implementing the Marketing Concept at the Employee–Customer Interface: The Role of Customer Need Knowledge
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Christian Homburg, Jan Wieseke, Torsten Bornemann
Governance und Vertragsstrukturen in der deutschen VC-Industrie
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Uwe Walz, Carsten Bienz, Julia Hirsch
Investor Sentiment and Stock Returns: Some International Evidence
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Maik Schmeling
Profit shifting in the EU: evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: International Tax and Public Finance
Alfons Weichenrieder
The Functioning of Inter-modal Competition in the Transportation Market: Evidence from the Entry of Low-cost Airlines in Germany
Erschienen in: Review of Network Economics
Guido Friebel, Marko Niffka
Mean and variance optimization of non–linear systems and worst–case analysis
Erschienen in: Computational Optimization and Applications
Panos Parpas, Berc Rustem, Volker Wieland, Stanislav Žaković
Aging, Asset Markets, and Asset Returns: A View From Europe to Asia
Erschienen in: Asian Economic Policy Review
Axel Börsch-Supan, Alexander Ludwig
Misselling through Agents
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Marco Ottaviani
Zur Eigenmittelunterlegung von Leistungszusagen in der Auszahlungsphase bei investmentfondbasierten Alttersvorsorgeverträgen: Ein Gestaltungsvorschlag
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Ivica Dus, Raimond Maurer
Identification of Lead Users for Consumer Products via Virtual Stock Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Product Innovation Management
Martin Spann, Holger Ernst, Bernd Skiera, Jan Henrik Soll
Antecedents and Consequences of the Online Channel Performance
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Agnieszka Wolk, Bernd Skiera
Ramsey monetary policy with labor market frictions
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Ester Faia
Cross-Selling Lending and Underwriting: Scope Economies and Incentives
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Christian Laux, Uwe Walz
Living Standards in an Aging Germany: The Benefits of Reforms and the Costs of Resistance
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Axel Börsch-Supan, Alexander Ludwig
Robuste Regression: Ein Marktforschungsansatz zur Analyse von Datensätzen mit Ausreißern
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Tim Jensen, Jan Landwehr, Andreas Herrmann
Worker Self-Selection and the Profits from Cooperation
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Michael Kosfeld, Ferdinand von Siemens
Beratungserfolg – eine Betrachtung des State of the Art der Ansätze zur Messung und Erklärung des Erfolges von Beratungsleistungen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Management
Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß, Lars Schweizer, Martin Rajes
A Note on Local Public Investment and Debt Limitation in a Federation
Erschienen in: Finnish Economic Papers
Alfons Weichenrieder
Price Discrimination in Input Markets
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst
Does Equal Pay Legislation Reduce Labour Market Inequality?
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Leo Kaas
Firm Volatility and Credit: A Macroeconomic Analysis
Erschienen in: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review
Leo Kaas
Open Access Models and their Implications for the Players on the Scientific Publishing Market
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal Of Economic Analysis And Policy: Advances In Economic Analysis And Policy
Steffen Bernius, Matthias Hanauske, Wolfgang König, Berndt Dugall
Integriertes Management operationeller Risiken
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Thomas Kaiser, Thilo Kasprowicz
Is default risk acceptable when purchasing insurance? Experimental evidence for different probability representations, reasons for default, and framings
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Anja Zimmer, Christian Schade, Helmut Gründl
Hysteresis in Unemployment Rates? A Comparison between Germany and the US
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Jürgen Wolters
Robert Boehringer: Unternehmer und Helfer, Wissenschaftler und Dichter
Erschienen in: George-Jahrbuch
Bertram Schefold
Geschichte der Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftsgeschichte: Einleitung
Erschienen in: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
Bertram Schefold
"The Fear of Goods" and the Max Weber-Thesis
Erschienen in: History of Economic Thought and Policy
Bertram Schefold
Ibn Khaldun's Socio-Economic Synthesis: Rise and Fall in Economic Development
Erschienen in: Al-Abhath
Bertram Schefold
Sports Forecasting: A Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Prediction Markets, Betting Odds and Tipsters
Erschienen in: Journal of Forecasting
Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera
Measuring Strategic Uncertainty in Coordination Games
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Peter Ockenfels, Frank Heinemann, Rosemarie Nagel
Post-merger integration of international biotechnology start-ups – The relationship between entrepreneurial strategy, culture and human resources
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Lars Schweizer
Corporate governance and pay for performance: evidence from Germany
Erschienen in: Economics of Governance
Jeremy S. S. Edwards, Wolfgang Eggert, Alfons Weichenrieder
Asset allocation with contagion and explicit bankruptcy procedures
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
Über die normativen Implikationen des Ordoliberalismus für die moderne Wirtschaftsethik
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik
Rainer Klump, Manuel Wörsdörfer
Third-Degree Price Discrimination with Buyer Power
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy: Frontiers of Economic Analysis and Policy
Roman Inderst, Tommaso Valletti
Diagnosing and Redesigning a Health(y) Organisation: An Action Research Study
Erschienen in: International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach
Christoph Rosenkranz, Marcus Laumann, Roland Holten
Pay-What-You-Want - A New Participative Pricing Mechanism
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Martin Natter, Martin Spann, Ju-Young Kim
Bridging the Gap between ACA and CBC
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Christine Ebling, Daniel Klapper
Sequential Sampling Models of Choice: Some Recent Advances
Erschienen in: Marketing Letters
Thomas Otter, Joe Johnson, Jörg Rieskamp, Greg Allenby, Jeff Brazell, Adele Diederich
Optimal Gradual Annuitization: Quantifying the Cost of Switching to Annuities
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Wolfram Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Michael Stamos
The Response of Household Saving to the Large Shock of German Reunification
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Can Tests Based on Option Hedging Errors Correctly Identify Volatility Risk Premia?
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Nicole Branger, Christian Schlag
On the persistence of the Eonia spread
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler, Dieter Nautz
Life-Cycle Asset Allocation with Annuity Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Wolfram Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Michael Stamos
Anreize und Motivation für unternehmerisches Handeln in etablierten Firmen
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Lars Schweizer, Erik Monsen, Holger Patzelt
Die Wettbewerbsanalyse von Nachfragemacht aus verhandlungstheoretischer Sicht
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Roman Inderst, Christian Wey
Optimal Derivative Strategies with Discrete Rebalancing
Erschienen in: Journal of Derivatives
Nicole Branger, Beate Breuer, Christian Schlag
Fractional cointegration in the presence of linear trends
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler, Francesc Marmol, Carlos Velasco
An Integrated Model of Choice and Response Time
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Thomas Otter, Greg Allenby, Trish van Zandt
The Policyholder’s static and dynamic decision making of life insurance and pension payments
Erschienen in: Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
Central bank misperceptions and the role of money in interest-rate rules
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Guenter Beck, Volker Wieland
Credit derivatives, capital requirements and opaque OTC markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Antonio Nicolò, Loriana Pelizzon
Dynamics in innovation systems: Evidence from Japan's game software industry
Erschienen in: Research Policy
Cornelia Storz
On Critical Values of Tests against a Change in Persistence*
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Jan Scheithauer
Choice Models in Marketing: Economic Assumptions, Challenges and Trends
Erschienen in: Foundations and Trends in Marketing
Sandeep Chandukala, Jaehwan Kim, Thomas Otter, Peter Rossi, Greg Allenby
The Effect of Dismissal Protection Legislation on the Stability of Newly Started Employment Relationships
Erschienen in: Journal for Labour Market Research
Bernhard Boockmann, Daniel Gutknecht, Susanne Steffes
Does Uncertainty Matter? Consumer Behavior under Three-Part Tariffs
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Anja Lambrecht, Katja Seim, Bernd Skiera
The Impact of Information Diffusion on Bidding Behavior in Secret Reserve Price Auctions
Erschienen in: Information Systems Research
Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann
Grid Economics in Departmentalized Enterprises
Erschienen in: Journal of Grid Computing
Roman Beck, Michael Schwind, Oliver Hinz
‘Irresponsible Lending’ with a Better Informed Lender
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Roman Inderst
Diversification and ownership concentration
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Bruno M. Parigi, Loriana Pelizzon
Network effects as drivers of individual technology adoption: Analyzing adoption and diffusion of mobile communication services
Erschienen in: Information Systems Frontiers
Roman Beck, Daniel Beimborn, Tim Weitzel, Wolfgang König
Economic Projections and Rules-of-Thumb for Monetary Policy
Erschienen in: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review
Volker Wieland, Athanasios Orphanides
Durable goods with quality differentiation
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Roman Inderst
Innovation, Institutions and Entrepreneurs: The Case of ‘Cool Japan’
Erschienen in: Asia Pacific Business Review
Cornelia Storz
Financing Choices and Corporate Governance along a Firm’s Life Cycle
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Uwe Walz, Julia Hirsch
Bank capital structure and credit decisions
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Discussion of “Bounded Rationality, Rights Offerings, and Optimal Subscription Prices”
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Christian Schlag
Linear Mixed Models: Grundidee, Methodik und Anwendung
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Jan Landwehr, Andreas Herrmann, Mark Heitmann
C.E.S. production functions in the light of the Cambridge critique
Erschienen in: Journal of Macroeconomics
Bertram Schefold
Families of Strongly Curved and of Nearly Linear Wage Curves: A Contribution to the Debate about the Surrogate Production Function
Erschienen in: Bulletin of Political Economy
Bertram Schefold
Dependent Poisson Race Models and Modeling Dependence in Conjoint Choice Experiments
Erschienen in: Psychometrika
Shiling Ruan, Steven MacEachern, Thomas Otter, Angela Dean
Structural positions and risk budgeting - Quantifying the impact of structural positions and deriving implications for active portfolio management
Erschienen in: Journal of Asset Management
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer
Editorial Note
Erschienen in: FinanzArchiv
Alfons Weichenrieder, Christian Keuschnigg, Jenny Ligthart
Sports betting as a new asset class—current market organization and options for development
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Peter Gomber, Peter Rohr, Uwe Schweickert
Unwrapping some euro area growth puzzles: Factor substitution, productivity and unemployment
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
Rainer Klump, Peter McAdam, Alpo Willman
Are Household Portfolios Efficient? An Analysis Conditional on Housing
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
Loriana Pelizzon, Guglielmo Weber
Holdup in oligopsonistic labour markets - a new role for the minimum wage
Erschienen in: Australian Journal of Labour Economics
Leo Kaas, Paul Madden
Comment on "Shifts and twists in the relative productivity of skilled labor"
Erschienen in: Journal of Macroeconomics
Leo Kaas
Optimal portfolios when volatility can jump
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Nicole Branger, Christian Schlag, Eva Schneider
Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Home Bias
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Ester Faia, Tommaso Monacelli
Comment on “Long-run relationships between labor and capital: Indirect evidence on the elasticity of substitution”
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
Uwe Hassler
Standardizing Interactive Pricing for Electronic Business
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Oliver Hinz, Michael Schwind, Tim Stockheim, Martin Bernhardt
Führungsstile und der Verbleib von Mitarbeitern in der Post-Akquisitions-Integrationsphase
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Lars Schweizer, Holger Patzelt
Optimal Consumption and Insurance: A Continuous-time Markov Chain Approach
Erschienen in: ASTIN Bulletin
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
Widening and Deepening: Reforming the European Union
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Erik Berglöf, Mike Burkart, Guido Friebel, Elena Paltseva
Calibration of normalised CES production functions in dynamic models
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Rainer Klump, Marianne Saam
Optimal monetary policy rules with labor market frictions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ester Faia
Political Pressures and Exchange Rate Stability in Emerging Market Economies
Erschienen in: Journal of Applied Economics
Ester Faia, Massimo Giuliodori, Michele Ruta
Armutsbekämpfung versus Demokratieförderung: Wie lässt sich der entwicklungspolitische Trade-Off überwinden?
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Ingo Pies, Christof Altmann
Prioritizing Salesforce Decision Areas for Productivity Improvements Using a Core Sales Response Function
Erschienen in: Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Bernd Skiera, Sönke Albers
Credit And Growth Under Limited Commitment
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Leo Kaas, Costas Azariadis
The impact of process standardization on business process outsourcing success
Erschienen in: Information Systems Frontiers
Kim Wüllenweber, Daniel Beimborn, Tim Weitzel, Wolfgang König
Ramsey Monetary Policy with Capital Accumulation and Nominal Regidities
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Ester Faia
Multiple lenders and corporate distress: Evidence on debt restructuring
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Jan Krahnen, Antje Brunner
Customer Equity – An Integral Part of Financial Reporting
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing
Thorsten Wiesel, Bernd Skiera, Julian Villanueva
Continuous-time delegated portfolio management with homogeneous expectations: can an agency conflict be avoided?
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Holger Kraft, Ralf Korn
Portfolio performance and the Euro: Prospects for new potential EMU members
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Rainer Haselmann, Helmut Herwartz
Single Sourcing versus Multiple Sourcing
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst
Following the Rules: Integrating Asset Allocation and Annuitization in Retirement Portfolios
Erschienen in: Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Wolfram Horneff, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell, Ivica Dus
How to invest optimally in corporate bonds: A reduced-form approach
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
Long Memory Testing In The Time Domain
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Matei Demetrescu, Vladimir Kuzin, Uwe Hassler
Stefan George als Übersetzer Dantes
Erschienen in: Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch
Bertram Schefold
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Bernd Skiera, Eva Gerstmeier, Tetyana Stepanchuk
Best execution in electronic banking and brokerage: an analysis of business and technical requirements
Erschienen in: International Journal of Electronic Banking
Peter Gomber, Gregor Pujol
Dynamic bilateral bargaining under private information with a sequence of potential buyers
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Roman Inderst
Identifying synergies ahead of mergers and acquisitions
Erschienen in: International Journal of Financial Services Management
Dodo zu Knyphausen Aufsess, Jens Koeppen, Lars Schweizer
Bond durations: Corporates vs. Treasuries
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Holger Kraft, Claus Munk
Innovation, endogenous overinvestment, and incentive pay
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Manuel Klein
Gesetzliche Mindestlöhne und wissenschaftliche Politikberatung in den USA
Erschienen in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
Christof Altmann
Applying Pricing Engineering for Electronic Financial Markets
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Peter Gomber, Marco Lutat
Option betas: risk measures for options
Erschienen in: International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Christian Schlag, Nicole Branger
Compliance with International Standards: The EDIFACT and ISO 9000 Standards in Japan
Erschienen in: Social Science Japan Journal
Cornelia Storz
Total Return Strategies for Multi-Asset Portfolios: Dynamically Managing Portfolio Risk
Erschienen in: Journal of Portfolio Management
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer, Michael Stamos, Huy Vo
Introduction to special issue on negotiations and cooperative arrangements in industrial organization: Models and applications
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Joshua S. Gans, Roman Inderst
Leveraging buyer power
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Roman Inderst
Optimal interest rate rules, asset prices, and credit frictions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Ester Faia, Tommaso Monacelli
Investigating Endogeneity Bias in Marketing
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Qing Liu, Thomas Otter, Greg Allenby
Heterogeneity Distributions of Willingness-to-Pay in Choice Models
Erschienen in: Quantitative Marketing and Economics
Garrett Sonnier, Andrew Ainslie, Thomas Otter
Unternehmensbewertung auf der Basis von Kundenlebenswerten
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Thorsten Wiesel, Bernd Skiera
When Taxation Changes the Course of the Year: Fiscal-Year Adjustments and the German Tax Reform of 2000?01
Erschienen in: Fiscal Studies
Frank Blasch, Alfons Weichenrieder
The Eurosystem, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the Bank of Japan: Similarities and Differences
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Francesco Mongelli, Dieter Gerdesmeier, Barbara Roffia
Implications of IFRS for the European Insurance Industry - Insights From Capital Market Theory
Erschienen in: Risk Management and Insurance Review
Thomas Post, Helmut Gründl, Lisa Schmidl, Mark S. Dorfman
Risk Taking by Banks in the Transition Countries
Erschienen in: Comparative Economic Studies
Rainer Haselmann, Paul Wachtel
Good-Bye Lenin (or Not?): The Effect of Communism on People's Preferences
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Alberto Alesina, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Asset price fluctuations without aggregate shocks
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Costas Azariadis, Leo Kaas
Effect of neglected deterministic seasonality on unit root tests
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Matei Demetrescu, Uwe Hassler
Hedging the Exchange Rate Risk in International Portfolio Diversification: Currency Forwards versus Currency Options
Erschienen in: Managerial Finance
Raimond Maurer, Shohreh Valiani
Das steuerpolitische Dezemberfieber: Steuergesetzgebung in Deutschland von 1951 bis 2004
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Alfons Weichenrieder, Frank Blasch, Tina Klautke
Measuring Financial Integration via Idiosyncratic Risk: What Effects Are We Really Picking Up?
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Christian Schlag, David C. Parsley
Globalization and Diffusion of E-Business: Two Sides of the same Medal
Erschienen in: Systèmes d'Information & Management
Wolfgang König, Roman Beck, Jochen Franke
Is dynamic general equilibrium a theory of everything?
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Costas Azariadis, Leo Kaas
Multicointegration under measurement errors
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler
Einfluss der Nutzung des Online-Bankings auf das Produktnutzungsverhalten und die Profitabilität von Bankkunden
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Sonja Gensler, Bernd Skiera, Martin Böhm
Von den Erfahrungen der Bankwirtschaft profitieren. Management und Controlling operationeller Risiken
Erschienen in: Versicherungswirtschaft
Thomas Kaiser, Clemens Frey
Capital Allocation for Insurance Companies?What Good IS IT?
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser
A lender-based theory of collateral☆
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Market Analysis in the Presence of Indirect Constraints and Captive Sales
Erschienen in: Journal of Competition Law and Economics
Roman Inderst, Tommaso Valletti
Innovationsförderung im öffentlichen Umfeld durch Public Private Partnerships
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König, Lothar Fritsch
Delayed integration as a possible remedy for the race to the bottom
Erschienen in: Journal of Urban Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder, Oliver Busch
Monetary Integration of the New EU Member States: What Sets the Pace of Euro Adoption?”
Erschienen in: Journal of Common Market Studies
Francesco Mongelli, Ignazio Angeloni, Michael Flad
Operational Risk Management bei der DZ BANK. Einführung von Methoden und Prozessen zum Management und Controlling Operationeller Risiken
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Thomas Kaiser, Bodo Schmidt
Effektive Reduzierung operationeller Risiken durch Versicherungen -betriebswirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Thomas Kaiser, Thilo Kasprowicz
Stochastic Optimization and Worst-Case Analysis in Monetary Policy Design
Erschienen in: Computational Economics
Stanislav Žaković, Volker Wieland, Berc Rustem
The Gauss–Seidel–quasi-Newton method: A hybrid algorithm for solving dynamic economic models
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Alexander Ludwig
Finance and international business cycles
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Ester Faia
Retail environment and manufacturer competitive intensity
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing
Michaela Draganska, Daniel Klapper
Money in Monetary Policy Design: A Formal Characterization of Ecb-Style Cross-Checking
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Guenter Beck, Volker Wieland
Buyer power and supplier incentives
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Christian Wey
Human Capital and Growth Cycles
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Leo Kaas, Stefan Zink
Order Channel Management
Erschienen in: EFL Quarterly
Peter Gomber, Bartholomäus Ende, Adrian Wranik
Kapitalregulierung von Banken und systemische Risiken im Lichte von Basel II
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen
Jan Krahnen, Elena Carletti
How important is participation of different venture capitalists in German IPOs?
Erschienen in: Global Finance Journal
Tereza Tykvová, Uwe Walz
Bankruptcy, Counterparty Risk, and Contagion*
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
Pitfalls in static superhedging of barrier options
Erschienen in: Finance Research Letters
Holger Kraft
Ist die Steuerung von Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen durch Kapitalallokation sinnvoll?
Erschienen in: Controlling & Management Review
Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser
The adjustment of credit ratings in advance of defaults
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
André Güttler, Mark Wahrenburg
Factor Substitution and Factor-Augmenting Technical Progress in the United States: A Normalized Supply-Side System Approach
Erschienen in: Review of Economics and Statistics
Rainer Klump, Peter McAdam, Alpo Willman
Distributional conflict in organizations
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller, Karl Wärneryd
Financial Differences and Business Cycle Co-Movements in a Currency Area
Erschienen in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
Ester Faia
Théories de la connaissance en économie : théories rationnelles appliquées à l’économie et théorie intuitive selon Edgar Salin
Erschienen in: Astérion
Bertram Schefold, Gilles Campagnolo
Evaluating Channel Performance in Multi-Channel Environments
Erschienen in: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Sonja Gensler, Marnik G. Dekimpe, Bernd Skiera
Optimale Verteilung eines Budgets auf Aktivitäten zur Kundenakquisition, Kundenbindung und Add-on-Selling
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Jeanette Heiligenthal, Bernd Skiera
Mergers and acquisitions of German biotechnology startups
Erschienen in: International Journal of Biotechnology
Holger Patzelt, Lars Schweizer, Dodo zu Knyphausen Aufseß
On the consequences of demographic change for rates of returns to capital, and the distribution of wealth and welfare
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Dirk Krueger, Alexander Ludwig
The long-term sucCESs of the neoclassical growth model
Erschienen in: Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Rainer Klump, Peter McAdam, Alpo Willman
“Capital Allocation In Insurance: Economic Capital And The Allocation Of The Default Option Value,” By Michael Sherris And John van der Hoek, April 2006
Erschienen in: North American Actuarial Journal
Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser
Retail Mergers, Buyer Power and Product Variety
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Roman Inderst, Greg Shaffer
The Dynamics of Neighbourhood Watch and Norm Enforcement
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Steffen Huck, Michael Kosfeld
Ökonomische Überlegungen zur Entstehung von Demokratie
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Christof Altmann
Die Analyse langfristiger Werbewirkung
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Daniel Klapper, Marisa Schlichthorst, Claudine Schnell
Product Variety and Competitive Pricing in Consumer Goods Markets
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Daniel Klapper, Toker Doganoglu
Paying Too Much and Being Happy About It: Existence, Causes and Consequences of Tariff-Choice Biases
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Anja Lambrecht, Bernd Skiera
Smuggling Humans: A Theory of Debt-Financed Migration
Erschienen in: Journal of the European Economic Association
Guido Friebel, Sergei Guriev
Strategies of foreign banks in transition economies
Erschienen in: Emerging Markets Review
Rainer Haselmann
Tu Felix Austria oder: Stillstand ist Rückschritt
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König
The Hidden Costs of Control
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Armin Falk, Michael Kosfeld
A Residual-Based Lm-Type Test Against Fractional Cointegration
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Uwe Hassler, Jörg Breitung
The Role of Information Disclosure and Uncertainty in the 1994/95 Mexican Peso Crisis: Empirical Evidence
Erschienen in: Review of International Economics
Christina Bannier
A quantitative exploration of the opportunistic approach to disinflation
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Yunus Aksoy, Athanasios Orphanides, David Small, Volker Wieland, David Wilcox
Ageing, Pension Reform and Capital Flows: A Multi-Country Simulation Model
Erschienen in: Economica
Axel Börsch-Supan, Alexander Ludwig, Joachim Winter
Strategic Decisions regarding the Vertical Integration of Human Resource Organizations of Financial Services Firms and Industry
Erschienen in: International Journal of Human Resource Management
Mark Wahrenburg, Andreas Hackethal, Lars Friedrich, Tom Gellrich
Die Bedeutung des Alignment von IT und Fachressourcen in Finanzprozessen Eine empirische Untersuchung
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Daniel Beimborn, Jochen Franke, Peter Gomber, Heinz-Theo Wagner, Tim Weitzel
"Comment on 'Trade Spill-Overs of fiscal policy in the European Union: A Panel Analysis' by Roel Beetsma, Massimo Giuliodori, Franc Klaasen"
Erschienen in: Economic Policy
Volker Wieland
Informed Lending and Security Design
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Combining Significance of Correlated Statistics with Application to Panel Data
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Matei Demetrescu, Uwe Hassler, Adina-Ioana Tarcolea
Investment behavior under ambiguity: The case of pessimistic decision makers
Erschienen in: Mathematical Social Sciences
Alexander Ludwig, Alexander Zimper
Portfolio management and retirement: what is the best arrangement for a family?
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Thomas Post, Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser
The impact of multiperiod planning horizons on portfolios and asset prices in a dynamic CAPM
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Marten Hillebrand, Jan Wenzelburger
On the dynamics of asset prices and portfolios in a multiperiod CAPM
Erschienen in: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
Marten Hillebrand, Jan Wenzelburger
A Unified Economic Model of Standard Diffusion: The Impact of Standardization Cost, Network Effects, and Network Topology
Erschienen in: Management Information Systems Quarterly (MIS Quarterly)
Tim Weitzel, Daniel Beimborn, Wolfgang König
Services verändern die Welt. Überwindung jeglichen Silodenkens, auch zwischen Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft!
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Hans Ulrich Maerki, Wolfgang König
Scale-free networks - The impact of fat tailed degree distribution on diffusion and communication processes
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Oliver Hein, Michael Schwind, Wolfgang König
The Transformation of the German Financial System
Erschienen in: Revue D'Economie Politique
Andreas Hackethal, Reinhard Schmidt, Marcel Tyrell
Industrialisierung von Finanzprozessen. Herausforderungen, Chancen, Vorgehensmodell
Erschienen in: Controlling & Management Review
Jochen Franke, Wolfgang König, Tim Weitzel
Signaling Power of Open Market Share Repurchases in Germany
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Andreas Hackethal, Alexandre Zdantchouk
Interaktive Preisfindung als zwischenbetriebliche Prozess-integration auf Basis von Webservices
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Oliver Hinz, Martin Bernhardt
The Law and Finance of Venture Capital Financing in Europe: Findings from the Ricafe Research Project
Erschienen in: European Business Organization Law Review
Marco Da Rin, Ulrich Hege, Gerard Llobet, Uwe Walz
Volume Discovery: Leveraging Liquidity in the Depth of an Order Driven Market
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Peter Gomber, Miroslav Budimir, Uwe Schweickert
Portfolio Choice and Estimation Risk: A Comparison of Bayesian to Heuristic Approaches
Erschienen in: ASTIN Bulletin
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer
A local income and corporation tax as an alternative to the German local business tax - An empirical analysis for selected municipalities
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Markus Zwick, Ralf Maiterth
Minimum wage increases can lead to wage reductions by imperfectly competitive firms
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Ken Clark, Leo Kaas, Paul Madden
Factor Substitution, Average Firm Size and Economic Growth
Erschienen in: Small Business Economics
Matteo Aquilina, Rainer Klump, Carlo Pietrobelli
Wie ein Vogel im goldenen Käfig — oder: Exzellenz passt halt nicht zur Geilchverteilung vom Mängeln
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König
Evolution and dynamics of business models in the German biotechnology industry
Erschienen in: International Journal of Biotechnology
Lars Schweizer
To Hedge or Not to Hedge: Managing Demographic Risk in Life Insurance Companies
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Helmut Gründl, Thomas Post, Roman N. Schulze
Autoregressive distributed lag models and cointegration
Erschienen in: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
Uwe Hassler, Jürgen Wolters
Unit root testing
Erschienen in: AStA Advances in Statistical Analysis
Jürgen Wolters, Uwe Hassler
Portfolio problems stopping at first hitting time with application to default risk
Erschienen in: Mathematical Methods of Operations Research
Holger Kraft, Mogens Steffensen
De facto anonymised microdata file on income tax statistics
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Markus Zwick, Daniel Vorgrimler, Joachim Merz
An empirical investigation of paradoxes: reswitching and reverse capital deepening in capital theory
Erschienen in: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Zonghie Han, Bertram Schefold
Analyse der Ursachen einer systematischen Präferenz von Pauschaltarifen bei der Wahl von Internetzugangstarifen
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Anja Lambrecht, Bernd Skiera
Convergence: a challenge for mobile telecommunication operators the case of the German T-Mobile
Erschienen in: International Journal of Mobile Communications
Lars Schweizer
How do students finance human capital accumulation?
Erschienen in: Journal of Policy Modeling
Costas Christou, Michael Haliassos
Monetary Policy and Uncertainty about the Natural Unemployment Rate: Brainard-Style Conservatism versus Experimental Activism
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics
Volker Wieland
Rational expectations and ambiguity: A comment on Abel (2002)
Erschienen in: Economics Bulletin
Alexander Ludwig
Residual log-periodogram inference for long-run relationships
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Uwe Hassler, Francesc Marmol, Carlos Velasco
A Note on Phillips-Perron-Type Statistics for Cointegration Testing
Erschienen in: Economics Bulletin
Uwe Hassler
Die Stabilität von Finanzmärkten: Wie kann die Wirtschaftspolitik Vertrauen schaffen?
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik
Jan Krahnen, Theurl Theresia, Thomas Gehrig
Optimal Transparency and Risk-Taking to Avoid Currency Crises
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Christina Bannier, Frank Heinemann
Adjusting Choice Models to Better Predict Market Behavior
Erschienen in: Marketing Letters
Greg Allenby, Geraldine Fenell, Joel Huber, Thomas Eagle, Tim Gilbride, Dan Horsky, Jaehwan Kim, Peter Lenk, Rich Johnson, Elie Ofek, Brian Orme, Thomas Otter, Joan Walker
Knowledge transfer and R&D in pharmaceutical companies: A case study
Erschienen in: Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Lars Schweizer
Organizational Integration of Acquired Biotechnology Companies into Pharmaceutical Companies: The Need for a Hybrid Approach
Erschienen in: Academy of Management Journal
Lars Schweizer
Concept and Evolution of Business Models
Erschienen in: Journal of General Management
Lars Schweizer
Taxes and the Financial Structure of German Inward FDI
Erschienen in: Review of World Economics
Fred Ramb, Alfons Weichenrieder
Neue Transparenzregeln für den Wertpapierhandel in Europa
Erschienen in: Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung
Peter Gomber, Jochen Seitz
Ranking ist nicht alles — aber ohne Ranking wird alles nichts
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König
The impact of reputation on supply chains. An analysis of permanent and discounted reputation
Erschienen in: Information Systems and e-Business Management
Jochen Franke, Tim Stockheim, Wolfgang König
Reswitching as a Cause of Instability of Intertemporal Equilibrium
Erschienen in: Metroeconomica
Bertram Schefold
Zero wages: No Problem? A Reply to Mandler
Erschienen in: Metroeconomica
Bertram Schefold
Big elephants in small ponds: Do large traders make financial markets more aggressive?
Erschienen in: Journal of Monetary Economics
Christina Bannier
Attaching Workers through In-Kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia
Erschienen in: World Bank Economic Review
Guido Friebel, Sergei Guriev
Bargaining with a possibly committed seller
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Dynamics
Roman Inderst
The Basel II reform and retail credit markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Services Research
Jan Krahnen, Stijn Claessens, William Lang
Joint production: Triumph of economic over mathematical logic?
Erschienen in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Bertram Schefold
Inflation, Factor Substitution and Growth
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Rainer Klump
Die historische Entwicklung ökonomischer Wertkonzeptionen in kognitiv-struktureller Sicht – eine entwicklungstheoretische Analyse
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Gerhard Minnameier
Rumours and Markets
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Michael Kosfeld
Erlösquellen und Preismodelle für den Business-to-Consumer-Bereich im Internet
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Bernd Skiera, Martin Spann, Uwe Walz
Informatisierung der Personalarbeit - Bestandsaufnahme und die Frage nach einer personalo konomischen Fundierung
Erschienen in: German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung
Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, Lars Schweizer
What is European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) Telling us about the Optimum Currency Area Properties?
Erschienen in: Journal of Common Market Studies
Francesco Mongelli
Precautionary Savings and Self-Selection: Evidence from the German Reunification "Experiment"
Erschienen in: Quarterly Journal of Economics
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Matthias Schündeln
Competitive search markets with heterogeneous workers
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst
Relative benchmark rating and persistence analysis: Evidence from Italian equity funds
Erschienen in: European Journal of Finance
Robert Casarin, Marco Lazzarin, Loriana Pelizzon, Domenico Sartore
Estimation and Inference in Short Panel Vector Autoregressions with Unit Roots and Cointegration
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Michael Binder, Cheng Hsiao, M. Hashem Pesaran
Toll Collect als Forschungsgegenstand
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König
Spurious Persistence and Unit Roots due to Seasonal Differencing: The Case of Inflation Rates / Künstliche Persistenz und Einheitswurzeln infolge saisonaler Differenzen: Das Beispiel Inflationsraten
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Matei Demetrescu
A small estimated euro area model with rational expectations and nominal rigidities
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Günter Coenen, Volker Wieland
Shopping hours and price competition
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Andreas Irmen
Influence costs and hierarchy
Erschienen in: Economics of Governance
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller, Karl Wärneryd
Integration of E-Commerce by SMEs in the Manufacturing Sector
Erschienen in: Journal of Global Information Management
Roman Beck, Rolf Wigand, Wolfgang König
Combining multi-country evidence on unit roots: the case of long-term interest rates
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Quarterly
Uwe Hassler, Adina-Ioana Tarcolea
Optimal portfolios and Heston's stochastic volatility model: an explicit solution for power utility
Erschienen in: Quantitative Finance
Holger Kraft
The Pattern of European Institutional and Economic Integration : what Lessons for Latin America?
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Integration
Francesco Mongelli, Ettore Dorrucci
Conglomerate Entrenchment under Optimal Financial Contracting
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Antoine Faure-Grimaud, Roman Inderst
Developmental Progress in Ancient Greek Ethics
Erschienen in: European Journal of Developmental Psychology
Gerhard Minnameier
Oxytocin Increases Trust in Humans
Erschienen in: Nature
Michael Kosfeld, Markus Heinrichs, Paul Zak, Urs Fischbacher, Ernst Fehr
Banks and German Corporate Governance: On the Way to a Capital Market-Based System
Erschienen in: Corporate Governance An International Review
Andreas Hackethal, Reinhard Schmidt, Marcel Tyrell
Data uncertainty and the role of money as an information variable for monetary policy
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Günter Coenen, Andreas Levin, Volker Wieland
Imperfectly competitive cycles with Keynesian and Walrasian features
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Paul Madden
Neuroeconomic Foundations of Trust and Social Preferences: Initial Evidence
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Ernst Fehr, Urs Fischbacher, Michael Kosfeld
Der Handel von Kreditrisiken: Eine neue Dimension des Kapitalmarktes
Erschienen in: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik
Jan Krahnen
Betting on Death and Capital Markets in Retirement: A Shortfall Risk Analysis in Life Annuities versus Phased Withdrawal Plans
Erschienen in: Financial Services Review
Ivica Dus, Raimond Maurer, Olivia Mitchell
Exit timing of venture capitalists in the course of an initial public offering
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Werner Neus, Uwe Walz
Matching markets with adverse selection
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Roman Inderst
The women of Cairo
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Matthias Blonski
Total Return Fixed Income Management: A Risk-Based Dynamic Strategy
Erschienen in: Journal of Portfolio Management
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer, Nader Purschaker
Modeling Consumer Choice among Three-Part Tariffs
Erschienen in: Finanza Marketing e Produzione
Anja Lambrecht, Katja Seim, Bernd Skiera
Einsatzmöglichkeit der Matching-Methode zur Berücksichtigung von Selbstselektion
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Sonja Gensler, Bernd Skiera, Martin Böhm
Reverse-Pricing-Verfahren und deren Möglichkeiten zur Messung von individuellen Suchkosten und Zahlungsbereitschaften
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera, Björn Schäfers
Incentives in Internal Capital Markets: Capital Constraints, Competition, and Investment Opportunities
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Christian Laux
Outsourcing von Personalfunktionen: Eine (erneute) Bestandsaufnahme
Erschienen in: German Journal of Human Resource Management: Zeitschrift für Personalforschung
Lars Schweizer, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufsess, Carmen Ulscht
Price impacts of options volume
Erschienen in: International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives
Christian Schlag, Hans Stoll
The Diffusion and Efficient Use of Electronic Commerce among Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: An International Three-Industry Survey
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Roman Beck, Rolf Wigand, Wolfgang König
Vers une mutation structurelle du système bancaire allemand?
Erschienen in: Revue d'Economie Financière
Andreas Hackethal, Reinhard Schmidt
Segmentspezifische Schätzung von Zahlungsbereitschaftsfunktionen
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Timo Schulze, Karen Gedenk, Bernd Skiera
Reverse Pricing
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Martin Bernhardt, Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera
Internationally cross-listed stock prices during overlapping trading hours: price discovery and exchange rate effects
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Joachim Grammig, Michael Melvin, Christian Schlag
Zur Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Sozialen Marktwirtschaft im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
Erschienen in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
Rainer Klump
Spam-Mails, Viren und Datenschutz
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König
Multi-bank loan pool contracts: enhancing the profitability of small commercial banks
Erschienen in: Applied Financial Economics
Andreas Gintschel, Andreas Hackethal
Besonderheiten und Möglichkeiten des Outsourcing von e-government-Lösungen
Erschienen in: Journal für Betriebswirtschaft
Lars Schweizer, Dodo zu Knyphausen-Aufseß
A positive theory of give-away privatization
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Olivier Debande, Guido Friebel
The incentives for takeover in oligopoly
Erschienen in: International Journal of Industrial Organization
Roman Inderst, Christian Wey
Measuring Individual Frictional Costs and Willingness-to-Pay via Name-Your-Own-Price Mechanisms
Erschienen in: Journal of Interactive Marketing
Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera, Björn Schäfers
Budgetary Policy and Unemployment Dynamics in an OLG Model with Collective Bargaining
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Leo Kaas, Leopold von Thadden
Capturing consumer heterogeneity in metric conjoint analysis using Bayesian mixture models
Erschienen in: International Journal of Research in Marketing
Thomas Otter, Regina Tüchler, Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter
The Theory of Global Games on Test: Experimental Analysis of Coordination Games with Public and Private Information
Erschienen in: Econometrica
Peter Ockenfels, Frank Heinemann, Rosemarie Nagel
Attainability of European path-independent claims in incomplete markets
Erschienen in: Finance Research Letters
Nicole Branger, Angelika Esser, Christian Schlag
Xetra BEST - Integration of Market Access Intermediaries' Requirements Into Market Design
Erschienen in: Electronic Markets
Peter Gomber, Kai-Oliver Maurer
Hedonic Price Indices for the Paris Housing Market (Construction of a Transaction-Based Real Estate Index for the Paris Housing Market)
Erschienen in: Advances in Statistical Analysis
Raimond Maurer, Martin Pitzer, Steffen Sebastian
Non-existence of market-clearing wages when the output market is imperfectly competitive
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Leo Kaas, Paul Madden
Ökonomie der elektronischen Literaturversorgung Optimale Tarifwahl beim Bezug elektronischer Zeitschriften
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Rainer Fladung, Berndt Dugall, Wolfgang König
On the Stability of Continuous-time Portfolio Problems With Stochastic Opportunity Set
Erschienen in: Mathematical Finance
Ralf Korn, Holger Kraft
Abuse of Authority and Hierarchical Communication
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Guido Friebel, Michael Raith
Exchange Rate Movements and Employment Growth: An OCA Assessment of the CEE Economies
Erschienen in: Empirica
Ansgar Belke, Leo Kaas
Economic Networks in the Laboratory: A Survey
Erschienen in: Review of Network Economics
Michael Kosfeld
Ownership Concentration and Share Valuation
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Jeremy S. S. Edwards, Alfons Weichenrieder
Exchange-Rate Policy and the Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Günter Coenen, Volker Wieland
The effect of capital market characteristics on the value of start-up firms
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Economics
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Contractual distortions in a market with frictions
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Roman Inderst
Financial-Chain-Management: Ein generisches Modell zur Identifizierung von Verbesserungspotenzialen
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Donovan Pfaff, Bernd Skiera, Tim Weitzel
Second degree price discrimination and natural monopoly
Erschienen in: Bulletin of Economic Research
Alfons Weichenrieder
A new model of equilibrium involuntary unemployment
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Leo Kaas, Paul Madden
Selbstbeschäftigung statt Innovation?
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Wolfgang König, Joachim Posegga
Tactical Asset Allocation and Estimation Risk
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer
Why is the Index Smile So Steep?
Erschienen in: Review of Finance
Nicole Branger, Christian Schlag
Transaktionsdienstleistungen und Handelsprozesse im Wandel
Erschienen in: BIT - Banking and Information Technology
Peter Gomber, Miroslav Budimir
Return and Risk of German Open-End Real Estate Funds
Erschienen in: Journal Of Property Research
Raimond Maurer, Frank Reiner, Ralph Rogalla
The Research Data Centres of the Federal Statistical Office and the Statistical Offices of the Länder
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Markus Zwick, Sylvia Zühlke, Sebastian Scharnhorst, Thomas Wende
The Relationship between Stock Prices, House Prices and Consumption in OECD Countries
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal Of Macroeconomics: Topics In Macroeconomics
Alexander Ludwig, Torsten Sløk
Zur Zusage der nominalen Kapitalerhaltung bei investmentfondsbasierten Riester-Produkten: Einige Überlegungen aus finanzierungstheoretischer Sicht
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Helmut Gründl, Bernhard Nietert, Hato Schmeiser
Edgar Salin and his concept of ‘Anschauliche Theorie’ (‘Intuitive Theory’) during the interwar period
Erschienen in: Annals of the Society for the History of Economic Thought
Bertram Schefold
Wissenschaft als Gegengabe. Neugründung und Aktivitäten des Theoretischen Ausschusses im Verein für Socialpolitik von 1949 –1973
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Journal Of Contextual Economics
Bertram Schefold
Bayesian Analysis of the Heterogeneity Model
Erschienen in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter, Regina Tüchler, Thomas Otter
Characteristics of German Real Estate Return Distribution: Evidence from Germany and Comparison to the U.S. and the U.K.
Erschienen in: Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Raimond Maurer, Frank Reiner, Steffen Sebastian
Einsatzmöglichkeiten virtueller Börsen in der Marktforschung
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera
Price Stability and Monetary Policy Effectiveness when Nominal Interest Rates are Bounded at Zero
Erschienen in: B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Advances in Macroeconomics
Volker Wieland, Günter Coenen, Athanasios Orphanides
Eingangsbedingungen von Studienanfängern: Die prognostische Validität wirtschaftskundlichen Wissens für das Vordiplom bei Studierenden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik
Klaus Beck, Eveline Wuttke
Peirce-Suit of Truth – Why inference to the best explanation and abduction ought not to be confused
Erschienen in: Erkenntnis
Gerhard Minnameier
Seasonal Unit Root Tests Under Structural Breaks*
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler, Paulo M. M. Rodrigues
Corporate Governance in Germany: Transition to a Modern Capital-Market-Based System?
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Andreas Hackethal, Reinhard Schmidt, Marcel Tyrell
Stock market liberalizations: Financial and macroeconomic implications
Erschienen in: Review of World Economics
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Norbert Funke
Unemployment, Factor Substitution and Capital Formation
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Leo Kaas, Leopold von Thadden
Best-Reply Matching in Games
Erschienen in: Mathematical Social Sciences
Edward Droste, Michael Kosfeld, Mark Voorneveld
Bayesian Asset Allocation and U.S. Domestic Bias
Erschienen in: Financial Analysts' Journal
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer
Money And Growth In A Production Economy With Multiple Assets
Erschienen in: Macroeconomic Dynamics
Leo Kaas, Gerd Weinrich
Internet-Based Virtual Stock Markets for Business Forecasting
Erschienen in: Management Science
Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera
Taking Stock of Virtual Markets. How can Internet-Based Virtual Stock Markets be Applied for Business Forecasting and Other Forecasting Issues
Erschienen in: Operations Research and the Management Sciences
Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera
Specification of Management Views in Information Warehouse Projects
Erschienen in: Information Systems
Roland Holten
Zur Vorteilhaftigkeit von Kapitallebensversicherungen gegenüber alternativen Anlageformen — Eine Analyse aus Anlegersicht
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Helmut Gründl, Richard Stehle, Thorsten Waldow
Alternating-offer bargaining over menus under incomplete information
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Roman Inderst
Contagion and interdependence in stock markets: Have they been misdiagnosed?
Erschienen in: Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business
Monica Billio, Loriana Pelizzon
Specifying Information Systems for Business Process Integration – A Management Perspective
Erschienen in: Information Systems and e-Business Management
Joerg Becker, Alexander Dreiling, Roland Holten, Michael Ribbert
Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Surveys
Martin Zagler, Georg Dürnecker
The zero-interest-rate bound and the role of the exchange rate for monetary policy in Japan
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Günter Coenen, Volker Wieland
The Performance of Forecast-Based Monetary Policy Rules Under Model Uncertainty
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Andreas Levin, Volker Wieland, John C. Williams
Internal versus External Financing: An Optimal Contracting Approach
Erschienen in: The Journal of Finance
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Productive government spending, growth, and sequential voting
Erschienen in: European Journal of Political Economy
Leo Kaas
The Savings Behavior of East and West Germans. Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Evidence
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Journal Of Contextual Economics
Matthias Schündeln, Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
Household stockholding in Europe: where do we stand and where do we go?
Erschienen in: Economic Policy
Luigi Guiso, Michael Haliassos, Tullio Jappelli
Nonsense regressions due to neglected time-varying means
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler
Inflation-unemployment tradeoff and regional labor market data
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Uwe Hassler, Michael Neugart
How Much Credit?
Erschienen in: Journal of Fixed Income
Raimond Maurer, Ulf Herold
Bargaining, Mergers, and Technology Choice in Bilaterally Oligopolistic Industries
Erschienen in: RAND Journal of Economics
Roman Inderst, Christian Wey
Langfristige Sparpläne versus Einmalanlage: Value-at-Risk und Shortfallrisiken
Erschienen in: Der Aktuar
Peter Albrecht, Ivica Dus, Raimond Maurer, Ulla Ruckpaul
Portfolio Choice and Liquidity Constraints
Erschienen in: International Economic Review
Michael Haliassos, Alexander Michaelides
Pension Reform, Capital Markets and the Rate of Return
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Axel Börsch-Supan, Alexander Ludwig, Florian Heiss, Joachim Winter
Integration von Informationssystemen
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Roland Holten
Die Vertragsbeziehung zwischen Investoren und europäischen Venture Capital-Fonds: Eine empirische Untersuchung und Klassifizierung unterschiedlicher Vertragsmuster
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Mark Wahrenburg, Stefan Feinendegen, Daniel Schmidt
L’insoutenable légèreté de l’euro
Erschienen in: Economie Internationale
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln, Laurence Boone, Alain de Serres, Vincent Koen
Pricing Double-Trigger Reinsurance Contracts: Financial Versus Actuarial Approach
Erschienen in: Journal of Risk and Insurance
Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser
Self-Annuitization, Consumption Shortfall in Retirement and Asset Allocation: The Annuity Benchmark
Erschienen in: Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer
Einsatzplanung eines Verkaufsaußendienstes auf der Basis einer Umsatzreaktionsfunktion
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Sönke Albers, Bernd Skiera
Steuerreform und Unternehmensfinanzierung / Tax Reform and Corporate Finance
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Wolfgang Eggert, Alfons Weichenrieder
Equity culture and household behavior
Erschienen in: Oxford Economic Papers
Michael Haliassos, Christis Hassapis
Inference on the cointegration rank in fractionally integrated processes
Erschienen in: Journal of Econometrics
Jörg Breitung, Uwe Hassler
Inflationsrisiken von Aktien, Bonds und indirekten Immobilienanlagen
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Raimond Maurer, Steffen Sebastian
The key drivers and success factors for M&A strategies in the biotechnological and pharmaceutical industry
Erschienen in: Pharmaceuticals Policy and Law
Lars Schweizer
Stochastic Strategy Adjustment in Coordination Games
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Michael Kosfeld
Learning and control in a changing economic environment
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Guenter Beck, Volker Wieland
Marktwertorientierte Unternehmens- und Geschäftsbereichssteuerung in Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Helmut Gründl, Hato Schmeiser
A Myopic Adjustment Process Leading to Best-Reply Matching
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Michael Kosfeld, Edward Droste, Mark Voorneveld
Contractual Signaling in a Market Environment
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Roman Inderst
International Equity Portfolios and Currency Hedging: The Viewpoint of German and Hungarian Investors
Erschienen in: ASTIN Bulletin
Gyöngyi Bugár, Raimond Maurer
Resampled Efficiency – Eine überlegene Methode zur Asset Allocation
Erschienen in: Finanz-Betrieb
Ulf Herold, Raimond Maurer
Measuring Consumer Willingness to Pay at the Point of Purchase
Erschienen in: Journal of Marketing Research
Klaus Wertenbroch, Bernd Skiera
Market structure, intermediation, and liquidity
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Jan Krahnen, Thorsten Freihube, Erik Theissen
Career Concerns in Teams
Erschienen in: Journal of Labor Economics
Emmanuelle Auriol, Guido Friebel, Lambros Pechlivanos
Capacity constrained firms in (labor) markets with adverse selection
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Roman Inderst, Achim Wambach
Competitive search markets for durable goods
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Roman Inderst, Holger M. Mueller
Why competition may drive up prices
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Roman Inderst
Network externalities and two-part tariffs in telecommunication markets
Erschienen in: Information Economics and Policy
Matthias Blonski
The Organization of Global Financial Markets: Comment on F. Kübler
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Jan Krahnen
Tax Competition and Profit Shifting: On the Relationship between Personal and Corporate Tax Rates
Erschienen in: CESifo Economic Studies
Alfons Weichenrieder, Clemens Fuest
Reflections on the Past and Current State of the History of Economic Thought in Germany
Erschienen in: History of Political Economy
Bertram Schefold
International Asset Allocation with Real Estate Securities in a Shortfall Risk Framework: The Viewpoint of German and US Investors
Erschienen in: Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Raimond Maurer, Frank Reiner
Inflation Risk Analysis of European Real Estate Securities
Erschienen in: Journal of Real Estate Research
Raimond Maurer, Steffen Sebastian
The Convergence of Financial Systems in Europe
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Andreas Hackethal, Reinhard Schmidt, Marcel Tyrell
Attacker's advantages in a homogeneous market: The case of GSM
Erschienen in: International Journal on Media Management
Dodo zu Knyphausen‐Aufseß, Christian Krys, Lars Schweizer
A Stochastic Control Approach to Portfolio Problems with Stochastic Interest Rates
Erschienen in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Ralf Korn, Holger Kraft
Contract design and bargaining power
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Roman Inderst
Why Shops Close Again: An Evolutionary Perspective on the Deregulation of Shopping Hours
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Michael Kosfeld
Non‐Expected Utility, Saving and Portfolios
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Michael Haliassos, Christis Hassapis
Individual tax statistics data and their evaluation possibilities for the scientific community
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Markus Zwick
Competitive insurance markets under adverse selection and capacity constraints
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Roman Inderst, Achim Wambach
Blockhandel auf Xetra
Erschienen in: Die Bank
Peter Gomber, Tobias Kirchner
Integriertes Controlling für Aufbau, Betrieb und Anpassung von Supply Chains
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Roland Holten, Martin B. Schultz
How Unique are US-Banks? The Role of Banks in Five Major Financial Systems
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Andreas Hackethal
Financial Liberalizations and Capital Flow Reversals: Optimal Policy for Short and Long Term Debt Management
Erschienen in: Economic Review (Keizai Kenkyu)
Uwe Walz, Theo Eicher, Stephan Turnovsky
Screening in a Matching Market
Erschienen in: Review of Economic Studies
Roman Inderst
The anatomy of a call market
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Jan Krahnen, Carl-Heinrich Kehr, Erik Theissen
Vergleich von Zeitreihen- und Zinsratenmodellen zur Prognose der deutschen Inflationsrate
Erschienen in: Der Aktuar
Elke Eberts, Raimond Maurer
Convertible securities and optimal exit decisions in venture capital finance
Erschienen in: Journal of Corporate Finance
Andreas Bascha, Uwe Walz
Critique of the Corn-Guano Model
Erschienen in: Metroeconomica
Bertram Schefold
Cournot-Walras equilibrium without profit feedback
Erschienen in: Economics Bulletin
Leo Kaas
NAIRU Uncertainty and Nonlinear Policy Rules
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Laurence H. Meyer, Eric T. Swanson, Volker Wieland
The Effect of Linear Time Trends on the KPSS Test for Cointegration
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler
Public procurement in the presence of capital taxation
Erschienen in: Regional Science and Urban Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder
Incentive schemes as a signaling device
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Roman Inderst
Zum systematischen Vergleich von Rentenversicherung und Fondsentnahmeplänen unter dem Aspekt des Kapitalverzehrrisikos (Part2)
Erschienen in: Der Aktuar
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer
Indeterminacy of intertemporal equilibria under imperfect competition
Erschienen in: Economic Theory
Leo Kaas
Analysing, modelling and improving workflow application development processes
Erschienen in: Software Process: Improvement and Practice
Mathias Weske, Thomas Goesmann, Roland Holten, Rüdiger Striemer
Tariff jumping foreign investment and capital taxation
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Vivek H. Dehejia, Alfons Weichenrieder
Tax Competition and Transfer Pricing Disputes
Erschienen in: FinanzArchiv
Alfons Weichenrieder, Kashif Mansori
Market making in the laboratory: Does competition matter?
Erschienen in: Experimental Economics
Jan Krahnen, Martin Weber
Shortfall Risk of Stocks in the Long Run
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer, Ulla Ruckpaul
Erwartetes Versorgungsniveau und Shortfall-Risiken von Investmentfonds-Ansparplänen
Erschienen in: Der Langfristige Kredit
Raimond Maurer, Christian Schlag
Trade, money and employment in intertemporal optimizing models of growth
Erschienen in: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Rainer Klump
Life-cycle consumption under social interactions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Michael Binder, M. Hashem Pesaran
Wealth and Consumption. A Multicointegrated Model for the Unified Germany / Vermögen und Konsum. Ein multikointegriertes Modell für das vereinigte Deutschland
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler
Generally accepted rating principles: A primer
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Jan Krahnen, Martin Weber
Zur Quantifizierung der Risikoprämien deutscher Versicherungsaktien im Kontext eines Multifaktorenmodells
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Rolf Elgeti, Raimond Maurer
Zum systematischen Vergleich von Rentenversicherung und Fondsentnahmeplänen unter dem Aspekt des Kapitalverzehrrisikos (Part1)
Erschienen in: Der Aktuar
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer
Consumption Smoothing and Financial Integration in the European Union
Erschienen in: Manchester School
Michael Haliassos, Costas Christou
Efficient Monetary Policy Design near Price Stability
Erschienen in: Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
Athanasios Orphanides, Volker Wieland
Value-at-Risk: a multivariate switching regime approach
Erschienen in: Journal of Empirical Finance
Monica Billio, Loriana Pelizzon
Pricing in Multiagent Systems for Transportation Planning
Erschienen in: Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce
Peter Gomber, Claudia Schmidt, Christof Weinhardt
Cointegration Testing in Single Error-Correction Equations in the Presence of Linear Time Trends
Erschienen in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler
The Distributional Impact of Public Goods Provision: A Veil of Ignorance Approach
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder, Claudio Thum
Analytische Evaluation des Risiko-Chance-Profils kombinierter Aktien- und Optionsstrategien
Erschienen in: Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik
Michael Adam, Raimond Maurer
Characterization of pure strategy equilibria in finite anonymous games
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Matthias Blonski
On the valuation of common and preferred shares in Germany: New evidence on the value of voting rights
Erschienen in: Managerial Finance
Jan Krahnen, Ali Fatemi
Financial regimes, capital structure, and growth
Erschienen in: European Journal of Political Economy
Lutz Arnold, Uwe Walz
Werbeerfolgskontrolle im Internet
Erschienen in: Controlling, Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung
Bernd Skiera, Martin Spann
Monetary policy, parameter uncertainty and optimal learning
Erschienen in: International Journal Of Monetary Economics And Finance
Volker Wieland
Internationale Diversifikation von Aktien- und Anleiheportfolios aus der Perspektive deutscher Investoren
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Raimond Maurer, Alexander Mertz
The KPSS Test for Cointegration in Case of Bivariate Regressions with Linear Trends
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Uwe Hassler
Zur Bedeutung einer Ausfallbedrohtheit von Versicherungskontrakten — ein Beitrag zur Behavioral Insurance
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer
Inflation zone targeting
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Athanasios Orphanides, Volker Wieland
Differential savings, factor shares, and endogenous growth cycles
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Volker Böhm, Leo Kaas
Regional Competition for Mobile Oligopolistic Firms: Does Public Provision of Local Inputs Lead to Agglomeration?
Erschienen in: Journal of Regional Science
Boris Maurer, Uwe Walz
Vergleichende Analyse alternativer Kreditrisikomodelle
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Mark Wahrenburg, Susanne Niethen
The Benefits of Bundling Strategies
Erschienen in: Schmalenbach Business Review
Torsten Olderog, Bernd Skiera
Learning by doing and the value of optimal experimentation
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Volker Wieland
Ist das Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland ein „Nachfragemotor“ für Fortschritte in der Medizintechnik?
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Rainer Klump, Manfred Plagens
Solution of Nonlinear Rational Expectations Models with Applications toFinite-Horizon Life-Cycle Models of Consumption
Erschienen in: Computational Economics
Michael Binder, M. Hashem Pesaran, S. Hossein Samiei
Wertpapierbörsen im Internet — Informationsangebot aus Sicht des Privatanlegers
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Gomber, Carsten Holtmann, Christine Kurbjuweit, Silja Moderer
Zur Realitätsnähe der Conjointanalyse – Der Effekt von Präsentationsformat, Involvement und Hemisphärizität auf die subjektive Beurteilung der Aufgabe durch die Auskunftspersonen und die Vorhersagevalidität
Erschienen in: Marketing ZFP
Andreas Strebinger, Sabine Hoffmann, Günter Schweiger, Thomas Otter
CES Production Functions and Economic Growth
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Rainer Klump, Harald Preissler
Economic Growth and the Elasticity of Substitution: Two Theorems and Some Suggestions
Erschienen in: American Economic Review
Rainer Klump, Olivier de La Grandville
Solution of finite-horizon multivariate linear rational expectations models and sparse linear systems
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Michael Binder, M. Hashem Pesaran
Market Share, Cost-Based Dumping, and Anti-Dumping Policy
Erschienen in: Canadian Journal of Economics
Uwe Walz, Thusnelda Tivig
Optimal Policy for Financial Market Liberalizations: Decentralization and Capital Flow Reversals
Erschienen in: German Economic Review
Theo S. Eicher, Stephen J. Turnovsky, Uwe Walz
Simple Regressions with Linear Time Trends
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler
Coalition Building in a Spatial Economy
Erschienen in: Journal of Urban Economics
Joachim Henkel, Konrad Stahl, Uwe Walz
Prinzipal-Agent-Beziehung: First-best, second-best und third-best
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Holger Kraft, Peter Reichling
Interest-rate smoothing and optimal monetary policy: a review of recent empirical evidence
Erschienen in: Asia Pacific Journal of Economics and Business
Brian Sack, Volker Wieland
Multi-issue Bargaining with Endogenous Agenda
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Roman Inderst
Risk Value Analysis of Covered Short Call and Protective Put Portfolio Strategies
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Michael Adam, Raimond Maurer
The Welfare State, an Impediment to Integration?
Erschienen in: FinanzArchiv
Uwe Walz, Dietmar Wellisch
Immobilienfonds und Immobilienaktiengesellschaften als finanzwirtschaftliche Substitute für Immobiliendirektanlagen
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Raimond Maurer, Steffen Sebastian
Elektronisierung des außerbörslichen Wertpapierhandels — Konzeption und Engineering eines finanzwirtschaftlich und mikroökonomisch basierten Multi-Agenten-Ansatzes
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Christof Weinhardt, Peter Gomber
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Volker Wieland
Anonymous Games with Binary Actions
Erschienen in: Games and Economic Behavior
Matthias Blonski
When is rational behavior consistent with rules of thumb? a link between evolutionary terminology and neoclassical methodology
Erschienen in: Journal of Mathematical Economics
Matthias Blonski
Public Goods, Club Goods, and the Measurement of Crowding
Erschienen in: Journal of Urban Economics
Michael Reiter, Alfons Weichenrieder
Stochastic Growth Models and Their Econometric Implications
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Growth
Michael Binder, M. Hashem Pesaran
Dynamische Marktmodelle im elektronischen Wertpapierhandel
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Gomber, Miroslav Budimir
Trade, Multinationals, and Transfer Pricing Regulations
Erschienen in: Canadian Journal of Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder, Guttorm Schjelderup
Agentenbasierter Rentenhandel
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Gomber, Miroslav Budimir, Klaus Kosciankowski, Robert Urtheil, Markus Lohmann, Norbert Nopper, Peter Henning
Auktionen als Marktforschungsinstrument zur Erhebung von Zahlungsbereitschaf-ten
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Bernd Skiera, Inken Revenstorff
An empirical examination of the effect of dividend taxation on asset pricing and returns in Germany
Erschienen in: Global Finance Journal
Austin Murphy, Christian Schlag
Efficiency, Incentives, and Computational Tractability in the Coordination of Multi-Agent Systems
Erschienen in: International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems
Peter Gomber, Claudia Schmidt, Christof Weinhardt
Optimal design of bank bailouts - the case of transition economies: Comment on Philip Aghion and Patrick Bolton
Erschienen in: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Jan Krahnen
Was leisten die Kursmakler? Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Jan Krahnen, Thorsten Freihube, Carl-Heinrich Kehr, Erik Theissen
Insider trading and portfolio structure in experimental asset markets with a long-lived asset
Erschienen in: European Journal of Finance
Jan Krahnen, C. Rieck, E. Theissen
Risikomessung im Kreditgeschäft: Eine empirische Analyse bankinterner Ratingverfahren
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Jan Krahnen, Martin Weber, Frank Voßmann
(When) Should cointegrating regressions be detrended? The case of a German money demand function
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Uwe Hassler
The Ability to Compensate for Suboptimal Capacity Decisions by Optimal Pricing Decisions
Erschienen in: European Journal of Operational Research
Bernd Skiera, Martin Spann
Some Remarks on the Afterglow of the German Historical School, 1945-1960
Erschienen in: Storia del pensiero economico
Bertram Schefold
The Performance of International Portfolio Diversification Strategies for German and Hungarian Investors
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Gyöngyi Bugár, Raimond Maurer
Die Kapitallebensversicherung als Anlegerschädigung? Anmerkungen zu einem Beitrag von M. Adams unter aktuariellen und ökonomischen Gesichtspunkten
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer, Heinrich Schradin
Disintermediation and the Role of Banks in Europe: An International Comparison
Erschienen in: Journal of Financial Intermediation
Reinhard Schmidt, Andreas Hackethal, Marcel Tyrell
Social learning with case-based decisions
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Matthias Blonski
Does information aggregation depend on market structure? Market makers vs. double auction
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Jan Krahnen, Martin Weber
A note on spurious seasonality when time series have linear trends
Erschienen in: ifo Studien: Zeitschrift für empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Uwe Hassler, Dieter Nautz
Die Zinsstruktur am deutschen Interbanken-Geldmarkt : eine empirische Analyse für das vereinigte Deutschland
Erschienen in: ifo Studien: Zeitschrift für empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Uwe Hassler, Jürgen Wolters
Shortfall-Risiko / Excess-Chance-Entscheidungskalküle: Grundlagen und Beziehungen zum Bernoulli-Prinzip
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer, Matthias Möller
Why Do Rich Countries Prefer Free Trade Over Free Migration? The Role of the Modern Welfare State
Erschienen in: European Economic Review
Uwe Walz, Dietmar Wellisch
An explorative investigation of intraday trading on the German stock market
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Christian Schlag, Tobias Kirchner
OptiMark - ein neues Handelssystem in den USA
Erschienen in: Die Bank
Peter Gomber
The Link between German Short- and Long-Term Interest Rates. Some Evidence against a Term Structure Oriented Monetary Policy / Der Zusammenhang zwischen kurz- und langfristigen Zinssätzen in Deutschland. Empirische Evidenz gegen eine zinsstrukturorientierte Geldpolitik
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Dieter Nautz
A Note on Correlation in Regressions Without Cointegration
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Uwe Hassler
TACO: Eine neue Möglichkeit zum Vergleich von Mobilfunktarifen
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Bernd Skiera
Decision Making in the Presence of Heterogeneous Information and Social Interactions
Michael Binder, M. Hashem Pesaran
Is relationship lending special? Evidence from credit file data-in Germany
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Jan Krahnen, Ralf Elsas
Introduction to Special Issue on Credit Risk Assessment and Relationship Lending
Erschienen in: Journal of Banking & Finance
Jan Krahnen, Edward Altman, Anthony Saunders
Reading Sraffa's Indices – a note
Erschienen in: European Journal of the History of Economic Thought
Bertram Schefold
Strukturen und Finanzierungsalternativen der Altersvorsorge in Rußland: Die Deutsche Gestaltung als Vorbild?
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft
Grigory Feiguine, Raimond Maurer, Heinrich Schradin
Foreign profits and domestic investment
Erschienen in: Journal of Public Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder
Limiting efficiency of OLS vs. GLS when regressors are fractionally integrated
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Walter Krämer, Uwe Hassler
COSTA: Contribution Optimizing Sales Territory Alignment
Erschienen in: Marketing Science
Bernd Skiera, Sönke Albers
Does an enlargement of a common market stimulate growth and convergence?
Erschienen in: Journal of International Economics
Uwe Walz
Risikoanreize bei der Gestaltung erfolgsabhängiger Entlohnungssysteme für Kapitalanlagegesellschaften
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Raimond Maurer
Multiplicity of Cournot Equilibria and Involuntary Unemployment
Erschienen in: International Journal of Economic Theory
Leo Kaas
The Creation of Economic Theories and the History of Economic Thought: Reflections on the Work of Krishna Bharadwaj
Erschienen in: History Of Economic Ideas
Bertram Schefold
Preisdifferenzierung bei Dienstleistungen am Beispiel von "Call-by-Call"-Tarifen"
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Knut Haase, Frank Salewski, Bernd Skiera
Gewinnmaximale zeitliche Preisdifferenzierung für Dienstleistungen
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Bernd Skiera, Martin Spann
Stabilizing chaos in a dynamic macroeconomic model
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
Leo Kaas
Fachkonzeptuelle Spezifikation von Führungsinformationssystemen
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Roland Holten, Joerg Becker
Analyse und Bewertung des Ausfallrisikos bei OTC-Derivaten - eine spezifische Adaption des Value at Risk Ansatzes
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Alexander König, Raimond Maurer, Heinrich Schradin
Das Prinzip des flachen Maximums
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Bernd Skiera
Wieviel Deckungsbeitrag verschenkt eine gleichartige Einteilung der Verkaufsgebiete?
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Bernd Skiera
Are Public Goods Public? A Critical Survey of the Demand Estimates for Local Public Services
Erschienen in: FinanzArchiv
Alfons Weichenrieder, Michael Reiter
Multivariate Linear Rational Expectations Models: Characterization of the Nature of the Solutions and Their Fully Recursive Computation
Erschienen in: Econometric Theory
Michael Binder, M. Hashem Pesaran
Is free trade in the interest of exporting countries when there is ecological dumping?
Erschienen in: Journal of Public Economics
Uwe Walz, Dietmar Wellisch
Growth and Deeper Regional Integration in a Three‐Country Model
Erschienen in: Review of International Economics
Uwe Walz
'Dinkies' and Housewives: The Regulation of Shopping Hours
Erschienen in: Kyklos
Marcel Thum, Alfons Weichenrieder
On the effect of seasonal adjustment on the log-periodogram regression
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Marius Ooms, Uwe Hassler
Inferring risk attitudes from certainty equivalents: Some lessons from an experimental study
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Jan Krahnen, Christian Rieck, Erik Theissen
Precautionary portfolio behavior from a life-cycle perspective
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control
Carol C. Bertaut, Michael Haliassos
The effect of option trading at the DTB on the underlying stocks' return variance
Erschienen in: Empirical Economics
Burkhard Heer, Mark Trede, Mark Wahrenburg
Foreign direct investment, political resentment and the privatization process in eastern Europe
Erschienen in: Economic Policy
Hans-Werner Sinn, Alfons Weichenrieder
Elektronische Märkte für die dezentrale Transportplanung
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Gomber, Claudia Schmidt, Christof Weinhardt
Financial markets with asymmetric information: A pilot study focusing on insider advantages
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Werner Güth, Jan Krahnen, Christian Rieck
Sample autocorrelations of nonsationary fractionally integrated series
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler
Cooperation based on trust - An experimental investigation
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Peter Ockenfels, Werner Güth, Markus Wendel
Nicolaus Oresmius. Die Geldlehre des Spätmittelalters
Erschienen in: Zeitsprünge : Forschungen zur Frühen Neuzeit
Bertram Schefold
Grundzüge und Hauptautoren merkantilistischer Theorie
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Agrargeschichte und Agrarsoziologie
Bertram Schefold
Nonsense correlation between time series with linear trends
Erschienen in: Allgemeines Statistisches Archiv
Uwe Hassler
Multi-Faktorenmodelle: Grundlagen und Einsatz im Management von Aktien-Portefeuilles
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer, Jürgen Mayser
Konstruktion einer Immobilien-Benchmark und deren Anwendung im Investment-Management
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Raimond Maurer, Thomas Stephan
Implikationen des allgemeinen Probit-Modells für die Marketingplanung
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Bernd Skiera
Mehrwertsteuer, Versicherungsteuer und Risikoallokation
Erschienen in: Review of Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder
Wachstum und Wandel: Die „neue“ Wachstumstheorie als Theorie wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung
Erschienen in: ORDO - Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft
Rainer Klump
KI-Methoden in der Finanzwirtschaft: grundlegende Fragen, Stand der Forschung, Einsatzpotentiale
Erschienen in: Künstliche Intelligenz
Peter Gomber, Christof Weinhardt, Stefan Kirn
West German ideas on employment policy during the first years of the ‘Economic miracle’
Erschienen in: Metroeconomica
Bertram Schefold
Transfer Pricing, Double Taxation, and the Cost of Capital
Erschienen in: Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Alfons Weichenrieder
Synergie und Koordination in dezentral planenden Organisationen
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Gomber, Claudia Schmidt, Christof Weinhardt
evel-ultimatum bargaining with incomplete information - An experimental study
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Peter Ockenfels, Werner Güth, Steffen Huck
Expiration day effects of stock index derivatives in Germany
Erschienen in: European Financial Management
Christian Schlag
Fighting International Tax Avoidance: The Case of Germany
Erschienen in: Fiscal Studies
Alfons Weichenrieder
Monetary policy targets and the stabilization objective: a source of tension in the EMS
Erschienen in: Journal of International Money and Finance
Volker Wieland
Die Verbindung von Theorie, Geschichte und Politik bei James Steuart
Erschienen in: Geschichte und Gegenwart
Bertram Schefold
Piero Sraffa 1898-1983: Obituary
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Bertram Schefold
Anti-tax-avoidance provisions and the size of foreign direct investment
Erschienen in: International Tax and Public Finance
Alfons Weichenrieder
Domänenunabhängige Koordinationsmechanismen für die dezentrale betriebliche Planung
Erschienen in: IM - Information Management & Consulting
Peter Gomber, Christof Weinhardt
Spurious regressions when stationary regressors are included
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler
Shortfall-Perfomance rollierender Wertsicherungsstrategien
Erschienen in: Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer, Thomas Stephan
Banks, Finance and Investment in Germany
Erschienen in: Economica
Alfons Weichenrieder, Jeremy Edwards, Klaus Fischer
Die Wirtschaftswunder in Ostasien : eine Suche nach Erklärungen
Erschienen in: ifo Studien: Zeitschrift für empirische Wirtschaftsforschung
Rainer Klump, Lukas Menkhoff
On the institutional determinants of economic development. Lessons from a stochastic neoclassical growth model
Erschienen in: Review of Economics / Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Rainer Klump
Long Memory in Inflation Rates: International Evidence
Erschienen in: Journal of Business and Economic Statistics
Uwe Hassler, Jürgen Wolters
Why do so Few Hold Stocks?
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Michael Haliassos, Carol C. Bertaut
Immobilien-Rendite-Benchmark für deutsche Fonds
Erschienen in: Die Bank
Raimond Maurer, Thomas Stephan
On durable good monopolies - An experimental study of intrapersonal price competition and Price differentation over time
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Peter Ockenfels, Werner Güth, Klaus Ritzberger
Scoring Verfahren: Häufige Anwendungsfehler und ihre Vermeidung [Pitfalls in applying the scoring method]
Erschienen in: Der Betrieb
Jan Krahnen, Martin Weber, Adelheid Weber
Rendite-Risiko-Profile von rollierenden Wertsicherungsstrategien beim Einsatz von Short-Calls
Erschienen in: Die Bank
Raimond Maurer, Thomas Stephan
Ertrag und Risiko rollierender Wertsicherungsstrategien mit Optionen
Erschienen in: Die Bank
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer, Thomas Stephan
Value and Price in a Historical Context
Erschienen in: Hanshin Journal of Economics
Bertram Schefold
„Lange Wellen“ der Unternehmenskonjunktur Eine Untersuchung langfristiger Umsatz- und Innovationszyklen der Druckmaschinenfabrik Koenig & Bauer in Würzburg (1817 – 1992)
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte
Rainer Klump, Beate Männel
Produktivitätslücken, Konvergenzprozesse und die Rolle der Wirtschaftsordnung: Anmerkungen zur “Catching up”-Hypothese
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik
Rainer Klump
The periodogram regression:correction and comments
Erschienen in: Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods
Uwe Hassler
COSTA: Ein Entscheidungs-Unterstützungs-System zur deckungsbeitragsmaximalen Einteilung von Verkaufsgebieten
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Bernd Skiera, Sönke Albers
Freistellungsverfahren und Nachholeffekt: Eine Studie zum Siemens-Effekt
Erschienen in: FinanzArchiv
Alfons Weichenrieder
The sample autocorrelation function of I(1) processes
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler
Institutionelle Unsicherheit und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung / Institutional Uncertainty and Economic Development
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Rainer Klump, Richard Reichel
On Perfect Foresight Models of a Stochastic World
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Michael Haliassos
On the power of unit root tests against fractional alternatives
Erschienen in: Applied Economics Letters
Uwe Hassler, Jürgen Wolters
IV-Unterstützung in der Finanzierungsberatung - Integration von Methoden und Paradigmen
Erschienen in: Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peter Gomber, Christof Weinhardt, Ulrike Detloff, Ralph Krause, Jochen Schneider
The Revival of Economic Thought in Germany: The Dogmenhistorischer Ausschuss
Erschienen in: History of Political Economy
Bertram Schefold
(Mis)Specification Of Long Memory In Seasonal Time Series
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler
Équilibre intertemporel et longue période
Erschienen in: Cahiers d'Economie Politique
Bertram Schefold, Christian Bidard
Cooperation in prisoners´ dilemma, -An evolutionary approach-
Erschienen in: European Journal of Political Economy
Peter Ockenfels
Kondratieff-Zyklen, Gibson-Paradoxon und Klassischer Goldstandard
Erschienen in: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- Und Wirtschaftsgeschichte
Rainer Klump
Unit root tests: the autoregressive approach in comparison with the periodogram regression
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Uwe Hassler
Regression Of Spectral Estimators With Fractionally Integrated Time Series
Erschienen in: Journal of Time Series Analysis
Uwe Hassler
Finanzwirtschaftslehre zwischen Markt und Institution: Ein Essay
Erschienen in: Die Betriebswirtschaft
Jan Krahnen
Efficientcy by trust in fairness? - Multiperiod ultimatum bargaining experiments with an incresing cake
Erschienen in: International Journal of Game Theory
Peter Ockenfels, Werner Güth, Markus Wendel
Réponse (à C. Bidard et B. Masson)
Erschienen in: Cahiers d'Economie Politique
Bertram Schefold
John Locke: Ein ökonomisch engagierter Philosoph
Erschienen in: Zentrum zur Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit
Bertram Schefold
Banken und Wirtschaftskreislauf/Banks and Economic Activity
Erschienen in: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik/Journal of Economics and Statistics
Rainer Klump
Portfolio Insurance Strategien zur Wertsicherung von Aktien-Portefeuilles
Erschienen in: Blätter der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik
Peter Albrecht, Raimond Maurer
Normative Integration der Einzeldisziplinen in gesellschaftstheoretischer Fragestellung
Erschienen in: ProtoSociology
Bertram Schefold
Wirtschaftssysteme im historischen Vergleich: ein Projekt
Erschienen in: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook
Bertram Schefold, Helge Peukert
Comment on Eichhorn: Uneasy Polygons; Environment and Security within the System of Aims of an Economy
Erschienen in: Metroeconomica
Bertram Schefold
Nationalökonomie als Geisteswissenschaft - Edgar Salins Konzept einer Anschaulichen Theorie
Erschienen in: List Forum für Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik
Bertram Schefold
Game theoretic analysis of bargaining models
Erschienen in: Control and Cybernatics
Peter Ockenfels, Werner Güth
Return variances of selected German stocks
Erschienen in: Statistical Papers
Christian Schlag
Sustainability of Macroeconomic Policies, Inflation Targeting, and Crowding out
Erschienen in: Southern Economic Journal
Michael Haliassos
Lohn, Pension und Besteuerung: Ein Entscheidungsmodell zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung [Wages and taxation in a model of corporate pension policy]
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Jan Krahnen, Georg Meran
Forward rates and spot rates in the European monetary system — Forward market efficiency
Erschienen in: Review of World Economics
Alexander Jung, Volker Wieland
Prisoners´ Dilemma as a Game with incomplete Information
Erschienen in: Journal of Economic Psychology
Peter Ockenfels, Friedel Bolle
Über den Wert impliziter Treueprämien: Betriebliche Altersversorgung aus finanzierungstheoretischer Sicht [Corporate pension as an implicit loyalty premium]
Erschienen in: ZfbF Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung
Jan Krahnen
Objektfinanzierung und Vertragsgestaltung: Eine theoretische Erklärung der Struktur langfristiger Leasingverträge [Project financing and the design of contracts: A theoretical explanation of the structure of long-term leasing contracts]
Erschienen in: Journal of Business Economics
Jan Krahnen
Der Dollar als internationale Schlüsselwährung: Ursachen und Perspektiven
Erschienen in: Kredit und Kapital
Rainer Klump
Toward a New Economic Style in Our Society?
Erschienen in: Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal
Bertram Schefold
Sraffas Theorie der Kuppelproduktion: Ein Überblick
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Bertram Schefold
Von Neumann and Sraffa: Mathematical Equivalence and Conceptual Difference
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Bertram Schefold
The General Theory for a totalitarian state? a note on Keynes's preface to the German edition of 1936
Erschienen in: Cambridge Journal of Economics
Bertram Schefold
Kapitaltheorie: Vom Transformationsproblem und der Kritik an der Neoklassik zur Rekonstruktion der Politischen Ökonomie
Erschienen in: Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft
Bertram Schefold
Multiple product techniques with properties of single product systems
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
Bertram Schefold
Energy and Economic Theory
Erschienen in: Schmollers Jahrbuch: Journal Of Contextual Economics
Bertram Schefold
Different Forms of Technical Progress
Erschienen in: The Economic Journal
Bertram Schefold
Eine Anwendung der Jordanschen Normalform
Erschienen in: Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
Bertram Schefold
Relative prices as a function of the rate of profit: A mathematical note
Erschienen in: Journal of Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
Bertram Schefold
Accumulation, prix et formes du progrès technique
Erschienen in: Cahiers d'Economie Politique
Bertram Schefold, Marianne de Brunhoff, Suzanne de Brunhoff
Wert und Preis in der marxistischen und neokeynesianischen Akkumulationstheorie
Erschienen in: Mehrwert, Beiträge zur Kritik der politischen Ökonomie
Bertram Schefold